Where are the birth certificates?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by joepistole, Oct 24, 2011.

  1. desi Valued Senior Member

    The public wants to see the birth certificate. What was shown was a fabrication. It wasn't the document that people know as a birth certificate that is filled out by a doctor when someone is born. Then Obama presented the other birth certificate and the scientists recognized it as a fake almost immediately.

    But Snopes... you say. Snopes is owned by George Soros who got Obama elected. Snopes is like Wiki. It tells us what people, its owners, want us to think we know.
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  3. Repo Man Valued Senior Member


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  5. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Unfortunately, desi is serious.
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  7. desi Valued Senior Member

    What I posted can be fact checked.
  8. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

  9. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Oh, please do fact check it.

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  10. desi Valued Senior Member

    If you find something untrue then bring it up and I will check it out. :spank:
  11. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    That is easy, it is all false. So please do your fact checking.
  12. Aqueous Id flat Earth skeptic Valued Senior Member

    Oh wow a birther. What a freaking surprise. You guys are so awesome. You're like that commercial with the egg This is your brain and then scrambling them in a skillet and this is your brain on birther control pills . . . something like that . . .

    Hey get this. George Soros personally bought up all the microfilm and microfiche from all the places in the world that ever subscribed to the Honolulu newspapers. (Non birthers will recall that there were alleged birth announcements. Gawd. Who would fall for that? )

    Gawd. Where's Rupert Murdoch when you need him. See Rupe (we call 'im that to show how down with the grassroots he is) . . . Rupe sez he was about to meet with a seller who had an original, authenticated microfilm that would show the papers had no such ad and that's when Soros' people got in front of Murdoch's people and fouled the whole thing up.

    This is bigger than you or me people. Truthfully this is bigger than the White House. I mean this is bigger than birth itself.

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  13. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Snopes.com is owned by David Mikkelson, who was formerly a registered Republican and now an independent, and Barbara Mikkelson, who is a Canadian citizen and cannot vote in U.S. elections. It is funded entirely by advertising. George Soros has nothing to do with the site's administration or policies. Soros may espouse liberal causes (notably in Hungary, his native land, where he was taught Esperanto from birth), but with a net worth of $20B he is one of the 25 wealthiest men in the world. This makes him the quintessential limousine liberal, like the Kennedys, who will never upset the existing order to the point that fortunes shift.

    Snopes's articles have been peer-reviewed regularly by a wide variety of individuals and organizations from all over the political spectrum. They are meticulously footnoted and no one has ever found a hint of bias. Snopes is in fact now acknowledged as America's journal of record when it comes to fact-checking.

    They have been accused more often of liberal bias than conservative bias, but that is because over the past two decades the conservative bloc has been on the ropes and has had more reason to fight. If we see the country turn to the right in the next election, we'll start to see more frantic pseudo-debunking by the liberals, as the right begins to feel secure and comfortable.
  14. billvon Valued Senior Member

    Hmm! When my son was born a doctor didn't fill out a birth certificate. We got an electronic copy from the hospital about a week later. I guess he doesn't exist!
  15. quadraphonics Bloodthirsty Barbarian Valued Senior Member

    I kind of doubt that the dude is genuinely a birther. Seems more like just a straight-up troll who will embrace whatever belief and statements are going to kick up the most dust. I recommend refraining from feeding it.
  16. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    in other words fuck the facts I need to believe a lie so I can deal with a reality I can not accept.

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