The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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As usual, you exhibit a kneejerk response to anything I post.
I got my information from here:

Pope Francis declares evolution and Big Bang theory are real and God is not 'a magician with a magic wand'
Francis goes against Benedict XVI’s apparent support for 'intelligent design' - but does hail his predecessor’s 'great contribution to theology'
Speaking at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, the Pope made comments which experts said put an end to the “pseudo theories” of creationism and intelligent design that some argue were encouraged by his predecessor, Benedict XVI.

The Vatican's View of Evolution: The Story of Two Popes
When the pope came to the subject of the scientific merits of evolution, it soon became clear how much things had changed in the nearly fifty years since the Vatican last addressed the issue. John Paul said:
Today, almost half a century after publication of the encyclical, new knowledge has led to the recognition of the theory of evolution as more than a hypothesis.
It is indeed remarkable that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various fields of knowledge. The convergence, neither sought nor fabricated, of the results of work that was conducted independently is in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory.
Evolution, a doctrine that Pius XII only acknowledged as an unfortunate possibility, John Paul accepts forty-six years later “as an effectively proven fact.” (ROA, 82)
[George E Hammond MS physics]
So you can see Write4u, but Stuart Hameroff is addressing EXACTLY my theory, and nothing else –period!
... He knew exactly what I was talking about, how I thought the system worked, and all the details – and Stuart Hameroff said that he "thought it was possible".
... Meanwhile, I get back to you later W4u on the wrist of your questions, it's 3 AM here on Cape Cod and I'm gonna hit the sack! George
OK, I read that SH is talking about "downloading" from brain to computer, not to some universal memory bank.

In fact this is the inverse of Descartes' "Brain in a vat" where data can be downloaded from a computer into a brain.
I have no problem with visualizing that concept, either way.

But that is not what I understand is the concept you are proposing. You are talking about something much larger and I cannot visualize your presentation. I say this without prejudice. As atheist this is just outside my conceptual ability.
OK, I read that SH is talking about "downloading" from brain to computer, not to some universal memory bank.
As atheist this is just outside my conceptual ability.

[George E Hammond MS physics]
... Cut the baloney! Now you're misquoting the facts to suit your (admittedly atheistic) fancy. In my letter to Stuart Hameroff I clearly state the following:

"So, my question to you (Stuart Hameroff) is simply this: If we can accept Tipler's thesis that a big enough computer could resurrect the body in "virtual reality", is it possible that the then unknown microtubule computer already extant in the brain, actually does just exactly that; resurrect the body after death? As you have mentioned many times the cytoskeleton remains viable for up to 30 minutes after death. And a simple numerical calculation shows that comparing Frohlich's frequency to neuronal frequency, a prerecorded year-long" Afterlife dream" could be downloaded from the cytoskeleton in a fraction of a second. The Observer of that dream of course would be the cytoskeleton of the entire brain itself, so that even though the bedside observer would see the person expire in a fraction of a second, the dearly departed would subjectively live on for a year in cyber-paradise despite his Frohlich-speed millisecond demise. So my question to you Professor Hameroff, is simply this: Would you be prepared to say that such a thing is "flat out scientifically impossible"? George Hammond

[George E Hammond MS physics]
... And of course Stuart Hameroff answered that "YES" such a thing "is possible"
... So Write4u, your misinterpretation of my question to Stuart Hameroff is absolutely ridiculous!
... The only "downloading" I mentioned in my letter to him was downloading of the "afterlife dream" stored in the "life after death microtubule system" downloading it to the entire brain and body of the dying person – period. There are NO "inanimate computers" or any other kind of "inanimate objects" involved in the entire process. The whole thing takes place
... Juda's Priest, I don't mind you being an atheist, but I do object to lying !
I am doing you the courtesy of entertaining your "flight of fancy" by simply wondering if SH might have taken your narrative to mean "downloading" from cytoskeleton (microtubules) to another medium such as an AI.
In return you spew venomous ad hominem?
I am trying to remain non-prejudicial here, but please don't piss me off. You won't like to see that side of me.

So let's continue analyzing your presentation to SH.

