What is your weakness?

Discussion in 'Human Science' started by AmishRakeFight, Jan 30, 2006.

  1. Lil Light Foot Just a fuzzy lil Fyre ball. Registered Senior Member

    Where did I say I was attacking you? If it has come across as though I am attacking you then that is just a mistake within my chosen wording. I'm just trying to say that I don't intend in wiping out males, I just find that I have difficulty in allowing them to get near me, whether it be emotionally or physically. That doesn't however stop me from carrying out my day to day tasks, or going out enjoying my hobbies etc.
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  3. draqon Banned Banned

    racism...sexism...semitism...communism... guys/girls your pride towards your sexualities are all purposeless...in the end all that remains of your body is nothing...it all dissociates into nothingness. There are more important things in life then focusing the time you have in this world on mockery and discomtempt.
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  5. Anomalous Banned Banned

    I am done with U.
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  7. draqon Banned Banned

    discomptempt. is that what we all want from this life?
  8. Satyr Banned Banned

    My greatest weakness is that I am so close to perfection that there is little room for improvement.
  9. Lil Light Foot Just a fuzzy lil Fyre ball. Registered Senior Member

    My greatest weakness I think, is the fact that I actually care.
  10. Anomalous Banned Banned

    Ya, Yeah, we can see that from the choice of your Avatar.

    I could use the word Precise based on my Avatar but that will stop my progress.

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