What Do People Know About What They Pretend to Discuss?

What is it that makes me look false?

Your evangelism.

And, sure, I just did that cartoon thing, essentially pointing to all of you, but these seventeen-plus years later, do you know why, compared to rational discourse, these people keep you around? Don't get me wrong: You're generally beyond communication, Jan. The most accessible description of the problem would probably be that you seem more interested in the feeling of being some kind of evangelist trying to tell people what is what than actually saying anything useful.

To the other, though, I will acknowledge that one of my criticisms does end up with a peculiar implication: I'd have to look up precisely what it was, but there was an occasion around the time this thread opened that some particular idea was on the table and seemed to evade your grasp, but it turned up some time later in your argument about another discussion, and while I can't substantially connect the two occasions, any connection would likely suggest you went and looked up a word and then, knowing the basic definition, screwed up how it's used, what would stand out by any connection is the idea that you have a pulse insofar as somewhere in there you would have gone and looked something up. Compared to the flatliners, sure, that would be, well, something.

Another way of looking at it is to consider that someone might think they're smarter and better than you, but there comes a point at which we might wonder, to borrow a line, is our children leraning; and if that person is acquiring any useful knowledge along the way, then why not show it? The answer resolves as a matter of priorities: Sometimes it comes down to one being, quite simply, either unable or unwilling to do something. As a matter of priorities, if one has been learning necessary components along the way, but never put them toward actually resolving a question or issue, such that years later the discourse is essentially a simplification—i.e., labor reduction—of prior iterations of what reeks of liturgical ritual, the e'er decreasing pathways to resolution comparatively augment the potential that resolution of a question or issue is not the purpose of argument or argumentative behavior.

Essentially, what it comes down to is that some people appear to panic about your posts because that is their priority; they aren't here for any sort of genuine rational discourse, but just to fight, and, quite clearly, they focus on you as they do because they prefer to throw down with people they think they can take in a fight.

Such as I reminded above, we know about the religious on these counts; it doesn't excuse atheists from having a clue or even basic pretense of relationship with informational reliability (#162↑). Or, reiterated, I get that religious whatnots exist: morons, zealots, bigots. We know about the religious people. What is anybody else's excuse? (#163↑)

Consider the part from our neighbor (#156↑) about, "the matter of honesty, which the overt theists here - those who present themselves as theistically motivated and based, self-identified - lack". Okay, sure. In fact, he and I could have our own fascinating side discussion about why people within that framework would appeal not to honest beliefs, but, rather, sincerely held beliefs, though it gets complicated, quickly, because there are diverse applications of caveat emptor afoot, and again, the overlap would apply to our society's bloc that behaves like the people he describes, which in turn is not insignificant, as another reminded (#167↑) in justifying his own behavior. Nonetheless, the question of the matter of honesty reeks of poor justification inasmuch as the only differences it makes to me whether the problem is dishonesty, to the one, or delusion or other dysfunction or disability, to the other, have to do with response vectors, and assessing culpability; if "they are liars to their core", then the question of culpability is settled for the assessor. We might consider in that framework that, sure, we know about those, but what is anyone else's excuse? To some degree, the excuse is, because theists.

And they need you to be more dangerous than you really are. If I say, mostly harmless, and, don't panic, there are at least a couple of people here who ought to know what that means. But they need you to be more akin to the Devil itself, and so you are just that much more important to them. Which is its own two-word joke, but, y'know, whatever.

Meanwhile, it's worth noting some irony:

My point? One is either theist, or atheist. That is the fundamental position.

A very similar discussion is part of what led up to this thread originally. Your version is weirdly self-defeating, too. Previously, the question was approximately what one believed in or not. Presently, as you have it, sure, whatever ... and?

As to the point in trying to convince people, your evangelism really does seem more about self-gratification than anything else. More directly, you have a point insofar as your particular methods are concerned. Beyond that, remember, this is Sciforums. "The word 'God'" is not "simply just a word" to these atheists; it is an idol, and for whatever reason they cannot stop, well, in their own way, venerating it.