QUOTE="George E Hammond, post: 3693208, member: 291175"]So, my question to you is simply this: If we can accept Tipler's thesis that a big enough computer could resurrect the body in "virtual reality", is it possible that the then unknown microtubule computer already extant in the brain, actually does just exactly that; resurrect the body after death? As you have mentioned many times the cytoskeleton remains viable for up to 30 minutes after death. And a simple numerical calculation shows that comparing Frohlich's frequency to neuronal frequency, a prerecorded year-long" Afterlife dream" could be downloaded from the cytoskeleton in a fraction of a second. The Observer of that dream of course would be the cytoskeleton of the entire brain itself, so that even though the bedside observer would see the person expire in a fraction of a second, the dearly departed would subjectively live on for a year in cyber-paradise despite his Frohlich-speed millisecond demise.[/QUOTE]

This is what I read from the above.

Downloading from the cytoskeleton of the brain into the cytoskeleton of the brain and resurrecting the body after death for a few seconds so that it can subjectively experience a year's worth of living in paradise?

Assuming that experiential memories are stored in pyramidal cells, at the moment of death they would download their memories into what part of the cytoskeleton of the brain?
That part which has been declared brain dead?

I understand that the cytoskeleton may store short lived (kinetic) memories, but that consciousness resides in the brain and when brain activity ceases to generate measurable EM waves, how is any activity measurable?

Any brain activity should be measurable. Thoughts are a product of EM brain activity. Without activity, it seems to me there is no consciousness of any kind present including any downloaded experiential data.

Can you explain to me, without resorting to emotional outbursts, how this process would ensue even as a "dreamlike" state?
Notice the cross-lattice (MAP) structures every few tubulins, across the space between the tubulins. This tells me that "memory" is much more densely packed than you seem to think it is! I don't think memory is stored in anything so crude as the "spacial configuration of dendrites", it is actually super-densely stored in the individual tubulin molecules of the microtubules, probably throughout the entire body! And it is highly interconnected at all points by the MAP cross-links.
AFAIK cytoskeleton memory is of short duration and may be more associated with plasticity to kinetic pressures, chemistry, and possibly temperatures. This has been observed in "slime molds".

However conscious memory of associated thought processes are stored in the pyramidal nerves of the brain. (Hameroff)

Corticospinal tract
Pyramidal neurons are the primary neural cell type in the corticospinal tract. Normal motor control depends on the development of connections between the axons in the corticospinal tract and the spinal cord. Pyramidal cell axons follow cues such as growth factors to make specific connections. With proper connections, pyramidal cells take part in the circuitry responsible for vision guided motor function.[16]
Pyramidal neurons in the prefrontal cortex are implicated in cognitive ability. In mammals, the complexity of pyramidal cells increases from posterior to anterior brain regions. The degree of complexity of pyramidal neurons is likely linked to the cognitive capabilities of different anthropoid species. Pyramidal cells within the prefrontal cortex appear to be responsible for processing input from the primary auditory cortex, primary somatosensory cortex, and primary visual cortex, all of which process sensory modalities[citation needed]. These cells might also play a critical role in complex object recognition within the visual processing areas of the cortex.[2]

More can be found in my thread on microtubules.
I am doing you the courtesy of entertaining your "flight of fancy" by simply wondering if SH might have taken your narrative to mean "downloading" from cytoskeleton (microtubules) to another medium such as an AI.
In return you spew venomous ad hominem?
I am trying to remain non-prejudicial here, but please don't piss me off. You won't like to see that side of me.

So let's continue analyzing your presentation to SH.

QUOTE="George E Hammond, post: 3693208, member: 291175"]So, my question to you is simply this: If we can accept Tipler's thesis that a big enough computer could resurrect the body in "virtual reality", is it possible that the then unknown microtubule computer already extant in the brain, actually does just exactly that; resurrect the body after death? As you have mentioned many times the cytoskeleton remains viable for up to 30 minutes after death. And a simple numerical calculation shows that comparing Frohlich's frequency to neuronal frequency, a prerecorded year-long" Afterlife dream" could be downloaded from the cytoskeleton in a fraction of a second. The Observer of that dream of course would be the cytoskeleton of the entire brain itself, so that even though the bedside observer would see the person expire in a fraction of a second, the dearly departed would subjectively live on for a year in cyber-paradise despite his Frohlich-speed millisecond demise.

