The jews got their own Holocaust, but what about others in the 20th century ?

Discussion in 'History' started by Pasta, Feb 5, 2010.


Why do you think the Holocaust is well advertised, and victims of Communism are not ?

  1. A. Jew are influential in pushing advertising of what happened to them in schools, books and films.

    7 vote(s)
  2. B. People sympathetic to Communism are supressing advertisment of Communist democides

    2 vote(s)
  3. A & B

    3 vote(s)
  4. Other

    7 vote(s)
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  1. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    How does any of that explain the business of death that the holocaust industry has become?
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  3. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    What do you mean by business of death and why do you believe the business aspect is the reason for why a Jewish holocaust is recognized, if that is what you believe..?
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  5. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Because it requires advertising to get people to shell out money year after year
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  7. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    If 50% of the Soviet Union were gassed and turned into soap, believe me there would be just as much "whining". It's about percentages. Like I said, if you were a Jew and you lived in Europe in the 1930's, chances are you were going to meet a horrible end, or at least watch the same thing happen to most of your friends and family. Would you call China's annual reception of reparations from Japan and their continued expectance to receive it "whining"? Whatever reparations the Jewish survivors and/or their descendants will receive will never be worth the suffering and setbacks that were caused. If you think they're whiners, no one is forcing you to listen or to pay a penny. I see a lot more people in Canada asking for handouts every time there's a disaster in Bangladesh or Palestine than I do people asking for Holocaust handouts.
  8. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Well its certainly been enough justification for frauds to write fiction and make money off the real victims

    Elie Weisel was outed as a fraud by inmates of the camp where he claimed to be, but that has made no difference to the $25,000 pop for every lecture he makes about the holocaust or the book [written by a real survivor] whose royalties he has been claiming for decades

    Not surprisingly Wiesel is at the lead of the "uniqueness" doctrine and has a fit if there is any comparison of the holocaust to any other genocide. It would directly affect his profit margin, if the holocaust lost its unique status. There is no business like shoah business.
  9. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    But what makes you think that Holocaust recognition originated to obtain money, if that is what you believe..?
  10. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Because if the industry really cared about the survivors, they wouldn't be protesting for lack of funds and healthcare. Instead, the instutional heads draw six figure salaries and command limousines at lectures. While the survivors sleep on park benches and eat chicken necks.
  11. PsychoTropicPuppy Bittersweet life? Valued Senior Member

    There's always someone who's going to profit from someone else's tragedy.
  12. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    Those institutional heads (Wiesel) may just be profiteers themselves. He has pushed its recognition in order to generate revenue, fame, and ethnic importance for him and Jews. That is definitely a bad thing... but I think Wiesel (or people like him) did not begin Holocaust recognition. I also believe that most Jews who recognize the Jewish holocaust are interested or reverent for reasons more noble than those of Wiesel. Do you disagree..?
  13. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    True, but its curious who seems willing to pay and who doesn't


    Compare that to this:
    Why didn't the Americans pay?

    source: Beyond Chutzpah, Norman Finkelstein
  14. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    As well, if you believe that most Jews promote Holocaust recognition for the same reasons and goals that Wiesel has (money, fame, ethnic importance) then what separates Jews from other genocided ethnic groups except that Jews have influence enough and resources enough to push their genocidal recognition when those other groups do not..?

    Do you believe that other groups would not like the same recognition and status as Jewish holocaust..?
  15. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I don't know. Have the homosexuals and gypsies tried to get compensation for the Holocaust? Have the Poles? Have gulag survivors? We don't hear about their efforts as much, but perhaps they are out there?
  16. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    I believe they aren't heard of because homosexuals, gypsies, and gulag survivors are not as respected or as massively united in cause as Jews are. Do you believe they are..?
  17. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Like I said, I wouldn't know, I didn't hear from any gays or Poles or gypsies when the Auschwitz sign was stolen
  18. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    Me neither. Their voices are overshadowed by people's perception that the Jews suffered the most, whether that perception be real, imagined, or exaggerated. More Jews died, so people believe that for Jews it was a group struggle and for everyone else (homosexuals, gypsies) it was ultimately an individual struggle.
  19. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    There's nothing wrong with people making money from the holocaust. Any major event can become an industry, slavery, for instance. I don't see anyone complaining about Hip Hop, and yet they exploit the memory of slavery, and they receive substantial compensation for it. Any kind of widespread institutional forms of education on a subject will have a capitalist component. Even the environmentalists sell t-shirts.
  20. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I think thats generally true. People see the holocaust as a group suffering, which is why even Jews who lived in Haifa became "survivors" while with everyone else, if they died, too bad, if they survived, count your blessings
  21. PsychoTropicPuppy Bittersweet life? Valued Senior Member

    I saw some docus about Jews where the survivors denied the compensation - reason: no money on this world could compensate for the lost life of my mum...[or something along those lines]

    As for Switzerland, admittedly I think we really were a fence. However in comparison to the USA's geographical location we probably didn't have many options left as we were pretty much chanceless. It actually surprised me when I first heard of the St. Louis. As for why the USA didn't pay...I've got no clue.
  22. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I didn't realise you were Swiss. What was the Swiss position wrt to refuge for gypsies, crippled people and homosexuals? Or was it irrelevant?

    I've never heard anything about how these groups were treated as refugees during the Nazi occupation

    Then why is Bernie Madoff in prison? Isn't it capitalism to make money off dumb people who trust you?
  23. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    Yeah there's a lot of exploitation of the situation, and it's pretty disgusting. I know of one example from back home, where a Jewish lady defrauded a Jewish charity and then blamed it on her parents' suffering in the Holocaust during her court trial. That shouldn't take away from the right of legitimate survivors and their descendents to remember the Holocaust and warn the world against following the same path.
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