Why banning anyway?

Discussion in 'SF Open Government' started by MetaKron, Oct 16, 2008.

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  1. Killjoy Propelling The Farce!! Valued Senior Member

    I would tell you, but I've just realized the apparatchiks have somehow prevented the very mention of it - no doubt because it strikes such dread into their miserable little souls...

    You could PM me, I guess - though I should mention I might get poop thrown at me for telling you about it.

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  3. one_raven God is a Chinese Whisper Valued Senior Member

    The Monkey House.
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  5. Killjoy Propelling The Farce!! Valued Senior Member

    Amen, brutha...

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  7. Bells Staff Member

    Good grief! Do you really think you are that important? You don't think we have better things to do?

    And pray tell, what makes you assume you are an "independent thinker"?
  8. CheskiChips Banned Banned

    I'm not trying to make it sound like some kind of big thing. I just think the moderators are tired of some posters.
  9. Kadark Banned Banned



    The fact that y'all want to ban me.

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  10. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    You are antisemitic. Deal with it.
  11. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Why don't you fucking deal with it? You fascist arsehole...
    Everyone has to love jews because you do? Do we all have to wear full grey body suits as well, you deranged lunatic?

    He's an independent thinker, he's told he's not supposed to dislike jews, but then he thinks about it, and decides for himself that he does in fact dislike them.
    Oh no, we can't have that can we?
    This conflicts with the views of the grand council of sciforums, therefore citizen #00435789 must be "reeducated" with threats and temp bans, if this doesn't achieve the desired result he must be destroyed.
    What a barrel of cock. Get over yourselves, people are allowed to think different things.
  12. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    Know what the fuck your talking about before you rant. First i do not like the nation of Israel. No one is saying he cannot dislike the jews.
  13. James R Just this guy, you know? Staff Member

    Accusations without evidence are worthless.

    You hardly need me to do that. Your current avatar speaks volumes. And a brief search of your recent posts will show up clearly what you are.

    As Bells says, you greatly overestimate your own importance. You're hardly a "free thinker". You've swallowed whole swaths of anti-semitic propaganda, which you parrot off to anybody who'll listen.

    Not at all. All that is required of you is that you maintain a level of civility and mutual respect if you wish to continue posting on sciforums. That means, if you hate, keep your hate to yourself. If you're a bigot, preach your bigotry somewhere else.

    And if you're such a bigot that you just can't help yourself, then find another forum which will tolerate you. You're not alone in a world of bigots. They are a dime a dozen.
  14. CheskiChips Banned Banned

    For fairness Kadark and Dr. Lou, James R. reamed me over anti-Muslim speech.
  15. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    A note for Kadark

    I think the striking thing about your "memories of Baron Max and the conspiracy to ban his ass" is that you're chewing on a lie. Bells attempted a couple of times to explain that point—

    —but it seems some people find the point of little consequence.

    Consider her response to Avatar's pretense of delivering some sacred, hidden truth to the membership:

    Two points I would ask you to consider, Kadark:

    • Moderators frequently discuss the behavior of specific members.
    • Moderators frequently advise their fellows (and the administration) of their actions and intentions, for reasons including accountability, consistency, and information availability at least.​

    In that light, a simple question: Would you prefer that we acted independently of one another?

    People complain that we are inconsistent as it is, and it is no great secret that each of us interprets the site rules according to our own perception and judgment. However, our private deliberations do act to a certain degree as a check on precipitous action. The nonexistent "conspiracy" to which you refer is a lie, a false representation of specific aspects of one of those discussions. And, frankly, you fell for it.

    You've been used. And you're performing splendidly as a tool for a dishonest machination.

    You're still here, Kadark. If we wanted to ban you permanently, and if we were as sinister in our ways as you presume, you wouldn't be.
  16. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    So how do they explain baiting people or allowing other users to bait people?
  17. Bells Staff Member

    To your mummy and daddy, maybe. But we are not your parents. Soo..


    There there Kadark.. You really don't factor much into anything really.

    So how and why are you still here?
  18. Gustav Banned Banned

    instances please

    sci is new and improved
    much better than before
    there remains a couple of old skool trigger happy mods
    asguard and skin, i think
    send em into the gulag and dose em with chill pills
    either that or a close scrutiny

    as for the rest of you fucks........


    the avatar incident.... good move
    took you tards forever to realize he lacked skills

    welcome to the community, avatar
    post well and learn

  19. Gustav Banned Banned

    and......on behalf of the community, i'd like to commend bells, tiassa and james for a really decent job of.... of... of... keeping the dream alive?


    thanks a million
  20. phlogistician Banned Banned

    I think that's why we have a problem with Avatar's demotion James. If you can't be open, you're possibly not being honest. Moderator decisions should be open and honest, and I applaud Avatar for his actions. It showed some ethics, and he got demoted for that, which implies the site is not run on an open or ethical basis.
  21. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    The problem with the question

    Better examples than the ones we have so far would help toward a specific response.

    To the other, a general consideration would suggest that diverse definitions of baiting present specific challenges to addressing the issue. For instance, some members post according to what appears to be a general principle of antagonism; they aim to be as offensive as possible, and then complain when people respond—to various degrees—accordingly. Of late, I've been keeping my eye on a discussion in EM&J in which a particular member repeatedly posts denigrating fallacies and which he apparently refuses to support. Faced with the criticism that he was a bigot, the member made an abstract appeal to the rules and people calling each other names. The problem there is that a negative characterization is fair game when it's true.