You, like they, are participating in a strange game in which convincing anyone of anything seems more a violation of custom than anything else.
Your evangelism.

And, sure, I just did that cartoon thing, essentially pointing to all of you, but these seventeen-plus years later, do you know why, compared to rational discourse, these people keep you around? Don't get me wrong: You're generally beyond communication, Jan. The most accessible description of the problem would probably be that you seem more interested in the feeling of being some kind of evangelist trying to tell people what is what than actually saying anything useful.

I get your gist.

I note in passing that, as usual, Jan Ardena has skipped over large parts of what I wrote to him, ignoring inconvenient questions.

Moving on...


Let’s bare in mind what all this is in response to. I basically told him he needs to be in control.
You told me that my "problem" is that I "can't let go". That is, the whole theism thing would go much more smoothly for me if I just gave in an started believing in God, like you did. All this mucking around with the need to justify a belief just gets in the way, in your expert opinion.

1 Either he thinks the idea of having to be in control, is a solution, or method, to accepting things as they are, over the comforting idea of remaining in comfort in spite of what is real.
Or there is more to what he is saying.

What more could he be saying, if that is the case?

He could be implying that I, due to my theism, choose “comfort” over “realism”. This means I’m not prepared to accept a situation (whatever that is) as it is. I am always looking for the comfortable easy way out.
I can't speak to what you "always" do. I am certainly implying that you choose not to look at the basis of your God belief too closely because it makes you uncomfortable. So you rationalise. It becomes okay to believe just because you want to.

He doesn’t do that, he always chooses “realism”. Ooh!
I doubt I always choose realism. Like I said, it's something I aim for, rather than a mark I always hit.

So ask yourself. How is this response related to the point it responded to.
It doesn’t .

This is an irrational, angry response, couched in the pretence of reason, and composure.
He wants to believe that me, and other theists, live in la la land. We’re idiots, because we don’t think like him. That we are not situated in his reality, which he terms “reality”.
One doesn't have to be an idiot to be wrong.
I can't comment on all theists. I restrict myself here to commenting on your theism.
You say you "just know" stuff about God, like that God exists for sure. You call this "natural" knowledge or "innate" knowledge. Philosophers would call it a priori knowledge. To claim that you have this kind of knowledge about God is living in la la land, regardless of whether God turns out to exist or not. The reality that you refuse to embrace is the one that says your beliefs - and mine - don't determine reality.

This is my reality, and you are certainly not situated in it.

3, 4..

Keep in mind what he is responding to. He has been told that he needs to be in control. That’s all.
That's a lie. See above.

He would choose “reality” over being “comfortably deluded”. Notice the evolution of his idea. It’s not just about “comfort”, or “realism”. It is now “comfortably deluded”, and “reality”.
The evolution of the idea is clearly set out when you stop snipping the text into tiny fragments and read what you've quoted from my post in context.

He says that he tends to land on the side of choosing what is real over what makes him happy?
Of course, he is implyimg I do the opposite, otherwise why bring it in to the conversation?
Classic below the radar ad hominem.
I assumed you would take the point without requiring it to be made explicit. But I'm very happy to bring it above the radar: you choose what makes you happy over what is real. There. Feel better now?

Another case of needing to control?
Rather than be naturally happy, create your own template of happiness.
A bit like creating ones own template of God, or theism?
I have no idea what this bit is about.

Atheists like James claims he was a theist at one time, meaning that at one time he believed in God.
Then he says he realised that there was no God, it was delusional, and left (in a nutshell).
Now he claims he is an agnostic atheist, because he doesn’t know if there is a God.
But, he also claims he was a theist, a person who believes in God, but there was no God.
Again with the lies, Jan?

Rub out the two sections that say "there was no God" and it would be a fair enough summary.

Can you spot the nonsense?
No, because there isn't one (apart from the lie you inserted twice for your convenience).

