Theory of Everything.


Registered Senior Member
This time posted in the right section of alternatieve theories.

My colleague and I have thought of a theory which forms the foundation for the understanding of the forces combined. This is deduced from the hypothized existance of a zero-point particle.

There is a free download of the article on

Any feedback regarding the theory as described in the article is welcome.
This time posted in the right section of alternatieve theories.

My colleague and I have thought of a theory which forms the foundation for the understanding of the forces combined. This is deduced from the hypothized existance of a zero-point particle.

There is a free download of the article on

Any feedback regarding the theory as described in the article is welcome.

What physical properties does this zero-point particle have ?
What physical properties does this zero-point particle have ?
There are an infinite amount of these zero-point particles. These zero-point particles have an infinite spacetime curvature on their location in spacetime.
Around the particle the amount of curvature of spacetime is calculatable using the formula sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)*curvature=1.
Two or more moving zero-point particles lead to interesting interactions which can be observed. What is being observed is explained in the article.
What are zero point partcles? Are these different than the mainstream subatomic particles?
How can there be an infinite number of these particles? Wouldn't that imply that the universe is infinite in size?
These zero-point particles are different from the mainstram particles in that respect that the the mainstream particles are a combination of zero-point particles, while the zero-point particle can also be found in it's sollicitary state. Mainstrwam particles can be devided in sub-particles, zero-point particles cannot.
An infinite number of zero-point particles does not imply an infinite universe because if our universe has a limited number of these particles, our universe is probably limited in space time. In that case one can speak of an multiverse where there are infinite more universes (emperical uncheckable) where the other zero-particles reside.
What are zero point partcles? Are these different than the mainstream subatomic particles?
How can there be an infinite number of these particles? Wouldn't that imply that the universe is infinite in size?

Used the wrong reply button, so my reply ended up in the main-thread, sorry. The reply is still there, under your post with an answer to your question.
This time posted in the right section of alternatieve theories.

My colleague and I have thought of a theory which forms the foundation for the understanding of the forces combined. This is deduced from the hypothized existance of a zero-point particle.

There is a free download of the article on

Any feedback regarding the theory as described in the article is welcome.

inviting physicists to download spyware/trojans onto their personal computers ?

free download

My colleague and I

surely your college has its own web site with free web hosting for its students ?
why is this not posted on their web site with free access to read it instead of having to download who-knows-what ?

you can cut n paste in paragraphs about the subject and interact with readers if you wanted to.
inviting physicists to download spyware/trojans onto their personal computers ?
How psychotic and distrustfull is your remark. Better download the article and read it before you reply with a substantial thought instead of such irrelevant nonsense. If you can...

surely your college has its own web site with free web hosting for its students ?
why is this not posted on their web site with free access to read it instead of having to download who-knows-what ?

you can cut n paste in paragraphs about the subject and interact with readers if you wanted to.
The free download is from 'The Netherlands' and the article is witten in English.
Guaranteed clean download, a single pdf without the mess you were talking about.


... this is the 2nd time i have tried to be helpful for you.
the point is, when you are asking for someone to give you something of theirs for free, you might get a better response by removing the risk and difficulty for them to help give you something for free.

i should imagine such peoples time is extremely expensive to purchase.
equally would be their leisure time
... this is the 2nd time i have tried to be helpful for you.
the point is, when you are asking for someone to give you something of theirs for free, you might get a better response by removing the risk and difficulty for them to help give you something for free.

i should imagine such peoples time is extremely expensive to purchase.
equally would be their leisure time
Like I said, the download of the article is for free, no strings attached. If you're so afraid of the things you talk about and even have a bad suspicion then it's your mind that needs something changed, not my website or the way to retrieve the article.
Thus, show some scientific interest and download the article. Maybe then we can have a good discussion concerning about what's been written. If not, then just leave this thread, I'm interested in the subject of the article, not in your personal do's en don'ts.
i did not realize you had your own web site.
was it built specifically for this assignment ?
you are doing a degree ?
Yes, it is my own website. Every bit of code programmed by myself. PHP/HTML only, server side. No cookies, third party software or tracking whatsoever. I'm a computer programmer by profession.

I always had a special interest in physics, but then as a hobby, so my (and my college's) knowledge is that of a layman. Although we both have a school background which contains math, physics and chemistry. Both of us don't have a degree in Physics. The reason why the article won't be published or seriously peer reviewed. So the only way to get the theory to the public seemed to be to publish it ourself and let the peering happen afterwards (which I'm hoping on this forum will happen).

So the site was indeed built specifically for this 'assignment'.

Me and me college are both in our fifties and are not planning on getting a degree in physics anymore. The theory itself is something I've thought of in my youth. Much later on I met my college and we got to discuss the theory which was very fruitfull and synergetic, together sparring we came even further. It looked like we came up with a foundation for the theory of everything.

So that's why I want to share the theory with the world and hope it will be seriously read and judged. In our opinion the theory is logical and not just another foggy crackpot theory. But that's on others to decide.
Orion68: SciFo isn't really a hard science forum. Have you posted this anywhere else? I'd be interested to see what they make of it over at
Orion68: SciFo isn't really a hard science forum. Have you posted this anywhere else? I'd be interested to see what they make of it over at
Thank you for the idea. If that's the case I'll probably go over there as well.
With a bit of hesitation, looking at the first reactions of the threads on this forum. So I'd better think of a good and reasonable opening of such a thread.
Thank you for the idea. If that's the case I'll probably go over there as well.
With a bit of hesitation, looking at the first reactions of the threads on this forum. So I'd better think of a good and reasonable opening of such a thread.
Another one is cosmoquest.

Be mindful:
- post in the correct subforum
- be sure to read and abide by the site rules on 'Against the Mainstream' theories
- anticipate that members will ask probing questions, particularly about the math, and expect coherent answers (note that 'I don't know that yet' is a valid answer.)
- don't simply post a link to your PDF; you will be making your case in the thread, although you may refer to your paper as-needed
- you will be asked why you haven't submitted your paper for peer review
These zero-point particles are different from the mainstram particles in that respect that the the mainstream particles are a combination of zero-point particles,
There is no evidence that fundamental particles can be divided into smaller particles. That is going to be a big problem for you to overcome. Do you have any evidence that fundamental particles can be divided?
while the zero-point particle can also be found in it's sollicitary state. Mainstrwam particles can be devided in sub-particles, zero-point particles cannot.
An infinite number of zero-point particles does not imply an infinite universe because if our universe has a limited number of these particles, our universe is probably limited in space time.
In that case one can speak of an multiverse where there are infinite more universes (emperical uncheckable) where the other zero-particles reside.
Do you have evidence that there are an infinite number of inverses?
There is no evidence that fundamental particles can be divided into smaller particles. That is going to be a big problem for you to overcome. Do you have any evidence that fundamental particles can be divided?



Do you have evidence that there are an infinite number of inverses?

These questions will be answered when reading the article. Sometimes first an idea arises, a theory. And then that theory has to be tested in practise.
I dare you to download the article and read the theory... I'll be happy to answer questions afterward.
These questions will be answered when reading the article. Sometimes first an idea arises, a theory. And then that theory has to be tested in practise.
I dare you to download the article and read the theory... I'll be happy to answer questions afterward.
What part of discussion forum do you not understand?
I do not want to go to your site and read your paper.
If you refuse to discuss your ideas then I suggest you go somewhere else.

This starting to look like this will end up in the cesspool, I hope not, but if refuse to answer questions what other choice is there....