We probably won't find aliens soon

Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
Will humanity find intelligent alien life anytime soon? Probably not, according to theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.
Hawking made the prediction during the Breakthrough Starshot announcement in New York City. The audience wanted to hear about aliens — specifically, when scientists might find them. Hawking said it's not likely that scientists will find intelligent alien life in the next 20 years, calling the probability low.
However, he mentioned the discoveries of the Kepler mission suggesting that there are billions of habitable planets in our galaxy alone, with at least a hundred billion galaxies in the visible universe, so it seems likely that there are others out there.
Being asked what we should do if we come across intelligent alien life, he said, "We should hope that they don’t find us."

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Will humanity find intelligent alien life anytime soon? Probably not, according to theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.
Hawking made the prediction during the Breakthrough Starshot announcement in New York City. The audience wanted to hear about aliens — specifically, when scientists might find them. Hawking said it's not likely that scientists will find intelligent alien life in the next 20 years, calling the probability low.
However, he mentioned the discoveries of the Kepler mission suggesting that there are billions of habitable planets in our galaxy alone, with at least a hundred billion galaxies in the visible universe, so it seems likely that there are others out there.
Being asked what we should do if we come across intelligent alien life, he said, "We should hope that they don’t find us."


Long live Sir SH. Next decade or so is going to be great for Aliens hunt. Like Black Holes, Aliens can stir the imaginations of people to no bounds.........
"We should hope that they don’t find us."

This made me chuckle, then it made me think. He's a pretty smart guy. Anybody who could get here from as far away as they'd have to come is going to have some technology that is going to make us look like Aztecs encountering Pizarro. I'd say overall that it would more likely be Independence Day than Contact.

I would agree with his assessment that we're not finding aliens in the next 20 years, and extend it by centuries if not millennia. We've found a lot of planets, but relativity is, and it's a long way to any of them, and not many seem likely to support life. You can count the number that are likely to do so on your hands. There may be billions in the galaxy, but at this point given c as a limit there don't seem to be many if any in the neighborhood.
"We should hope that they don’t find us."

This made me chuckle, then it made me think. He's a pretty smart guy. Anybody who could get here from as far away as they'd have to come is going to have some technology that is going to make us look like Aztecs encountering Pizarro. I'd say overall that it would more likely be Independence Day than Contact.

I would agree with his assessment that we're not finding aliens in the next 20 years, and extend it by centuries if not millennia. We've found a lot of planets, but relativity is, and it's a long way to any of them, and not many seem likely to support life. You can count the number that are likely to do so on your hands. There may be billions in the galaxy, but at this point given c as a limit there don't seem to be many if any in the neighborhood.
Time and distance are the two barriers preventing any ET contact.
There out there, I'm sure.
IF by chance some advanced Alien race did make it here, I do disagree with Professor Hawking on one point:
I don't believe we would have anything to be afraid of for the simple reason that they would need to be well advanced compared to us and I surmise probably a more sensible, reasonable non aggressive approach: Also they would not really want for anything, as water and such are plentiful throughout the Universe.
I would jump at the chance to be part of first Contact.
I don't know that they'd even need to be aggressive to screw us up pretty bad.

What do you suppose would happen if they showed up, went, "No, you guys aren't gonna make it and even if you do there's a lot of pain between now and then and we're gonna leave you to find your own way," and left? See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

The fundies would all go "They were from Satan," and three quarters of everybody else would dismiss it without thinking much about it because they wouldn't really want to, and get back to doing the same old stupid stuff they were doing before. About 10% would scream and jump up and down and about half of them would try to tell us the aliens were saying we needed to return to pastoral life and give up hospitals and space programs. About 2% would actually think about it and try to do something actually constructive.

That's pretty sorry, man.
I don't know that they'd even need to be aggressive to screw us up pretty bad.

What do you suppose would happen if they showed up, went, "No, you guys aren't gonna make it and even if you do there's a lot of pain between now and then and we're gonna leave you to find your own way," and left? See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya.

The fundies would all go "They were from Satan," and three quarters of everybody else would dismiss it without thinking much about it because they wouldn't really want to, and get back to doing the same old stupid stuff they were doing before. About 10% would scream and jump up and down and about half of them would try to tell us the aliens were saying we needed to return to pastoral life and give up hospitals and space programs. About 2% would actually think about it and try to do something actually constructive.

That's pretty sorry, man.

