Watching adult's movies

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The best sex I ever had
was with a Salish woman from Missoula Montana
She did this thing wherein she used my penis as a shaft for a propeller and rotated
no reservations
no holding back
just raw sex
we fell exhausted, soaked in each other's pheromone rich climatic sweat
into shared post coital bliss


Dis you want to read the rest of the above?
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Wow, Sculptor shagged someone.
And now he's left jerking off with a dirty mac chat bot. Isn't technology wonderful.

We have a language problem
Please explain:

"dirty mac chat bot"?

Well, no.
It's just that if I talk about sex I could get banned.

The point of post #62
was to encourage you to share
"Dis" was a typo

I was young once
It was a log time ago
I still remember some of it
The point of post #62
was to encourage you to share
I just said I could get banned for talking about sex and you invited me to talk about sex?


OK I orgasm 15 times greater and the man does too.
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Mod Hat — The obvious point

Members are reminded that when a thread continues past any reasonable pretense of utility, the easiest way to let it die is to let it die. You only discredity yourselves dragging it out.
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