What Are Your Priorities?

1 - nice home
2 - fun job that pays well
3 - true love
4 - great sex
5 - learning
6 - enjoy life genrally
7 - see the world
8 - do some good
9 - (dunno)
20 - get away with murder..
1. Effect. I want to have done something lasting on this earth that will be noticeable decades down the line to a trained eye.
2. Ego. Feel good and feel important.
3. Capital. By this I mean stuff that will help me do other stuff.
Here are my actual priorities, most of which I am already living:

good job
enough $$$ for living and luxury
bending a spoon with my mind
1. Find the best enjoyment I can out of every day.
2. Find/Remember the reasons why I couldn't achieve #1 in the past.
3. Avoid all future occurences of #2
Other than that, it's allll dynamic.

But I'm probably pretty shallow to most people :)
In no particular order:

A job that gives me a sense of satisfaction and enough pay to finance my other priorities.
A marriage that is full of love, durable, satisfying, and a resource to both parties.
A home that is comfortable, large enough to hold the things needed for my other priorities, and in a location I enjoy occupying.
The opportunity to help others, in my case primarily by teaching.
Music, both to hear and to play.
Intellectual challenge.
The opportunity to participate in the process of government.
A good source of information, at this point the internet.
A good source of general entertainment, at this point digital cable TV.
The opportunity to discover other interesting, challenging, entertaining, or distracting things.
Here's an example of a putz:

I said in an interview one time: "I'm serious about having fun about being serious."

Oy vey. I may have said it more than once. I don't remember.


Though it's true.
wesmorris said:
Here's an example of a putz:

I said in an interview one time: "I'm serious about having fun about being serious."

Oy vey. I may have said it more than once. I don't remember.


Though it's true.

This reminds me of something that happened to me a number of years ago at a party. After a few hours of drinking, the discussion, as usual, turned to philosophy, politics, etc., and I got into it with an acquaintance of mine on the topic of war (if I remember corretly, this was back during G.W. Bush Sr.'s invasion of Iraq). Anyways, the discussion was ended promptly after this fellow had to be pulled off of me after having grabbed my shirt in his fists whilst screaming "I'm a fucking pacifist you asshole!".

Ahh... sometimes I can just annoy people.