The unmanned Mars missions were probably faked

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Registered Senior Member
Can anyone explain this?

It kind of looks like the moon missions aren't the only thing that NASA has faked*.

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 1

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes of Propaganda. PART 2.

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 3.

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 4

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 5

MarsFaker: Phoenix Rising. PART 1.

MarsFaker: Phoenix Rising. PART 2.

Sure! It's "food for thought" for crazy idiotic fucking conspiracy nuts to froth and blather incessantly and ignorantly over at their meetings for the insane.
Can anyone explain this?
Sure. You saw another Youtube video by a whack job and now you are 100% on board with this new woo.

But doesn't this conflict with some of your other conspiracy theories? IIRC you were claiming that "of course probes landed on the moon but men never did." So now probes are out, too? Are you now conspiracizing the lunar probes as well?

Edit - I just watched part 4 for grins. I counted six serious errors in that time. That's one ignorant guy. (Or more likely a smart guy who is laughing that you believe his made up story.)
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Edit - I just watched part 4 for grins. I counted six serious errors in that time. That's one ignorant guy. (Or more likely a smart guy who is laughing that you believe his made up story.)
Apollo hoax-believers have made mistakes but those mistakes' having been corrected don't automatically prove the missions were real.

Do you remember this?

Here's another mistake.

At the 1:23:00 time mark of this video they say that the fact that there's no flame when the LEM takes off is proof of fakery.
American Moon (English Version)

Rocket Cam: Delta IV NROL-71

At the 5:30 time mark of the above video it can be seen that there is no smoke coming from the second stage motor. Evidently there are different combinations of different fuels and oxidizing agents. Some produce smoke in a vaccum and some don't so there not being any smoke coming from the LEM cannot be used as hoax proof. They didn't delve deeply enough when they did the research on that.

Correcting that mistake doesn't make the clear proof* go away though.

Hey paddoboy. I asked you to comment on what looks like a road in this photo.

I want to hear from billvon too.

Well I looked and say It is definitely a road which proves they are not telling us everything.
My guess is that the photo was taken on Earth and they faked the whole thing. Is there any proof that the Mars missions were real? I've only seen evidence that leads to they're being faked in a desert somewhere on Earth.
My guess is that un
My guess is that the photo was taken on Earth and they faked the whole thing.
My guess is underground on Mars is where the elite of our planet live in magnificent buildings with unpoluted air and crystal clear rivers flowing thru the various cave systems and all these Mars missions are simply a cover up for whats really going on...look how you noticed that cant tell me there is not more going on...good guess eh.

Is there any proof that the Mars missions were real?

Yes but they keep it hidden.

I've only seen evidence that leads to they're being faked in a desert somewhere on Earth.

Yes they do that sort of thing to throw folk off the track so no one even gets a hint of the underground cities. If they showed real pictures we would see more roads.
Is there any proof that the Mars missions were real?
Yes but they keep it hidden.

I was referring to something in the photos that we're shown. It all looks consistent with their having been taken in a desert here on Earth. Consistency with an earth desert and an anomaly such as a road leads me to think the missions are being faked on Earth.

Is there anything in the photos that can be considered proof that they were taken on Mars?
Apollo hoax-believers have made mistakes but those mistakes' having been corrected don't automatically prove the missions were real.
So you admit that the videos are full of mistakes but you believe them anyway.

Sounds like conspiracy theories are your religion; no proof needed, because you have faith.
I want to hear from billvon too.
Once again you watch videos full of mistakes and believe them. That makes me think you don't understand what you are watching. It is therefore pointless for me to watch any more videos; you don't understand them to begin with.

So instead I will reply to specific questions you have.
Check the details NASA here , and your find that ''road'' is 11 miles away from Curiosity.
How wide is that ''road'' according to you?

Although Curiosity is about 11 miles (18 kilometers) away from this area and the view is obscured somewhat by dust and haze, the image provides new insights into the style of sediment transport within this system. Curiosity has no current plans to visit this valley system, since the primary objective of the rover is south of the landing site. But images taken later and with the 100-millimeter Mastcam are likely to allow scientists to study the area in significantly more detail.

This color image from NASA's Curiosity rover shows part of the wall of Gale Crater, the location on Mars where the rover landed on Aug. 5, 2012 PDT
Both quotes from link above.

Now, I know your going to say... ''NASA would say that wouldn't they''.
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