This is what I read from the above.

Downloading from the cytoskeleton of the brain into the cytoskeleton of the brain and resurrecting the body after death for a few seconds so that it can subjectively experience a year's worth of living in paradise?

Assuming that experiential memories are stored in pyramidal cells, at the moment of death they would download their memories into what part of the cytoskeleton of the brain?
That part which has been declared brain dead?

I understand that the cytoskeleton may store short lived (kinetic) memories, but that consciousness resides in the brain and when brain activity ceases to generate measurable EM waves, how is any activity measurable?

Any brain activity should be measurable. Thoughts are a product of EM brain activity. Without activity, it seems to me there is no consciousness of any kind present including any downloaded experiential data.

Can you explain to me, without resorting to emotional outbursts, how this process would ensue even as a "dreamlike" state?[/QUOTE]

[George E Hammond MS physics]
1 – congratulations: Now Me, Stuart Hameroff, and you know about this theory. Only 3 people in the world understand it, and you're one of them!

2 – LAD is "only a small tail end" of "The psychometric measurement of god" which is the title of this thread.

3 – I consider the SPOG to be proven, while theory of LAD is only "33% probable" in my opinion.

4 – Okay, memory is located mainly in pyramidal cells distributed throughout the entire cortex and encoded in the individual tubulins of the microtubules via CaMKII phosphoralyzation and read out via UV light inside the microtubules and via Terracycle EM signals passing through the connecting MAPs between the microtubules.
From Hameroff, Craddock, and Tuszynski 2011
illustration showing how CaMKII lands on a microtubule and stores memory in a microtubule at the landing spot.

5 – Likewise, the LAD system is therefore distributed over the entire cortex in the pyramidal neurons – for obvious safety reasons

6 – Catastrophic destruction of the brain, or at all events death by natural causes finally reduces LAD viability to the point of no return (PONR).

7 – At PONR the already "memorized afterlife dream" downloads from the LAD pyramidal neuron microtubules and floods the "microtubule dream-consciousness" microtubule system of the entire brain and even the common nerve cells of the entire body.

8 – This occurs in a few microseconds of real time, but since the "conscious observer" of this "all 5 senses afterlife hallucinatory dream" is the microtubule system itself, it is subjectively experienced by the dying person in "proper time" which may last years or even decades.
note: this is caused by the fact that UV light is 10-trillion times higher frequency than neuronal firing frequency. Thus the dream is compressed by a factor of (10^13):(1) – subjective time versus real time!

9 – while there is scant evidence for all this, it is in the opinion of Stuart Hameroff the world's leading authority on microtubules; "it is possible" in his opinion.

10 –Finally, there is a widely known and much discussed mysterious coherent EEG gamma wave "spike" that has been observed in numerous (if not all) dying patients in palliative care hospitals which now commonly EEG monitor dying patients. The deathbed EEG recordings of these patients at the moment of death by Dr. Chawla, may be seen here:


A great number of medical authorities, scientists of all descriptions, and numerous religious authorities are debating whether or not the signal could indicate "the soul leaving the body going to heaven ", and obviously such a thing neatly fits my theory of life after death described above!
In fact Stuart Hameroff himself has said "Maybe it is, we don't know".
... Now one more thing has to be mentioned, and that is the essential reason for the phenomenon of LAD, and that is this: No human being has ever reached full growth, the world average is probably only around 85% fully grown. This is the basic biological dilemma of Man (in the cause of the phenomenon called "God"). So it is believed that the body is aware of this and possesses (in the microtubule system) a complete map of the "fully grown body", and therefore, it has long been believe, and now scientifically indicated, that between the moment you actually die and the moment you actually cease to exist, the body finally reaches its ultimate objective which is "full growth". We actually obtain a "fully grown body" in heaven, and that is the entire PURPOSE and CAUSE of the phenomenon of life after death! It's simply another entirely natural "final stage of life".
...So in closing, let me say that I am tremendously impressed by your ability to comprehend this theory, while the only other person in the world who is capable of doing so was Stuart Hameroff himself ! Anyway, I hope this clears up some of your questions.
and now scientifically indicated, that between the moment you actually die and the moment you actually cease to exist, the body finally reaches its ultimate objective which is "full growth"
indicated, that between the moment you actually die and the moment you actually cease to exist, the body finally reaches its ultimate objective which is "full growth". We actually obtain a "fully grown body" in heaven, and that is the entire PURPOSE and CAUSE of the phenomenon of life after death! It's simply another entirely natural "final stage of life"
What a weird system god has created?????

