Website Development


Valued Senior Member
I started a new website this week and am using Joomla as a back-end to develop the site. After watching several tutorials on YouTube, It is coming along quite well, though I'm not quite the expert yet.

Total cost:
2 year domain registration $32.00
4 year hosting service $43.00
I started a new website this week and am using Joomla as a back-end to develop the site. After watching several tutorials on YouTube, It is coming along quite well, though I'm not quite the expert yet.

Total cost:
2 year domain registration $32.00
4 year hosting service $43.00
Sounds great. What are your plans?
Sounds great. What are your plans?
Nothing major or commercial. It will be more or less a blog. So far the content is pretty slim, but I started working on it only yesterday. The Privacy Policy was real easy.

This site does not collect personal information, nor does it use cookies. I am just happy you stopped in to have a look. Thank you.
Nothing less than good thoughts, Alex. :)
That is wonderful I just know it is going to go well for you.
Is this why you need a good camera? I nearly got around to doing something today in the way of software so I can use my DSLR as you got me thinking that I should use the blessing of having a decent set up for something. And great news that I have to share with someone..Last night I realised most of the great objects I want to photograph in the night sky are hidden by trees so I planned to somehow cut them down a job that is almost impossible for me..but today a guy who needs work and is a tree lopper and fire wood provider called just out of the blue looking for work so I can now help him with some much needed cash and open up the sky.
I am so happy.
You should see what is available in the Canon two Lens kit pack on eBay as I feel you should be able to get something that is most reasonable in price. The Canon lens are not bad and happily have sweet spots where they really work very well. Like AlsoI have a lens 70 to 300 mm standard issue, not flash but at around 110 mm it works really well.. if you need better quality, which I doubt, you can buy a really good lens ..bigger bucks but I think you will find a sweet spot with the cheap two lens canon offer.
I know this from experience and I push DSLR lens to their limit with my astro work. Also most of the critism is that the putter edges are not answer just crop the image..not the end of the world.
Keep up the good work I just know this will take you places and may lead to additional income which I know is not your aim but when passion is the driver cash follows. Good thoughts and a positive approach is needed by so many.
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I planned to somehow cut them down a job that is almost impossible for me..but today a guy who needs work and is a tree lopper and fire wood provider called just out of the blue looking for work so I can now help him with some much needed cash and open up the sky.
I am so happy.
Yeah, life can throw answers out of the blue sometimes. Cool.

Is this why you need a good camera? I
Not what I had planned, but now that you mention it, I can see where it might play into this site. There is a website where I download free photography. It might interest you...

Keep up the good work I just know this will take you places and may lead to additional income which I know is not your aim but when passion is the driver cash follows. Good thoughts and a positive approach is needed by so many.
Well, the internet is filled to the brim with commercial websites, and throwing a positive messages really should not have a price tag. If a golden nugget hits me on the head with a million dollar idea, I will simply pursue it with another website or through Amazon. This website I'm working on now is pretty much my Hallmark Digital Card to the World , and I am enjoying myself as I work on it.
Congrats, Bowser. :)

About 10 years or so back, most art galleries in the US and Canada went belly up. :redface: Then jewelry stores, art auction houses, antiquities dealers and folks with a bit of spare change that had always wanted a mural, sculpture or painting. I needed new avenues of income and better ways to introduce my services to the marketplace.

I am not a high roller, could not afford to hire a site done, so I learned WordPress (still am). Watched youtube tutorial videos whenever I had a moment, bought a couple of domains and set up a commercial site a couple of years ago.

Old dog, new tricks. :smile: It has sold my work and services to the public effectively. While it requires daily upkeep, it has proven profitable to me in both business and personal ways. It has been a doorway for commissioned work and a reassurance to my remaining clientele that I am still at their service. It has made it easy for old friends I haven't heard from in decades to find me.

Quite stimulating for this old guy.
Old dog, new tricks.
I remember the days of writing HTML when I created my first page many years ago, Those days are long gone.

Quite stimulating for this old guy.
I hear you. I'm enjoying myself. Joomla becomes reasonable simple to use with a few tutorials and some experimentation. I'm thinking about porting an older website of mine to the Joomla platform once I have this one complete.
Well, I am done. All I need do now is keep it updated with articles. I guess I should revisit my other website and consider a makeover.