The fluorescent chain cat shark I saw while snorkling

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by cosmictraveler, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    I was in about 100 feet of water but it was above the ocean floor. It just was swimming by. I was on the surface when I saw it and went down to investigate it more.
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  3. Skeptical Registered Senior Member

    I was snorkelling once in New Zealand's Poor Knights Islands. There are wonderful caves with air bubbles in them.

    One is 12 metres deep (40 feet). I swam down to it, and rested inside, at 12 metres, breathing. Then I swam down another 12 metres, and came back to the cave for another rest. Ascent from this requires exhalation, but is otherwise easy.

    So I can say, with total honesty, that I have breath hold dived to 24 metres (80 feet) deep!
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  5. synthesizer-patel Sweep the leg Johnny! Valued Senior Member

    Nice fishy - its a chimera - an evolutionary intermediate clade between elasmobranchs and teleosts

    rare to see a photo of a live one as they usually live very deep down.
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  7. Spud Emperor solanaceous common tater Registered Senior Member

    Cosmic, I'm very impressed that you're well and still diving to depths such as that.
    Can't keep a good man down. (for those who don't know, Cosmic is about 103 years old, well about 80).
    Seeing the phosphorescent catshark must have been awesome.

    I've just got back from a trip to the Great Astrolabe reef off Kadavu in Fiji
    I was free diving (snorkelling) in gin clear water. It was stunning. Had a brilliant time. Eight year old daughter is already getting down to about 4 metres, fifteen year old son is hitting 15 metres. we dived with mantas, reef sharks, massive schools of red bass etc. etc. etc

    I've seen plenty of catsharks in Oz, caught them by hand (they're very docile), eaten a couple, delicious but I won't take them any more, too precious.
    Last year I was over some rocky bottom when I speared a cheilodactylus rufus (red morwong), it was stone kill shot to the brain and the spear didn't lodge. The fish, moving from nerve impulses only, was turning somersaults in a vertical plane, from seemingly out of nowhere, two beautiful snowy white catsharks emerged to check the commotion and were doing figure eights below the revolving fish. Unbelievable sight.
  8. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    @ Captain Kremmen

    Was I, :shrug:

    @ Spud

    I was diving in 100 feet of water, the depth I estimated, but I don't go down that far or my bladder would erupt!

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    I usually just swim on the surface but do dive down to investigate things that aren't to deep.

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  9. Captain Kremmen All aboard, me Hearties! Valued Senior Member

    Are that creature's eyes for real?
  10. cosmictraveler Be kind to yourself always. Valued Senior Member

    Of course they are! You wouldn't say that to a lady would you?

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  11. Cat_with_no_eyes Registered Senior Member

    It almost looks something out of a cartoon.

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