He wants evidence of something he is positive does not exist, yet he claim agnosticism when it suits him.
Only all the stuff about "he is positive does not exist" is a lie you just made up, for your convenience.

Once you remove the lie from the story, there's nothing nonsensical or irrational in there.

Maybe you should stop telling lies, Jan.

The sub- culture atheists are like spoilt children.
At least they learned not to tell lies, unlike some sub-culture theists.

5 This is a classic manoeuvre.

He turns it around as though that is what I meant. I might want to call that needing to be in control.

In his mind, he has killed 2 birds with one stone. He has unleashed an attack on me, and now he has new narratives to bring into any discussion we have, and play it off as something I said. Which will be picked up by all the sub- culture atheists.
Unlike you, when I quote you I quote what you actually wrote. I do not insert lies. Oh, and there's another one from you.

Well done, Jan. You're surpassing yourself in this post. Setting a new standard. Pat yourself on the back. You must be so proud of yourself.
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I note in passing that, as usual, Jan Ardena has skipped over large parts of what I wrote to him, ignoring inconvenient questions.

Your replies are very long James, and unfortunately I generally don't have the time to reply to everyone of your responses. So I have to choose what I reply to. None of your questions are inconvenient by the way.

You told me that my "problem" is that I "can't let go". That is, the whole theism thing would go much more smoothly for me if I just gave in an started believing in God, like you did. All this mucking around with the need to justify a belief just gets in the way, in your expert opinion.

This context is false.
I mean you just can't let go, period. Not that you should believe in God.

I've said on more than one occasion that there is no point in trying to convince someone to believe in God, they can only come to that position for themselves, as belief in general, is something that is included in your life's experience.

Here is another reason why I miss out chunks of your long posts. You misrepresent virtually everything I say.
It becomes tedious, and I lose interest, because it seems to be a tactic, as opposed to an honest mistake.

I am certainly implying that you choose not to look at the basis of your God belief too closely because it makes you uncomfortable.

You don't need me to respond to you, because you create my responses, then act as though they are my responses.
Very tedious.

So you rationalise. It becomes okay to believe just because you want to.

As you are an atheist, I can see how it could come across like that to you.
But as usual, you are wrong.

Like I said, it's something I aim for, rather than a mark I always hit.

There is a difference between aiming for something, and having the tendency to land on that something.
At least try be consistent.

I can't comment on all theists. I restrict myself here to commenting on your theism.

Another nonsense statement. No one possesses theism, unless it's the kind of theism you had. But that's not theism. I've already explained what that is, on numerous occasions.

Again, this is complete nonsense. Either you haven't understood what I wrote, or once again, you use this as a tactic for whatever reason. Do you see why I limit the amount of words in my responses to you?

That's a lie. See above.

Okay, let's take a look...

ME; Why would it worry me that theism is wrong or false. I didn’t manufacture it. Just as I didn’t set out to wiggle my ears.Your problem seems to be, you can’t let go. You have to be in control of everything.

I think it's the old choice between realism and comfort. Given the choice between being comfortably deluded and confronting an often uncomforting reality, I tend to land on the side of choosing what is real over what makes me happy. You might call that needing to be in control. Alternatively, you might say that it's recognising that control is an illusion that can easily turn into a delusion.
You accuse me of lying, and instruct me to see above...

ME; Keep in mind in mind what he is responding to. He has been told that he needs to be in control. That's all.
You told me that my "problem" is that I "can't let go". That is, the whole theism thing would go much more smoothly for me if I just gave in an started believing in God, like you did. All this mucking around with the need to justify a belief just gets in the way, in your expert opinion.
Now please explain how your second response is relevant to my first post?

My first response speaks to your character, not your atheism. We cannot choose what we believe, belief is something that builds over time, and experience. You are mixing acceptance, and belief. They are not the same thing.
So once again, you have completely wasted an opportunity for discussion by trying to score points.

The evolution of the idea is clearly set out when you stop snipping the text into tiny fragments and read what you've quoted from my post in context.

The problem is, unfortunately for you, I have read the text carefully.

But I'm very happy to bring it above the radar: you choose what makes you happy over what is real. There. Feel better now?

Because you know me, and more importantly, you know what is real, and what is to be real for others?
James, all you seem to have is a whole bunch of information, that has nothing to do with reality, as it is lived, experienced, and observed by all living entities. Which you then try and pass off as real knowledge. Pathetic!
Not to mention arrogant.

I have no idea what this bit is about.

It is about you trying to control what makes you happy, and what you believe.

Rub out the two sections that say "there was no God" and it would be a fair enough summary.

My bad. It was off the top of my head.

But surely, if there was a God, you would still be a theist. Right?

No, because there isn't one (apart from the lie you inserted twice for your convenience).

It wasn't a lie, it was a mistake. But it really makes no difference.

You have said, that just like me, you were once a theist.
Meaning, you once believed in God.

Now, you are no longer a theist. Meaning you no longer believe in God.

If you believed in God, at one time, and now you don't believe in God. That could be for one of two reasons.
You don't want to accept God, or, your belief was in vain. Meaning that God either didn't exist, or there was no God for you to believe in.

You have stated that your reason for not believing in God, is due to a lack of evidence for God.

Now if you were a theist at one point, then like you have said in the past, you were just like me, and all theist.
So that means either, all theists, being just like you, still believe in something, that for you there is no evidence of (regarding existence).

You accuse me of being deluded. That is, I prefer ''happiness'' over ''reality''. IOW, I am oblivious to reality, especially when it comes to my (what can only be) false belief.

With all that in mind. You now claim to be asking for evidence of God.
So why ask for evidence, when you were once, like all theists, a theist. A person who believed in God?

Only all the stuff about "he is positive does not exist" is a lie you just made up, for your convenience.

Sorry mate, but you were a theist. Meaning you believed in God. Okay?
Now you are no a theist, as you no longer believe in God.
Is that not a positive move.

Theists always doubts about things to do with God. It doesn't mean they stop believing in God. That's not how it works mate. But if you was a theist, you would know that.

So my questions to you are...

Why did you stop, believing in God?
And why do you question theism, or belief in God?

Unlike you, when I quote you I quote what you actually wrote. I do not insert lies. Oh, and there's another one from you.

Well done, Jan. You're surpassing yourself in this post. Setting a new standard. Pat yourself on the back. You must be so proud of yourself.

That's all you have?


To the other, though, I will acknowledge that one of my criticisms does end up with a peculiar implication: I'd have to look up precisely what it was, but there was an occasion around the time this thread opened that some particular idea was on the table and seemed to evade your grasp, but it turned up some time later in your argument about another discussion, and while I can't substantially connect the two occasions, any connection would likely suggest you went and looked up a word and then, knowing the basic definition, screwed up how it's used,

Do you really think it's clever pointing out ways of people to present a tidy post? Why is this a problem? It isn't false.
Your evangelism.

That's interesting!

And, sure, I just did that cartoon thing, essentially pointing to all of you, but these seventeen-plus years later, do you know why, compared to rational discourse, these people keep you around? Don't get me wrong: You're generally beyond communication, Jan.

Thanks !

The most accessible description of the problem would probably be that you seem more interested in the feeling of being some kind of evangelist trying to tell people what is what than actually saying anything useful.

When in Rome, and all that.

To the other, though, I will acknowledge that one of my criticisms does end up with a peculiar implication:

I didn't see that one coming.

I'd have to look up precisely what it was, but there was an occasion around the time this
thread opened that some particular idea was on the table and seemed to evade your grasp, but it turned up some time later in your argument about another discussion, and while I can't substantially connect the two occasions, any connection would likely suggest you went and looked up a word and then, knowing the basic definition, screwed up how it's used, what would stand out by any connection is the idea that you have a pulse insofar as somewhere in there you would have gone and looked something up. Compared to the flatliners, sure, that would be, well, something.

If and when your memory returns, please share it.

Another way of looking at it is to consider that someone might think they're smarter and better than you, but there comes a point at which we might wonder, to borrow a line, is our children leraning; and if that person is acquiring any useful knowledge along the way, then why not show it? The answer resolves as a matter of priorities: Sometimes it comes down to one being, quite simply, either unable or unwilling to do something. As a matter of priorities, if one has been learning necessary components along the way, but never put them toward actually resolving a question or issue, such that years later the discourse is essentially a simplification—i.e., labor reduction—of prior iterations of what reeks of liturgical ritual, the e'er decreasing pathways to resolution comparatively augment the potential that resolution of a question or issue is not the purpose of argument or argumentative behavior.

Can you simplify that.
I don't have that grasp of words and phrases that seem to come naturally to you.
But I get the feeling it is quite interesting.

Essentially, what it comes down to is that some people appear to panic about your posts because that is their priority; they aren't here for any sort of genuine rational discourse, but just to fight, and, quite clearly, they focus on you as they do because they prefer to throw down with people they think they can take in a fight.

Until they get spanked.
Then they keep coming back for more. :)

Such as I reminded above, we know about the religious on these counts; it doesn't excuse atheists from having a clue or even basic pretense of relationship with informational reliability (#162↑). Or, reiterated, I get that religious whatnots exist: morons, zealots, bigots. We know about the religious people. What is anybody else's excuse? (#163↑)

I don't discuss religion.
I don't know if you've noticed.

Consider the part from our neighbor (#156↑) about, "the matter of honesty, which the overt theists here - those who present themselves as theistically motivated and based, self-identified - lack". Okay, sure. In fact, he and I could have our own fascinating side discussion about why people within that framework would appeal not to honest beliefs, but, rather, sincerely held beliefs, though it gets complicated, quickly, because there are diverse applications of caveat emptor afoot, and again, the overlap would apply to our society's bloc that behaves like the people he describes, which in turn is not insignificant, as another reminded (#167↑) in justifying his own behavior. Nonetheless, the question of the matter of honesty reeks of poor justification inasmuch as the only differences it makes to me whether the problem is dishonesty, to the one, or delusion or other dysfunction or disability, to the other, have to do with response vectors, and assessing culpability; if "they are liars to their core", then the question of culpability is settled for the assessor. We might consider in that framework that, sure, we know about those, but what is anyone else's excuse? To some degree, the excuse is, because theists.

I do not have a clue about what you're saying.
Me. I prefer to talk in common terms, because I'm quite sure everybody comprehends what I'm saying.
As I have no time to get a Phd in what you're trying to say, you need to bring it down to a level that I can access it without the need of a dictionary, or thesaurus.

And they need you to be more dangerous than you really are. If I say, mostly harmless, and, don't panic, there are at least a couple of people here who ought to know what that means. But they need you to be more akin to the Devil itself, and so you are just that much more important to them. Which is its own two-word joke, but, y'know, whatever.

Are you saying I'm being kept around, so they can practice their shit?

A very similar discussion is part of what led up to this thread originally. Your version is weirdly self-defeating, too. Previously, the question was approximately what one believed in or not. Presently, as you have it, sure, whatever ... and?

Come on man, get your shit together.
Just say what your going to say in good old simple plain English.
Is that too much to ask?

As to the point in trying to convince people, your evangelism really does seem more about self-gratification than anything else. More directly, you have a point insofar as your particular methods are concerned.

Okay. This is good. I get this.

Firstly, I don't evangelise. If you think I do, then please give me an example.

I assume you know that I don't preach the Christian, religious, gospel. So the other alternative is some kind of advocation of some kind of religion, or cause.
I think you're wrong on both counts.
I respond. That is what I do.

Beyond that, remember, this is Sciforums. "The word 'God'" is not "simply just a word" to these atheists; it is an idol, and for whatever reason they cannot stop, well, in their own way, venerating it.

They're certainly serious when it comes to God.

