Virgin Galactic..

Discussion in 'General Science & Technology' started by Vertigoll, Sep 29, 2006.

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  1. Vertigoll Gringorican Registered Senior Member

    I saw a piece anouncing the unveiling of a mockup of the soon to be flight tested private space tourism venture the Richard branson of Virgin is backing. As you remember the Virgin concept won the reusable suborbital x prize last year and they seem to be moving quickly.

    The plan is to launch the suborbital craft initially by piggy backing it on a specially designed carrier airplane and then turn on the rockets for the final jump to space. The craft will enter orbit, provide guests with a view of the earth from space and weightlessness. The cost 200K.

    The pics of the design and especially the multimedia presentation of the
    spaceflight is breathtaking. Reminescent of 2001 and the Pan Am ship taking people to the space station...

    Check out the URL:

    Be sure to look at the pics and watch the multimedia presentation.


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  3. Communist Hamster Cricetulus griseus leninus Valued Senior Member

    I heard they named SpaceShip3 "Heart of Gold"
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  5. wsionynw Master Queef Valued Senior Member

    If I had the money I'd be on the waiting list, no doubt!
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  7. invert_nexus Ze do caixao Valued Senior Member

    Will there be an assortment of jellies and other marital aids on hand or will you have to bring your own?

    The name "Virgin Galactic" has all the makings of a wonderful joke. There could well be a large number of devirginifications on such flights. Although, I suppose the majority will already be well-versed in the sexual arts. Who'd really want to waste 200 grand on some little ditz who really doesn't know how to shake it? There'll be enough problems getting used to zero-g without having to add in the extra inexperience of virginity.

    In this case, "Virgin Galactic" would be a misnomer.

    And. You all know that the rich people are gonna be wanting some hot sticky sex for their money. Wouldn't you? Mile high club? Pshaw.
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