UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

So sweetpea wrongfully accuses CH of being a sock puppet, and doesn't admit he was wrong? What is illogical about expecting him to admit he was wrong? He fucked up. It's a fact. Admit it.
I'm still waiting for the apology MR. To use MR's words... MR ''fucked up. It's a fact. Admit it''
You will apologise to sweetpea for you accusation of telling lies, and you will unambiguously accept that the location indicated for the photograph is correct.
No more proof is needed, but here's yet another photograph taken at the "scenic spot" indicated by sweetpea.

Cluey will have to wait whilst I sort my socks out.
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108 pages? I won't read it all, lol but I believe that we are not alone in the universe. It's just a feeling, nothing more. I haven't seen any UFO's and many of the ''sightings'' seem hoax-ish. But, if one lands nearby, I'm getting on it!
How To Cook Humans
How To Cook For Humans
How To Cook Forty Humans
How To Cook For Forty Humans

It's one of the mysteries of the universe. Are we being served or are we being fattened up to be served?

Maybe McDonalds and Frito-Lay are part of an alien conspiracy.
I watched that History channel special last nite called "Unidentified". Very compelling examination of the 2004 U.S.S. Nimitz encounter by 4 jet pilots of a "giant tic tac" that surfaced from the ocean and zipped off 60 miles away in a matter of a minute. Recounts Tom Delong's journey to Washington to get officials to take these sightings seriously and his assemblage of a team of 5 military and aviation experts to help give the evidence credibility. The series continues next week with the examination of more compelling military sightings.

I just hope this team is prepared for what they find. UFOs are more than just technological marvels. They are otherworldly manifestations of something beyond our present comprehension. Stick with the data and don't jump to conclusions and we may actually learn something from them for a change. It would behoove them to go back in history 70 years and examine all the great sightings that have already occurred. It would help to give them perspective on this phenomenon and help reveal their paradoxical and deceptive nature. Because the more you look into ufos the deeper the rabbit hole becomes. I hope they are ready to go on that strange journey already taken by seasoned ufologists like Jacques Vallee.

Recent news release of Navy pilots' compelling accounts of ufo encounters in 2014-2015..


Footage of ufos taken by Navy jet pilots and audio of their amazed reactions to it. Matches the common description by the other pilots of "spinning tops flying against the wind".

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Those accounts seem credible, in my opinion. I wonder why the government goes to great lengths to keep such claims a secret? If there’s aliens for real, that’s not threatening. The mere knowledge that aliens may exist, isn’t threatening. *shrug*
Those accounts seem credible, in my opinion. I wonder why the government goes to great lengths to keep such claims a secret? If there’s aliens for real, that’s not threatening. The mere knowledge of knowing that aliens may exist, isn’t threatening. *shrug*

I think it's embarrassing to the military to admit there are invaders of our air space that are unknown. It's like the military is incompetent or something. That's the prime motivation for them wanting to cover up ufo accounts or else dismiss them as pilot error.
Not sure you read what I wrote.

Otherworldly excludes this planet.

Which is contradictory to what I thought your conjecture was: that they are not extra-terrestrial (i.e. not otherworldly).

I have never ruled out extraterrestrials. I have simply suggested that the intelligences behind ufos are not of this world. That can include interdimensionals, time travelers, or paranormal beings.
I have never ruled out extraterrestrials. I have simply suggested that the intelligences behind ufos are not of this world. That can include interdimensionals, time travelers, or paranormal beings.
OK, I knew it was something like that.

It would be interesting to draw up a Venn diagram of the overlaps and exclusions of all the possibilities.
They are otherworldly manifestations of something beyond our present comprehension.

So no longer UFOs

Whew that's a relief

I wonder why the government goes to great lengths to keep such claims a secret?

Some secret when I am watching it on the other side of the world on a hand held tablet computer

The mere knowledge that aliens may exist, isn’t threatening. *shrug*

A alien of which we know nothing about apart from they appear to have technology far beyond us mere mortal Minions. You do not think that might be a tad worrisome?

What about "otherworldly" suggests a limitation to other planets?

O T H E R per chance

That can include interdimensionals, time travelers, or paranormal beings.

Woo Trigger you are way to close to the edge of the cliff

Hybridized pegasi-unicorn mixes would seem so much more reasonable.

Now your just poking fun and messing with his mind

Shame on you

A alien of which we know nothing about apart from they appear to have technology far beyond us mere mortal Minions. You do not think that might be a tad worrisome?

If aliens exist, they could mean us harm, but maybe they don't. It's fun to ponder the unknown, at least I think so. :smile: