There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by synthesizer-patel, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. John99 Banned Banned

    ok. i will start a new thread on this.
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  3. synthesizer-patel Sweep the leg Johnny! Valued Senior Member

    like Enmos said:

    You would do well to study evolution a bit
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  5. synthesizer-patel Sweep the leg Johnny! Valued Senior Member


    Because it is a fundamerntal property of the DNA macromolecule to mutate
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  7. stateofmind seeker of lies Valued Senior Member

    Can someone say COP OUT?!?

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  8. swivel Sci-Fi Author Valued Senior Member

    Uh... because it is impossible.

    Sure, it might go on forever now that we have some, but it can not stretch into an infinite past. If it did... how did we get to this very moment? Was it after an infinite number of "seconds" or "minutes" or "femto-seconds" or whatever has transpired?

    Obviously not. An infinite number of time, no matter how you divide it up, can not have ALREADY gone by. There would always be at least one more time-unit to go!
  9. stateofmind seeker of lies Valued Senior Member

    It could be argued that the moment always existed, therefore not needing a "beginning."
  10. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Some species are simple clones that do not evolve (not totally sure about that, they could still mutate, if they evolve, they do so very slowly), but for most types of living things, such a strategy would lead to certain death when their environmental niche played out. Probably what happened is that both types of strategies existed, and the ability to evolve was the clear winner.
  11. EndLightEnd This too shall pass. Registered Senior Member

    Hah heres a quote to consider next time you use the word impossible.

    But anyway the Christians have launched a response campaign!

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    Haha so the Christians get all upset when Atheists say "probably no god" then they come right around and say "There definitely is a God."
    I cannot believe how ignorant fundies are.
  12. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    so IOW your experience as an ex-christian is sufficient to contextualize anyone's experience as a theist?
  13. synthesizer-patel Sweep the leg Johnny! Valued Senior Member

    can someone say doesn't understand basic principles of internet discussion forums ?

    meh! mine isn't quite as catchy as yours - but it is closer to the mark
  14. Ladicius Registered Senior Member

    Oh my goodness, that's England correct? Well, I wish they brought that banner here in NY. It would be hilarious.
  15. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    Absurd. Most christians worry more & enjoy life less than most atheists.

    Absurd. Throw a deck of cards enough times & that WILL happen.

    If that is too complex to happen by chance, gods are even more unlikely to happen by chance.

    No. That would make it inevitable yet not by chance.

    He didn't say or imply that. As usual you put a weird warped wacko twist on others' comments.
  16. PieAreSquared Woo is resistant to reason Registered Senior Member

  17. lightgigantic Banned Banned

    The bold bit highlighted certainly doesn't appear to be written in first person ....
  18. StrangerInAStrangeLand SubQuantum Mechanic Valued Senior Member

    “ Originally Posted by clusteringflux
    For instance, I can't look at the Flagellar Motor and it's 40 some components that are required for it's operation and pretend that it's a completely random chance that they all fell to gether in such a manner. That would be like throwing a deck of cards and having them land face up in matching suits starting from smallest number to the largest.
    Ain't happening. ”

    Absurd. Throw a deck of cards enough times & that WILL happen.

    And it could happen any time. The chances of ANY "arrangement" are the same as any other.
  19. Betrayer0fHope MY COHERENCE! IT'S GOING AWAYY Registered Senior Member

    Science? You speak of science and talk with such blasphemy(giggles at irony)?
  20. Betrayer0fHope MY COHERENCE! IT'S GOING AWAYY Registered Senior Member

    I don't think logic works that way. If infinity subtracted from infinity results in zero, aka now, the idea that something has always existed does seem wrong, but not impossible.

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