The Messiah Speaks We Obey

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Buffalo Roam, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. superstring01 Moderator

    Buff, are you that bitter that Obama has won that you are going to carry on incessantly that he might actually act according to his values? I've yet to hear you complain about Bush's E.O.'s when he got elected.

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  3. Bells Staff Member


    I think he was being sarcastic in that when Bush did it, it was deemed alright for Buffalo. But when Obama does it.. well.. the thread speaks for itself..
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  5. superstring01 Moderator

    Damn... we need a "sarcasm" emoticon or something. (if this is the case, my apologies)

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  7. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Your point being?

    And your point being? What you quoted in the topic post, and reiterated in your "spoon feeding", as you depicted it in your original lament above, is contradicted by the very sources you provide. Frankly, it's hard to conceive that you're somehow not aware of this. Rather, I don't actually think you're that stupid, Mr. Roam.

    But what I don't get is why you try to deceive people.
  8. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Well one of the first seem to be a OCS drilling ban, and any new drilling in the Continental United States, just how detrimental do you think that is going to be for the economy when gas prices go back to $4.50 a gallon or higher?

    That will send a signal to the oil markets that we are going to remain dependent on foreign oil, and that there will be no new supplies on the market, meaning a tight market, and when a market supply is cut, prices go up, do we need that now?

    For better or worse, the economy of the United States runs on Oil, and there is no source of alterant energy mature enough to replace oil as of today, first to generate the energy, next the infrastructure to deliver that energy.

    Along with this, Obama is going to destroy the coal based energy providers, and if he succeeds, were are we then?

    Can Obama replace 23.3 percent of our energy needs today or even tomorrow with out wrecking the economy?

    His plans to run coal out of the energy business, is economic suicide.
  9. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Actuall you provide the stupidity, and exactly how is this contradicted?

    From the article:

    They tell you straight out that they are going to use executive orders to set the agenda.
  10. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    See, this is just crap. Instead of acknowledging FIRST that in fact conservative presidents ALSO made use of the executive order, often right from the starting gate
    making your objections to the specific executive orders
    you immediately jump,
    when reminded that the theme of this thread is disingenuous,
    to specifics. As distraction.

    The claim of this thread is that Obama is some sort of dictator because he is going to use executive orders. Something that conservative presidents have also used and right from the bat.

    You are being hypocritical.
  11. superstring01 Moderator

    Well, all you have (and I've read the same story) is a speculative piece. Besides, Bush lifting the ban was only symbolic, since it also needed congressional approval to become law. So, Obama reversing it won't really make any difference right now.

    I think we all know that, Buffalo.

    Obama can't do anything without the help of the Congress and you know it. Buffalo, you're acting obsessed. Obama isn't a dictator and given that there are about 15 Democratic senators from coal states along with 45 Republican senators, I highly doubt that he will act unilaterally.

    What I don't get, Buffalo, is that he hasn't indicated that he's going to do ANYTHING yet. Nothing and you're here stating things as if they are foregone conclusions. It's insane. We have no idea what he's going to do.

    Again, Buffalo, he hasn't done a thing yet. Why not wait to see what he tries to do, then react, instead of attempting to presage and missing the mark completely.

  12. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Really Bells? Huh, seems to me that you are a Kettle calling a Pot black, you are ok with Obamas coming executive orders and yet you condemn President Bushs executive orders.

    Do you really know what you are talking about?

    One of the first executive orders by Obama is going to directly affect the oil market, what do you think is going to happen when the OCS Drilling Ban is reinstituted?

    Followed by a ban on Continental Drilling?
  13. Bells Staff Member

    So you have 100% proof that he will do these things? Or are you taking a mere speculation and running with it with your mouth agape?

    From what you posted earlier on.. Pay close attention to the word in bold.

    President-elect Obama plans to use his executive powers to make an immediate impact when he takes office, perhaps reversing Bush administration policies on stem cell research and domestic drilling for oil and natural gas.
  14. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    This thread makes it seem as if executive orders are the problem. Clearly you feel it is OK to give executive orders - iow when your messiah speaks and we obey, that is ok. But you start the thread AS IF Obama is being bad because he will use executive orders. Once it is pointed out that he joins the ranks of other presidents including ones you like, then you go to specifics without acknowledging that the theme of the thread is bogus.
  15. superstring01 Moderator

    I'll be honest, I don't get the point of this thread. I mean, if it's a partisan piece, then let's just say it. But, Obama hasn't done a thing yet. So, when he does, then I'll be sure to let the criticism fly free. Until then, he gets the benefit of doubt.