    The moderators are, quite frankly, accustomed to this kind of split-tongued bullshit.

    And then, among the respondents to that bigotry, some do cross the line. And here is a point our moderation process begins. Every once in a while, a respectable member violates a boundary. Rather than keelhauling that member, it is generally sufficient to make a couple of edits and then post a general note in the topic about proper conduct. The question then becomes one of who backs off and who presses forward. We notice when members properly back off. We also notice when members blindly or recklessly press forward.

    The fact that people are entitled to their occasional outbursts without heavy-handed sanctioning from above does not mean that those who thrive on antagonism and bullshit get free rein to pinch a loaf on the carpet or spray logical diarrhea on the walls. This point is not lost on moderators when complaint topics such as this one arise. We try to account for credibility in much the same way as anyone might view conflicting stories in a domestic violence dispute. If, on the one hand, we have an unscathed party with a history of violence and deception, and, to the other, a bruised party with no record of crossing the law, who gets the weight of credibility? If you're the responding officer, and the violent liar is telling you a story that presents his or her role as a magnanimous victim, free of sin, and the other tells a reasonable story of how a disagreement over a credit card bill escalated to violence, who are you going to believe?

    We have plenty of members around here who are consistent antagonists, and their complaints, when we can manage to get something resembling specific details out of them, don't match the record insofar as the posts in question don't support their tales of woe. What are we supposed to do? If we try to address the situation reasonably, we are often told to fuck off and stop playing favorites. Life goes on.

    In this light, the question of what constitutes baiting becomes even more of a mess. In EM&J earlier this year, we had an episode involving misogyny that you, MetaKron, might remember. Would you assert that a member with a poor posting history that includes misrepresentation and melodramatic hyperbole should be viewed as a tabula rasa every time he or she complains? Would you say that a demand that a distorted argument be supported in a way that doesn't rely on what a disreputable member calls "common fucking knowledge" is a form of baiting? Does the principle of evidence to support contentious and extraordinary claims amount to baiting?

    This sort of general consideration can go on and on.

    Thus, turning back to the examples we have at hand:

    Pronatalist — I generally don't follow this member's exploits, but I confess it is hard to be sympathetic to the injection of religious balbutive into a discussion in Science & Society. At present, the only question I can think of regarding the situation is relatively minor, and has nothing to do with the complaint of provocation.

    Shorty 37 — I cannot tell, by the topic post of the thread she refers to, what the hell she's talking about. There are 383 posts in the topic she presents. Before I can understand what she's complaining about in this discussion, I need something more specific. I did, however, search for the word "trick" and came up with a few posts to go by. Indeed, Shorty herself introduced the word "trick". And she tried to put that word into another person's mouth. Unfortunately, my experience with Shorty includes both her histrionics and frequent misrepresentation of facts on record. The proposition that deductive reasoning is some kind of "trick" is rather silly. But eventually the "trick" was acknowledged and, as the point goes, "So what?" It doesn't seem much of a stretch. In truth, Shorty lacks certain credibility because this sort of hyperactive tantrum is part of her history. So is her failure to give us anything to work with; the topic post of the thread she linked to doesn't tell us anything about where she got the quotes she's using, so I can't dig back and figure out, from the context of the "original" (as such) dispute what she's on about. At least, for the present thread, she bothered to give us a link. But, as she also has a history of misrepresenting facts—so that when we finally track down the source material she refers to, the situation reads considerably differently than her angry descriptions—it is a hard, even counterintuitive, proposition to give her complaints any presupposition of merit. In the case of the now-Cesspooled thread she refers us to, the most I can say about it is that it is not what I would call a particularly dignified episode; then again, I've been through a few undignified episodes myself. With no specific history of events to examine, there's not much more that can be said.​

    Neither of those complaints are particularly impressive. From them I've managed to draw one minor and irrelevant administrative question that has more to do with my curiosity than anything else, and a yet another occasion to dwell on the question of "Why?" And, hell, as to that latter, there are far more important contexts for the question.

    To the other, getting back to your question noted at the outset, aren't you glad you asked? I don't have much hope the response will satisfy you, but maybe it will. Either way, though, please remember that these appeals are not simply ignored.
  22. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Exactly phlog, nail on the head.

    Evidence James? How about the fact nearly every thread in open government is locked? Isn't that well and truely enough by itself?
    How about the goings on in the baron max thread followed by those two threads I made? There's nothing ambiguous about that sequence of events.
    Any dissent is silenced, if not punished outright. How you can even deny it is just mind blowing, I'd shut the fuck up and fall into line if you'd just embrace it and become pro-fascism in your general every day political views.
    It's true, this is a privately owned forum and it can be run however you and plazma and co choose.
    I just feel you could, on the grounds of common decency, acknowledge that the choice made was to flagrantly run it as a fascist state, and an extremely hardcore fascist state at that. It's not even a matter of opinion at this stage, it's rampantly out of control.
  23. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    You said it yourself james- "the existence of this thread belies your claims", and then, within 2 minutes, it was closed, therefore, the closure of that thread confirmed my claims.
    As stipulated by you.

    I'm confident enough to say this thread will be closed, and EVEN though I say it, I guarantee it will STILL shamelessly be closed. Discussions of this nature are not allowed under this regime. Why? You can't even play the offensive hate mongering card, it's purely a discussion on how the board is run, but it's inexplicably forbidden. In case you genuinely didn't know, that is fascism by definition. Fact.
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