Perhaps I am swayed somewhat by "Star Trek: First Contact" :)
I always try and remain an optimist but must admit sometimes that attitude is challenged. :(
I hope you are wrong.
Long live Sir SH. Next decade or so is going to be great for Aliens hunt. Like Black Holes, Aliens can stir the imaginations of people to no bounds.........
So you believe ETL is a myth?
Based on what?
points to consider:
[1] The Universe is near infinite in extent and content:
[2] The stuff of life is found everywhere we look:
[3] We are simply Animals, just slightly more advanced then the other animals that inhabit planet Earth, otherwise nothing special:
[4] We are not the center of the Universe:
[5] There is absolutely no evidence for god and any deity:
[6] The theory of Evolution is a fact:

BH's obviously are now confirmed: ETL is yet to be confirmed, but the simple weight of numbers and the facts I have listed, make the scenario of us being alone, as near zero.
[1] The Universe is near infinite in extent and content:
"near Infinte" is finite! btw...
[2] The stuff of life is found everywhere we look:
Where are you looking?
[3] We are simply Animals, just slightly more advanced then the other animals that inhabit planet Earth, otherwise nothing special:
[4] We are not the center of the Universe:
Yes, but we are the center of our reality.
[5] There is absolutely no evidence for god and any deity:
Only to the naive animals.
[6] The theory of Evolution is a fact:
Created to evolve? possible in your superior understand?

Still preaching I see...
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"near Infinte" is finite! btw...
No it's not: Near infinite means, immeasurably large: And if it isn't "near infinite" in extent and content, then it is indeed infinite.
Large numbers such as the numbers of galaxies/stars/planets are beyond comprhension, and could be said to be out of reach: A genuine person with no agenda no what is inferred when someone speaks of "near infinite" It doesn't really matter anymore whether you speak about a finite number or infinite: they're both out of reach. And that would be an accurate use of near-infinite.
Where are you looking?
As I said, everywhere we have looked.
We are still animals, nothing special and no where special.
Yes, but we are the center of our reality.
And still no where near the center of the universe, which does not have one.
Only to the naive animals.
We are all animals.
Created to evolve? possible in your superior understand?

Still preaching I see...
The theory of evolution is fact...fact, and no not preaching, stating fact.
I leave the preaching to our anti science and religious friends. :)
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No it's not: Near infinite means, immeasurably large: And if it isn't "near infinite" in extent and content, then it is indeed infinite.

Near infinite is finite...Infinite does not need any qualifier. So please do not argue BS.

As I said, everywhere we have looked.

We have not found out traces of life everywhere we looked...I am sure your 'everywhere' is away from earth...

We are still animals, nothing special and no where special.

Well, you can count me out. And this shows your pathetic lack of 'reading good books'.

And still no where near the center of the universe, which does not have one.

Well, we are at the center of the observable universe, a resident of Andromeda can also claim that.

The theory of evolution is fact...fact, a

But as you say we are yet to cross the stage of animals, we have yet to become human beings....is this how your understanding of the theory of evolution is ?

Paddoboy, hibernate from this site. Take a walk. Read few good books away from cosmology, develop your confidence, learn to talk for yourself, learn to be a leader at least on invisible forums, everytime do not say my reputable links, or from reputable members, learn to support the argument not the individual.
Near infinite is finite...Infinite does not need any qualifier. So please do not argue BS.
As usual, wrong again, most reasonable sensible level headed people can see that the phrase "near infinite" is as I said.
Otherwise please give me a round about number for the galaxies in the universe...then can you elaborate as to how many stars...Oh, then of course the number of planets. :)
Your own objection to the phrase is no more then semantics and driven by what generally drives you and which most now recognise. :)

We have not found out traces of life everywhere we looked...I am sure your 'everywhere' is away from earth...
Just more of your childish porky pies and misinterpretations.
I was obviously speaking of the "stuff of life" being everywhere we have looked.

Well, you can count me out. And this shows your pathetic lack of 'reading good books'.
So you believe we are the center of the Universe? and created in God's likeness? :D Sure, sure we are Ptolemy!
No wonder you fanatically continue with your "god of the gaps"arguments in light of science pushing any need for any deity back into oblivion. :rolleyes:

Well, we are at the center of the observable universe, a resident of Andromeda can also claim that.
Of course we are! that's because the universe is at least "near infinite" in extent and if not infinite.
But of course in relation to what is being discussed, we are not at the center of the universe nor are we anything special in relation to the universe.

But as you say we are yet to cross the stage of animals, we have yet to become human beings....is this how your understanding of the theory of evolution is ?
I know what the theory of evolution is, and I know it is considered a fact that even the Catholic church has recognised. Perhaps you need to review what the theory of evolution is.

Paddoboy, hibernate from this site. Take a walk. Read few good books away from cosmology, develop your confidence, learn to talk for yourself, learn to be a leader at least on invisible forums, everytime do not say my reputable links, or from reputable members, learn to support the argument not the individual.
Yes yes, the continuation of untruths and misinterpretations that others have you on ignore for. And of course the fact that my reputable sources completely sink your mythical god of the gaps.
Your god of the gaps arguments is totally flawed my friend, and without that you have zero, zilch, nada! ;)

Humans are members of a large group of animals known as mammals (Class Mammalia).

Australian Fur Seal colony
Photographer: A. McGregor/Nature Focus © Australian Museum

Our place in the animal kingdom
Humans possess many unique characteristics but we also share a number of similarities with other animals.These similarities and differences are revealed through our genetic make-up, the ways our bodies are constructed and our behaviour. They help us to understand our place in the animal kingdom by allowing us to work out the evolutionary relationships between ourselves and other animals. Studies of our closest living relatives, the apes, also provide valuable clues about our early ancestors’ bodies and lifestyles.

Humans are classified as mammals because humans have the same distinctive features (listed above) found in all members of this large group.

Humans are also classified within:

  • the subgroup of mammals called primates;
  • and the subgroup of primates called apes and in particular the 'Great Apes'
Humans, however, also possess many unique characteristics and are therefore classified within a unique subgroup of the Great Apes called the hominins.

- See more at: http://australianmuseum.net.au/humans-are-mammals#sthash.PDMkbwSZ.dpuf
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As usual, wrong again, most reasonable sensible level headed people can see that the phrase "near infinite" is as I said.
Otherwise please give me a round about number for the galaxies in the universe...then can you elaborate as to how many stars...Oh, then of course the number of planets. :)
Your own objection to the phrase is no more then semantics and driven by what generally drives you and which most now recognise. :)

Humans are members of a large group of animals known as mammals (Class Mammalia).

Some Museum Website link......

Well if you think that universe is near infinite which means it is infinite or whatever, then please go back to that 'Why the Sky is dark in the night" thread and check your position there and come back.....

It is hilarious that you are declaring that we are all animals, based on some australian museum harmless web posting. I read somwhere, some website posting that we all are cockroaches...how about that ? The bloody website infected my system.
Well if you think that universe is near infinite which means it is infinite or whatever, then please go back to that 'Why the Sky is dark in the night" thread and check your position there and come back.....
I do not need to go back to that thread in which like all your other threads, you were demolished, nor do I need to check my position which is as always constant: Suffice to say the validity of why the sky is dark is obvious in either a finite, a near infinite, or an infinite universe
It is hilarious that you are declaring that we are all animals, based on some australian museum harmless web posting. I read somwhere, some website posting that we all are cockroaches...how about that ? The bloody website infected my system.
Nothing hilarious about it at all, except your stubborn attitude in not being able to accept reality.....
Yes we are all animals, classified as mammals and further in the primate and sub group of "Great Apes"
But don't fret too much, maybe god was an ape!;)

I noticed you have quickly backed off on the fact of evolution...wise. :)

And finally, I'm sure you'll agree that in essence, along with everything else including all the other animals, we are nothing but star stuff: another fact. ;)
[QUOTE="paddoboy, post: 3374637, member: 27079Read the thread.[/QUOTE]

Our thinking upon aliens in this galaxy and further in this Universe is embrassing .

We... Have become just so dam stupid . we ignor evidence ; and really ; most can't grasp the reality that aliens have been here for centeries.

If people don't have the will to investigate ; with courage ; the ancient past ; and the recent evidence of things going on ; flying craft ; books to read ; which have depth that " googling " can never match ; then Humanity is nothing more than a computer ; feed in the data ; which is controlled data ; what pops out is controlled thought ; to question and the ability to investigate ; throughly ; with full access to all data
Is more than important ; it is essential to true freedom ; democratic freedom .
We may not find them soon however they may have technology that has already enabled them to determine we are here.

Our understanding of space travel suggests it is near impossible to reach anywhere other than possibly the closest stars.

Could an alien civilization more advanced than ourselves already found a way to travel from star to star and if so already be on their way to harvest from this place whatever we have that they have already determined they will take.

I suggest if they are already here we would most certainly be in no doubt.

There is no gaurantee their further advancement will mean they would treat us as more than harvestable protein.

Sleep well and try not to think too deeply upon the possibility of their exsistence or possible arrival.

We may not find them soon however they may have technology that has already enabled them to determine we are here.

Our understanding of space travel suggests it is near impossible to reach anywhere other than possibly the closest stars.

Could an alien civilization more advanced than ourselves already found a way to travel from star to star and if so already be on their way to harvest from this place whatever we have that they have already determined they will take.

I suggest if they are already here we would most certainly be in no doubt.

There is no gaurantee their further advancement will mean they would treat us as more than harvestable protein.

Sleep well and try not to think too deeply upon the possibility of their exsistence or possible arrival.


To your last statement ; you fear aliens ; why so ?