  16. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Oh, now you're asking that question?

    I guess I need to reiterate:

    Well, let us take a look first of all at the article you quoted, but did not link to. What you quoted:

    And your complaint:

    One might wonder why you didn't offer a link to the story, but perhaps you transcribed it by hand from a print copy. That would explain the brevity of the quote you offered.

    Coincidentally, though, the very next paragraph of Ohlemacher's article undermines your complaint:

    Okay, let's run through the relevant parts here:

    • You suggest that Reid and Pelosi "will not take kindly to being bypassed".
    • Yet, according to the article you cited, Obama is reviewing Bush's executive orders.​

    So it seems that you're trying to be sarcastic and bitter because Obama might undo Bush's bypasses of Congress.​

    I understand that it was easier for you to simply ignore it the first time around, but since you didn't read it then, I'm not going to waste my time writing the whole thing anew.

    It is unwise to quote the lede as absolute fact. Of course, even the summary of what Podesta said might be unreliable. So let's turn to the source, why don't we?

    So, going back to your original point that Reid and Pelosi might be perturbed to be bypassed in this, are you suggesting that President Bush ought to have gone through Congress instead of signing executive orders? Which ones?

    Perhaps you might explain why Congressional leaders would be perturbed that President Obama would attempt to undo the damage Bush did when he bypassed Congress the first time?

    Or is that not something you feel up to?


    Ohlemacher, Stephen. "Obama to use executive orders for immediate impact". Yahoo! News. November 9, 2008.

    FOX News"Transcript: John Podesta on 'FNS'". November 9, 2008.,2933,449164,00.html
  17. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    And that symbolism broke the rising prices of crude oil.

    Really? then why are the democrats so insistent on raising the prices of oil and gas?

    Do you even remember 3 months ago? Gas reached $4.50 a Gallon, and the economy slowed to a dead crawl, the cost of everything was going through the roof, and then the Fannie May and Freddie Mac hit, and where are we now?

    Obama is going the Route of Roosevelt in 1932, more taxes, and now attacking the energy industry right when we need all the energy we can get at a reasonable cost, to keep the economy from a deep stall.

    Really? tell him that, in a direct quote from the Article:

    Andrew Tobias

    Then why the news release from the Obama transition Team about the use of the executive orders?

    Then why are they floating these Balloons?
  18. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    Mr. Buffalo Roam you seem to know more about what Obama is going to do than Obama does.
  19. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    What do you mean by "news release"?

    What do you mean by "news release"?

    John Podesta responded to a specific question from a FOX News presenter. Is that somehow confusing?
  20. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    No, String I am just being the NCO that I was and always will be, Asking Questions, Evaluating Information, and Providing assessments of the Tactical Situation, and Strategic were possible.

    Obama is sending a message, or these stories wouldn't be out, they are coming from Obamas own people, and when some one tell you what they plan to do, it is time to take notice, and start preparing a plan of action.

    Obama is sending a clear message with these reports, of His plans for the implementation of His vision of how He is going to try and run America, and that seem to be to side step congress.

    Maybe true, may not be, but again why are these stories being released to the News? from Obamas own people?
  21. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    LMAO!!!! That was good!
  22. Simon Anders Valued Senior Member

    The thread implies that Obama is cheating or is non-democratic because he plans to use executive orders.

    Buffalo Roam has been informed that conservatives did this and we can only assume that this was OK with BR, since he then immediately focuses on the policy issues, without ever acknowledging that even if BR is correct, Obama is not acting more like a messiah nor a dictator than people that BR admires.

    I can only assume that BR still - is this a surprise - disagrees with Obama's politics, but is trying to make it seem like in addition to this he is a dictator.

    This is disingenous to say the least.
  23. joepistole Deacon Blues Valued Senior Member

    This is nothing new with Mr. Buffalo Roam or Republicans in general. They want to keep people in fear, for in fear they can be controled. Facts are not now, and never have been relevant to their cause.

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