Welcome these two :)

From the ones you gues suggested so far, these are the ones I like best:

(LOL Cosmic, I missed the Itchy and Scratchy one earlier :D)

I find most to be a bit impractical though.
Preferably the names end with a vowel, are short, and don't raise any eyebrows (lol).

Here my own list of names:


So far I like Ash & Ana and Nyx & Ana the best.
But knowing myself, that might be totally different tomorrow :(
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You call them lots of names.
My mog gets called and answers to most; creaky, keekie, cracket, cocoa, cocoa-man, mammal, mamoj, mooshie, maggot, mog, wong mau, cocolossal,purrrple, catto, maoish, mao-mao, pissed in boots and the groggy moggie( he loves wine).

p.s each family member has his/her own favourites.
They were terrified of the vacuum cleaner this morning.. (please excuse the poor quality):


Also, I took each of them to the garden for a minute or two to take some quick shots (it's too dark inside and I don't want to use flash). They found it.. interesting. lol


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Nice pictures, Enmos! Kind of makes me wish I had a cat, until I come to the obvious realization that cats are only for women and girly-men ...

... which is why I have a pitbull.

Kadark the Shark
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Eat a dick, the two of you. Little white pussies ...

Kadark the Notorious

WTF does that have to do with anything? I bet i am darker than you, you are from Turkey damnit. YOU ARE WHITE.

Pit Bulls are useless, they kill children too, this is proven fact. Fuck Pit Bulls and get rid of them.
You're not serious, are you John? If I wanted to, I could train a chihuahua to be the most aggressive violent little beast. That doesn't say anything about all chihuahuas though.

The extent to which banning a particular breed is effective in reducing dog bite fatalities is contested. Some people maintain that Pit Bull attacks are directly attributable to irresponsible owners, rather than to any inherent defect in the breed itself. Other people believe that the Pit Bull Terrier is a breed that, although not inherently dangerous, needs a particularly knowledgeable and committed handler and should not be freely available to novice owners.

Pit Bulls are said to be popular with irresponsible owners, who see these dogs as a symbol of status or machismo.[65] This type of owner may be less likely to socialize, train, or desex their pet. It is known that unneutered male dogs account for a disproportionate amount of all fatal dog attacks. Some say that many of those who do not believe in altering male dogs also believe that having and training an aggressive dog "goes with the territory," so to speak. Irresponsible ownership can have a great impact on how a breed is represented in attack statistics.


EDIT: And Enmos, I demand pictures that include both of them at the same time. :mad:
Yeah, Pitbulls do kill kids.

Fuck even a doberman will let go.
An unstable pitbull is lethal.
Pit Bulls are an artificial (man made) monstrosity. They serve absolutely no purpose and they are aggressive, not only from training but also unpredictable.

The article you linked to tells us virtually nothing but this image from it tells us more.


If i did not like people then i would love pit bulls. As far as the Chihuahua, they dont attack. The stand there and bark a lot, but i have never heard of anyone dying from them being attacked by one. Plus i owned one from a puppy until he died. He was the cutest thing, he slept with me every night when i was a child too.:bawl: