Why 432 in Ancient World?

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by IceAgeCivilizations, Dec 8, 2006.

  1. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    You are still not answering the basic question: What is the mathematical relationship between the rate of precession, and the Earths dimensions?

    How does this "Celtic Cross" relate the two?
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  3. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

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  5. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    You did no such thing. How does the Celtic Cross relate the two?
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  7. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    It's just simple arithmetic, astronomy, and geometry, obviously.
  8. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    Pi is yet another relationship! You need to know at least 1 dimension!
  9. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    I agree, IAC is suggesting there is a relationship between the "precessional" number of 432 and the size of the Earth, yet has not explained how this is so in a single post.
  10. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

  11. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    And so Nickelodeon thinks that the length of the royal cubit, 4 x 440 of them (GP base perimeter length) which just happen to equal half a nautical mile (1/7,200th of the radius of the Earth), was determined by the length from some pharoah's elbow to his fingertip, so the term geometry (earth measure) should be forearmetry, according to the Nickster.
  12. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    Where did I state anything to do with elbows??

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    I think you confused me with another poster in this thread. I asked a simple question regarding the relationship between the rate of Earths precession and the radius of the Earth, and you sidestep the argument completely?
  13. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    So how do you think the length of the Egyptian royal cubit was determined?
  14. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    Whats that got to do with precession?
  15. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    I have demonstrated how it was arrived at, and you say it's wrong, so what's your reasoning for how it was arrived at?
  16. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    Er...no you havent. And I havent said anything was wrong, because you have shown how it was done, just that it was done. Show me how it was done, then I'll make up my mind on whether its wrong.
  17. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    It's simple geometry, astronomy, and arithmetic, the 72 years per degree is a rate, time over distance, 4,320 years to go a sixth of the way around the Earth, measure they stars now, and where they will appear that far in the future, go to the site where the stars appear the same as the initial point, that' a sixth of the Earth's circumference away from the initial point, subdivide that distance by 7,200 to get the base perimeter length for the Great Pyramid, subdivide that by 440 x 4, and you get the length for the royal cubit, get it?
  18. Nickelodeon Banned Banned

    I don't know what IAC is trying to pull, but the constant evasion of questions (well actually 1 question I asked repeatedly with no response) is just going around in circles.

    Signing off for a week, and happy Xmas,
  19. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    See post #74, and stay clear of the egg nog.
  20. kairologic Registered Member

    The Truth

    Know all that is 25920. All that is 72. All that is our breath, as well as the fractal specimen that is what we call "cosmos" or "universe." Go here to fuel your FIRE:

    www dot kairologic dot com

    "may the rose bloom on the cross"
    Lux Et Veritas,
    Brendan Bombaci
  21. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    "Fractal specimen that is what we call cosmos or universe?" So what's beyond the cosmos?
  22. kairologic Registered Member

    fractal specimen

    Well... that really is the question, now isn't it?

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    What do you suppose is beyond the cosmos?
    I've always wondered that quite deeply myself... I know some ponder and then stop because they feel that it is a moot point, or rather that it is impossible to know, but I think perhaps that with transcendental consciousness there is some unveiling. The more we've become aware of our own bodies, the more we've become aware of the rest of "reality." Same goes, I feel, for how we can choose to merge with the greater Akashic awareness and get a glimpse, if not only for one rocket-launched balls-in-stomach psychedelic ride of a smiling moment... of what the cosmos is growing into, or a glimmer of what might be outside of it's fractal containment field (given the alternative ideal that the universe is a solid state energy form of simply constant change and does not actually expand - perhaps a tube torus or such). There's always this answer: The Void. The womb ("Prakrti" to the Vedic Seer), in which all polar interactions can occur to turn that infinite consciousness of God (pure, neutral - 0 wavelength or zero-point - energy) into the multitudes of wavelengths that give birth to the lattice points upon which any concentrations or ripple-intersections of energy will manifest what we might call "matter." Which is really energy, after all.

    So what's beyond the universe? Let me speak with Maria Pastora once more... she imparts quite a fascinating wealth of magnificent vision and understanding into my soul. I was promised, even, another "lesson" upon my next return to that astral plane I can navigate so wantingly. This one will be in telepathy and telekinesis, I am told. We'll have to see how well I can integrate said enhancements.

    Chiros, not chronos, is the truth to spacetime. In the state of chiros, however, one will not lust or retain or intend... so the answers will be actualized but STILL not understood. It takes a return from said 'afterlife' into one's intentional body, to maintain any interpretation of what had been experienced - into the neural matrix, that is. Our brains are like crystals.

    Can you believe in "nothing?" I sometimes find it hard to believe in ANYTHING! I mean: how strange is it to imagine all of life, the universe, and everything... coming from any single point?? Isn't it just human to narrow everything down to one? We are taught this through numbers and through genetics and through evolutionary sciences... but this is a might different, perhaps. Especially considering how it takes "two" to create polarity, or waves if you will. What about that "nothing" idea, anyhow: is it possible that there was ever "nothing"? From nothing, as we know, can come nothing. Are we then nothing? I doubt it. But if there was no clean palette to begin with, then there is always a one-higher domain or creator or set of rules!! HOW BOGGLING. ACK.

    May you be well over the apex of solstice, and the trials of holidays.

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    once again! that number is www dot kairologic dot com... please visit!
  23. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    You say "Chiros, not Chronos, is the truth to spacetime," well, Chronos (Chronus, which means against Noah), the "Time Man," was Ham, also known as Cham, Khem, and Chem, he had the methodology to survey the Great Pyramid, the method to achieve such which I've described, from which was derived the length for the Egyptian royal cubit.

    So Chronos measured time/distance, the rate of precession, and so was able to master, so to speak, the Earth, and Atlas, his great grandson, made the methodology famous, as he oversaw the growth of Atlantis in the Gibraltar region, during the Ice Age.

    Those ancients could measure the Earth with this simple astronomy, geometry, and arithmetic, with a simple mechanical device, learned from before the Deluge, and passed through Noah and his children for the measuring and mapping of the Earth after the Deluge, after Pangea had broken up into the continents which we see today.

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