You, like they, are participating in a strange game in which convincing anyone of anything seems more a violation of custom than anything else.

I'm not so sure about that.
I don't think it is possible to convince anyone of anything, not in the true sense.
I think that to truly believe in something, it has to be your own mind that convinces you.
That is the understated power of belief.
Belief drives everything.

Do people know at all if they learn?
Ummm good question

If they learn, it should follow they should " know at all"

But that could mean when asked about what they they have learnt just parrot return what they were told

Better if they understand and what follows from understanding

I explained in some detail as to why it has nothing to do with my being an atheist.

Yes, but I don't agree with you. Get over it.

I talked about matters of common courtesy and acceptable standards of reasonable discourse.

Then let's both of us indulge in that.

Maybe you think you have no obligations in those respects, on account of you being a theist and all (?)

The same could be said for you James (...atheist and all).

Then you put the cart before the horse. The reasoning really ought to come before entrenching yourself in a position.

It did.
I didn't give one thought as to how the chicken got into that KFC bargain bucket.
My reasoning was... hmmmm!

Well done for missing the main point and instead concentrating on a point that I explicitly addressed in anticipation of your missing the main point in exactly the way you have. You're nothing if not predictable.

Maybe you misunderstand.
We do have two arms.
But maybe you haven't explained the main point properly.

You completely missed, or chose to ignore, the point of the example, which was about onus of proof, reasonable standards of discourse and just good ol' fashioned politeness.

James, while I accept and believe that God Is, or exists, I'm not claiming it.
The onus of proof is on the one who makes the claim. I'm not making any claim.
But I do respond to claims, even claims that we both know cannot be proven.
I operate on the assumption that for you, there is no God. I don't care whether you can prove it or not.
I suggest you do the same. It's a lot more fun. Why stress yourself out?

The only "backing" you have for your claim that God is real is your assertion, in one form or another, that the steadfastness of your own personal belief makes it so. Your argument for God is: Jan believes in God, so God is real. That's what it boils down to, nothing more.

If that's what you get from our years of discussion, then there is no point in discussing this topic any further.

We've never really got around to discussing the positives of God, you and I. You're so stuck on pretending you know stuff you don't know that I don't think you'll ever move on from that to discussing God in a wider context.

Give it a break James. :rolleyes:

Thank you for finally being honest about your inability to keep an open mind, though.

I will accept even sarcastic gratitude, James.
It's better than nothing.

That's the whole problem here. On the question of God, the only source of knowledge you trust is revelation. Rationality flies out the window for you.

Only from your perspective James.

It would be a good thing, in your opinion, for me to demand that you disprove claims that I make? That would be an honest way for me to approach the claims in question, in your opinion, would it? This is just getting weird now. You seem to be all at sea in regards to how to comport yourself in a debate.

Do you think you and I could have a conversation without all this stuff.
Just chill, and talk mutually about stuff.
Or are you always going to try and prove me wrong.
I know I could.

The simple fact is, though, that you don't accept things and go about your business, Jan. You keep coming back here to insist to us all that your God is real, that you have evidence of it, that you have personal knowledge of this God (that is apparently obtained by magical means), and so on and so forth.

No I don't James.
I respond to atheist negativity, and atheists wildly attack theists.:oops:
Just another day on Sciforums. :rolleyes:

Also, we settled the matter of how God exists for you years ago. There's no dispute about that. Given that God exists for you, it makes no sense for you to say that God doesn't exist for me, unless you're only interested in the existence of God as a matter of subjective belief, rather than as a matter of objective fact. If God exists for you, objectively, then God must necessarily also exist for me, objectively.

If God exists, then God exist for all living entities, not just theists.
Atheists deny God, IMO. So God does not exist for them, in the same way a girl's first cheating boyfriend does not exist, now that she is married to her dream guy, with a beautiful house, and a bag of children.

The simple fact is, though, that you don't accept things and go about your business, Jan. You keep coming back here to insist to us all that your God is real, that you have evidence of it, that you have personal knowledge of this God (that is apparently obtained by magical means), and so on and so forth.

You believed in God, which means you had some knowledge of God.
How did you obtain it?

If your assertion is that God only exists as a subjective belief you have, then we're done and we really can go about our respective business.

Why? Because your position would be justified?
But seriously, how can God be purely subjective. If that were the case, then the term ''God doesn't exist'' would be correct.
But how could know that, or feel that his position is justified?

The problem is that, even after years, I don't think you're really capable of separating the notion of God's objective existence from God's subjective existence in your mind.

Would that be exclusive to me, or to every theist?

That lack of capacity shows up again and again in your sloppy use of language and muddying of terms. (Alternatively, it could be a case of deliberately muddying the waters - i.e. trolling - but giving you the benefit of the doubt, I think it's more likely incapacity.)

Same as above.

My "position" is only that you have insufficient evidence to establish the existence of your God, and that therefore your claims to certainty are hollow. My position is right, regardless of what I might "need" to comfort myself or whatever.

Same as above.

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Nonsense. You've spent thread after thread reciting your "God Is" mantra, and now you're telling me you're not saying God exists? "Oh, but God doesn't exist like things exist. God has a special kind of non-existent existence!", you say. Yeah.

In relation to what is being discussed.
I don't independently lead with ''God exists'', or God Is.
I accept that not everyone believes, or accepts that.

You protest too much. If it wasn't important to you to trumpet how "God Is" to the atheist world, you wouldn't be here every day doing it.

A slight exaggeration methinks.

You missed the point (again!). The fact that your claim happens to be about God's existence is irrelevant to the point I made there. My point was about the onus of proof that is on anybody making claims about anything.

It doesn't work like that with everything.
You make lots of claims. You have done in this thread alone.
It would be pointless to ask you to prove every single claim you make.
Sometimes it is better to go with the assumption, as you would learn more about the claim.
This is a discussion, not a debate, or a court of law. Enjoy the discussion.

In every thread in which you have ever discussed anything to do with God.

Then pluck out such a claim, in this thread. Should be easy enough.

I have justified my position. You haven't justified yours. Saying "it's obvious" is not a justification. If it really was obvious, there'd be nothing to debate.

I have, on quite a few occasions over the years, but it falls on deaf ears.
You only want to come out on top, you don't want to learn anything about God. Not as yet, anyways.

The position of theism is that God exists. How is that not about God?

The position of theism is belief in God. God Just Is.
It seems to be a natural assumption, that can be understood by those who accept God.
That's what I mean by foundational.
We are not spiritually separated from God, James.
But we can separate our minds from God, by engaging in activities that serve our senses.
A theist only thinks about God's existence, in the company of those who question it. Otherwise there is no need.
It's not a bad thing. In fact it can be a good thing, because it causes us to seek out more information about God.

This is a psychological need of mine, I assume. A character flaw that you've identified in me.

Now you're going to insist that I said you have ''a character flaw''. Aren't you?
But just for the record, that is your insertion, not my analysis, words, or thought.

Why are my psychological needs - or yours - relevant to the question of whether God exists?

You tell me if God exists.
You claim that you were a theist, just like I am.

Does needing to believe make God pop into existence, and needing him not to make him vanish? Is that what you're saying?

You tell me.

Still, whether I like a power trip or not, the question of whether God exists is still sitting there waiting to be debated.

If you're on an atheist power trip, it would affect the honesty of the debate.
Power trips just aren't good in any situation.

You were a theist, so you say.
Does God exist, or not?

Other than all the carefully-argued, logical, rational posts I've made, attempting to discuss the question with you in good faith, you mean?

Blowing your own trumpet?
Not cool.

Does God exist James?


Did God exist, when you were a theist?

Because they secretly know God Is, deep in their hearts, but choose to deny Him, which creates internal conflict that manifests as anger and frustration? Something like that?

This one is pretty close, focusing on the sub-culture.

