The Phoenix Lights

Ripley - writing turgid, indecipherable prose, with a taint of poesy, does not turn oyu into a Philip Roth. Learn to communicate.
But not with me. You aren't worth the effort.

ELE - human dynamics are dynamic. Get over it.
Thats a cop out if I ever saw one. Is that your way of saying that human psychology alone cannot explain this event?

Well, I will have to conclude that Ophiolite has arrived at the same contemplative crossroads that the rest of those with objective and intelligent Phoenix Lights considerations have. Namely one that dismisses the foolish nature of the typical psycho babble post hoc attributed nonsense that so often clouds the minds of the otherwise rational skeptics. Good for him.

Still, you CANNOT blame the skeptics for "sensing" something as being wrong with respect to the PL event. I sense this too. In fact, I sense there is something wrong with just about EVERY premise for an unexplained phenomenon that I take an interest in.

I refer to this as learned instinctively derived rationale and it's subsequently attributed thinking process behavior. In other words, I think it's pretty damn natural to doubt that which is outside the scope of typical rational explanation. However, there ARE MOST DEFINITELY phenomenon that cannot be explained via what we PRESENTLY consider to be rational.

Only the ego will go to the trouble of tripping over itself to faux pas inappropriate explanations.

Peer pressure, it's a bitch.
There is a wealth of published research on human perception. You all choose to ignore this vast literature, preferring exotic explanations for mundane phenomena. Regardless of how often I offer explanations, in any level of detail, you will ignore them because thyey do not fit your preconceived desires.
There seems little chance that any meaningful exchange can take place between those holding these opposing views: you will remain locked in your ignorance; I shall continue to apply Occam's razor.
There is a wealth of published research on human perception. You all choose to ignore this vast literature, preferring exotic explanations for mundane phenomena. Regardless of how often I offer explanations, in any level of detail, you will ignore them because thyey do not fit your preconceived desires.

Hah! Youve offered explanations? I just looked through the thread and found NOTHING, so please show me.
The closest youve come is with the explanation that human psychology is dynamic, and the perceptions are invalid when making extraordinary claims.
But using this argument leaves ALL perceptions up for debate, so that doesnt do you any good.

Regardless of how many witnesses come forward, and no matter how many videos and mass sightings happen; you will ignore them because it does not fit in with your preconceived desires.
There is a wealth of published research on human perception. You all choose to ignore this vast literature, preferring exotic explanations for mundane phenomena. Regardless of how often I offer explanations, in any level of detail, you will ignore them because thyey do not fit your preconceived desires.
There seems little chance that any meaningful exchange can take place between those holding these opposing views: you will remain locked in your ignorance; I shall continue to apply Occam's razor.

Oh but that's just it. You are NOT applying Occam's razor in the least. The mundane explanation you offered is met with more reproof than it is substantiation. The truth in this case, via all diversity of witnesses involved, is that Occam's razor sides with the UFO explanation consisting of some type of aerial technology whether that be human or not. Simply because you chose the mundane path, is in no way an indicator that you have chosen the right path. Logic would dictate that since a truly mass level sighting occurred and such a diverse and credible audience was present, that a majority of witnesses would have to claim the mundane hypothesis you propose in order for the mundane to prevail.

The flare explanation DOES NOT STAND.

What you are REALLY stating is that you can bear no convincing argument or evidence to best support the notion of a mundane explanation for the Phoenix Lights. Therefore, Occam's razor supports the notion that we must fall back upon the mundane explanation no matter how unlikely or reputed that explanation is. That's not Occam's razor. That's much more so confabulation.
Hah! Youve offered explanations? I just looked through the thread and found NOTHING, so please show me.
Try to learn the grammatical distinction between past tense - not used in my statement - and present tense (future implied), which was used in my statement.

It is such lack of attention to detail that disqualifies you as an objective observer.
Try to learn the grammatical distinction between past tense - not used in my statement - and present tense (future implied), which was used in my statement.

It is such lack of attention to detail that disqualifies you as an objective observer.

Why the hell would your future explanations matter if your past ones are non-existant? Your post was an off-topic attempt to make me look stupid, lets stay on topic shall we?
Why the hell would your future explanations matter if your past ones are non-existant? Your post was an off-topic attempt to make me look stupid, lets stay on topic shall we?
Let me explain it to you step by step, so that you may understand.
I could give you detailed explanations, based upon well established principles of psychology, that would explain the behaviour of witnesses to the Phoenix Lights phenomenon. I have observed your ability to apply logic and scientific rigour to concepts through many posts in this thread. That ability is lacking. Therefore there would be no point in me wasting my time to provide those detailed explanations that I could provide.

As to making you look stupid, that is one arena in which I bow to your superior ability.
what was his name? donald keyhole?
this man has done extensive research into the UFO phenomenon only to have his office burglarized and some of his witnesses murdered.
what does this imply?
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I've concluded most "authentic" UFO sightings are simply the next generation of blow-the-otherguy-skyhigh, projects.

They are black budget BS gadgets, yet people wil actually whine about how the NASA Budget should feed the poor in Africa.

You are all diseased.
I've concluded most "authentic" UFO sightings are simply the next generation of blow-the-otherguy-skyhigh, projects.

They are black budget BS gadgets, . . .
a very real possibility and most likely correct, although i wouldn't call them BS.
a very real possibility and most likely correct, although i wouldn't call them BS.

It IS BS. It's about a million lies to get the money for them. It's not disclosed to the public or even oversight comities(the money at the very least).

Then there is NASA which struggles to afford to shoot some fuckin robots here and there. Imagine if NASA has that money. We'd be growing O2 on Mars at least, while fucktards cut down the rain forest here.
what was his name? donald keyhole?
this man has done extensive research into the UFO phenomenon only to have his office burglarized and some of his witnesses murdered.
what does this imply?
It implies nothing. It reveals that burglaries occur and people get murdered. And I think you'll find it's Kehoe.
I've concluded most "authentic" UFO sightings are simply the next generation of blow-the-otherguy-skyhigh, projects.

They are black budget BS gadgets, yet people wil actually whine about how the NASA Budget should feed the poor in Africa.

You are all diseased.

Highly unlikely nietzschefan. Considering that identical reports have been being made for hundreds of years.

I do agree with you that there will always be "seemingly" amazing advances in technology that no one save a very few know much about due to the various entrenched powerscapes. However, there is simply no way that all UFO cases relate to "black" or private human organizations unless you were to accept the far fetched notion that there has always been an unknown and undisclosed race/civilization of human beings on earth that are far advanced of the rest of us.

Secrets are frustrating. This is true. Many choose to adopt the mundane to best immunize themselves from the possible infection of conviction. They have "been there, and done that"

I am sad to say that the rest of your rant is basically silly, ALTHOUGH, I respect you much more than you know.

Please don't portray such a victimized sub standardization that exempts yourself from actuation and responsibility within the world you live. We NEED your intellect here and abroad in this world, not your self pity and loathing of mankind.

You strike a VERY familiar chord within me and even sound like some of my earliest heroes, whom to this day I still very much adore. Geezer for one, of Black Sabbath fame wrote:

"We can put a man on the moon quite easy, while people here on Earth are dying of old diseases"

rebellion is often a form of loneliness and very close bed fellows with our self perceived misery and betrayal. Like another of my earliest heroes stated

"loneliness is such a drag"

you are one of us. there is no escape.