Who is the most mediocre member?

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Basically you are saying a redneck is a southern hick? are you familiar with that word SAM? (i want to see how adept you are at American slang)
Basically you are saying a redneck is a southern hick? are you familiar with that word SAM?

I think hicks are more traditional and/or religious, although they may be as socially conservative.

According to a popular etymology derives from the nickname "Old Hickory" for Andrew Jackson, one of the first Presidents of the United States to come from rural hard-scrabble roots. This nickname suggested that Jackson was tough and enduring like an old Hickory tree. Jackson was particularly admired by the residents of remote and mountainous areas of the United States, people who would come to be known as "hicks."
So you have heard the term before?

Neither redneck or hick has anything to do with religion though. I think redneck is reserved for southern U.S and hicks can be from any small town.
Mediocre people, not who's a hick or a redneck.
I think that would be a good thread for linguistics.
So you have heard the term before?

Neither redneck or hick has anything to do with religion though. I think redneck is reserved for southern U.S and hicks can be from any small town.

There are many equivalent terms for both rednecks and hicks; IMO, hicks refers to simple but direct rural folk, while redneck refers to unsophisticated populists. Rednecks need not be from the south or from a rural area; they are just impervious to liberalisation of education and modernisation
Orleander is one of the most intelligent and liberal women on this forum.


Non-churchgoing unsophisticated populists with closeminded rural values.
yeah, I'm not a true redneck, but I'm probably closer to it than shorty. I've been hunting
But I definitely know I'm NOT mediocre.
Redneck does not mean stupid at all. I kind of admire rednecks but they dont, by nature care much for me. It is like, as an example, if S.A.M were to venture away from her home in India and suddenly walk up to another tribe\sect. Well actually being a woman she would have better luck, same for rednecks.
Redneck does not mean stupid at all. I kind of admire rednecks but they dont, by nature care much for me. It is like, as an example, if S.A.M were to venture away from her home in India and suddenly walk up to another tribe. Well actually being a woman she would have better luck, same for rednecks.

You have no idea what we are saying do you?:shrug:

Just for clarification; I did not say rednecks are stupid.

Apparently there are Canadian rednecks too

In Canada, "redneck" is used in much the same way as it is in the United States. It is mostly used for people from the Prairie provinces and rural areas in British Columbia and Ontario.
You have no idea what we are saying do you?:shrug:

Just for clarification; I did not say rednecks are stupid.

Actually you don't SAM.....If told anybody that I was called a redneck they would :roflmao:

I don't think you have any idea what a redneck is.

Redneck, in modern usage, predominantly refers to a particular stereotype of white people who may be found in many regions of the United States. Originally limited to the Appalachians, and later the Ozarks and Rocky Mountains, this stereotype is now widespread in northern states. The word can be used either as a pejorative or as a matter of pride. The blunt definition of the stereotype describes one who lives in a rural American area, is poor, and sometimes would own a pickup truck and would have an apparel of a cowboy and a southern accent.

Oh yeah thats me alright :rolleyes:
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