It couldn't possibly be that atheists are not angry at religion, or at God, but get frustrated when it turns out that, in discussions, theists can't conduct themselves according to the moral precepts that they themselves say they hold to. It couldn't be anything like that, could it? It couldn't possibly be frustration at the lack of good faith displayed by the holier-than-thou fundamentalist theists on science forums, could it?

I assume this is rhetorical. Yes?

Yes, Jan, it must be that atheists just fall into a hopeless rage at the idea that they might be wrong, and they just lash at at the poor theists who innocently point out the Truth. I guess the theists can just ignore the atheist arguments, since they must be irrational because they are driven by anger. Do you agree?

It's quite possible that you make up reasons that appear to be appropriate, in the way you make up things you think I've said, then work it back into the discussion as a point I made.
IOW, this is surface stuff. You really are angry, and it's not at me. Like Tiassa said, or I think he said, you need to take your frustration out on someone, and you choose me. Probably because you think I'm an easy target. What do you think?

Ummm good question

If they learn, it should follow they should " know at all"

But that could mean when asked about what they they have learnt just parrot return what they were told

Better if they understand and what follows from understanding


If everything had happened before in our eternal past it would seem learning is an illusion or it must change. I think the devil could learn because its a new thing, i.e. didn't exist for all eternity, then it will die off as part of hell.
If everything had happened before in our eternal past it would seem learning is an illusion or it must change. I think the devil could learn because its a new thing, i.e. didn't exist for all eternity, then it will die off as part of hell.

If everything had happened before in our eternal past

If if if (my bold on your statement) what evidence do you have that it might have? or is the if speculation?

Sorry Huey Dewey and Louie cannot understand the rest of the post

Consider the part from our neighbor (#156↑) about, "the matter of honesty, which the overt theists here - those who present themselves as theistically motivated and based, self-identified - lack". Okay, sure. In fact, he and I could have our own fascinating side discussion about why people within that framework would appeal not to honest beliefs, but, rather, sincerely held beliefs,
Nope. No fascination there - the dishonesty at issue is otherwise, and there is very little interest on my part in anything connected with sincerity among posters such as Jan.
Nonetheless, the question of the matter of honesty reeks of poor justification inasmuch as the only differences it makes to me whether the problem is dishonesty, to the one, or delusion or other dysfunction or disability, to the other, have to do with response vectors, and assessing culpability;
If the only difference it makes to you is that trivial, the discussion is not for you.
if "they are liars to their core", then the question of culpability is settled for the assessor. We might consider in that framework that, sure, we know about those, but what is anyone else's excuse?
"Culpability" ?
"Anyone else" is not inveterately posting dishonestly and in bad faith, pulling the rhetorical stunts and word games, misrepresenting for the purpose of personal attack. They don't need an excuse.
If everything had happened before in our eternal past

If if if (my bold on your statement) what evidence do you have that it might have? or is the if speculation?

Sorry Huey Dewey and Louie cannot understand the rest of the post


The wish to be, and the fact I personally have faith. How could there not be space and time?
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The wish to be, and the fact I personally have faith. How could there not be space and time?

Hard to understand your post, but I will try, so will apologise in advance if I am incorrect

The wish to be fits with If everything had happened and the fact I personally have faith

Soooo you have a wish that everything has happened and this ?true? because you personally have faith

As I read that back still does not make sense

Even less when adding in How could there not be space and time?

Going for coffee and chocolate marshmallow and feed my house lizard

"Culpability" ?
"Anyone else" is not inveterately posting dishonestly and in bad faith, pulling the rhetorical stunts and word games, misrepresenting for the purpose of personal attack. They don't need an excuse.

But Iceaura, your assessments are unreliable.

Nope. No fascination there - the dishonesty at issue is otherwise, and there is very little interest on my part in anything connected with sincerity among posters such as Jan.

What's sad about that is you're so wrapped up in whatever personal foci you apparently don't comprehend what you're seeing. Sure, this isn't quite like the time you tried to blame me for writing your own post, but, still, this bigotry you show is ridiculous.