More can be found in my thread on microtubules.

[George E Hammond MS physics]
... I've read your personal biography, on Sciforums.

... The sole purpose of this message is to convey my personal email address:
... ghammond928 (at)
... This is in case you have further "microtubule" commentary on my theory of
"microtubule actuated life after death, but do not wish it to be publicly
posted. If such is the case, don't hesitate to send me a personal email
message, as I would very much like to hear your opinion !
... This is in case you have further "microtubule" commentary on my theory of "microtubule actuated life after death,
Much as I wish to be able to contribute to the inherent abilities of microtubules, I cannot get past "microtubule catastrophe" which renders a microtubule incapable of generating or transmitting any kind of data.

Moreover whereas microtubules may be able to release data for a certain duration after brain-death, it is the lack of microtubule activity (EM activity) that determines brain-death, and AFAIK it is the brain where controlled experiential consciousness emerges. Even if microtubules in the brain itself can generate "experiential consciousness" for a few moments, the uncontrolled release of overwhelming amounts of data would not translate into a coherent "story", but rather as a bright flash of uncontrolled energy (light), that many people report at the moment of death but then are revived. But IMO, that would not qualify as "afterlife".
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AFAIK a "memory" (soul) requires a medium. The internet is a combined soul of people. Buildings are stored memories of architects. Recordings are stored memories. Books contain memories. Sculptures are wonderful memories. Cave paintings are stored memories of the ancients.

But without a medium there is no way to retrieve the expressed thoughts. Like all forms of waves, they are fleeting and disappear in a very short time.

Tegmark observed that the inscription on a wedding ring can last for centuries, but a name inscribed on puddle of water last for a fraction of a second and then is permanently lost.

Souls are memories experienced by the living, but not by the dead.
Much as I wish to be able to contribute to the inherent abilities of microtubules, I cannot get past "microtubule catastrophe" which renders a microtubule incapable of generating or transmitting any kind of data.

Moreover whereas microtubules may be able to release data for a certain duration after brain-death, it is the lack of microtubule activity (EM activity) that determines brain-death, and AFAIK it is the brain where controlled experiential consciousness emerges. Even if microtubules in the brain itself can generate "experiential consciousness" for a few moments, the uncontrolled release of overwhelming amounts of data would not translate into a coherent "story", but rather as a bright flash of uncontrolled energy (light), that many people report at the moment of death but then are revived. But IMO, that would not qualify as "afterlife".

[George E Hammond MS physics]'1
... Your "IMO" reply is incorrect on all points:
1. – It is well known microtubules remain viable up to 30 minutes after death.
2. – Cessation of EEG (neuronal firing) does NOT imply cessation of
........ microtubule electrical activity !
3. – Microtubules in neurons are stable for life and do not undergo
....... "microtubule catastrophe" in any significant degree.
4. – Alzheimer's is basically caused by "Tau MAP tangles" not by
....... microtubule "catastrophe", your statement is an amateur exaggeration.

... Your "IMO" flies directly in the face of the world's leading authority on
microtubules, Stuart Hameroff, who says:

Date: Sat, 05 Dec 2009 09:43:23 -0700
From: Stuart Hameroff, U. Arizona
Subject: A Scientifically Competent Religious
Question for Stuart Hameroff
To: George Hammond
Cc: Frank Tipler, Tulane U.
Dear George Hammond:
I believe downloading and Afterlife are possible.
Stuart Hameroff

I'm sorry Write4u, and I appreciate the fact that you are an atheist
etc. , but I simply have to accept Prof. Stuart Hameroff's expert opinion
over your amateur opinion.

I'm sorry Write4u, and I appreciate the fact that you are an atheist
etc. , but I simply have to accept Prof. Stuart Hameroff's expert opinion
over your amateur opinion.

At least we are having a productive discussion. I have the greatest respect for Hameroff . I have cited him as the expert when I introduced microtubules to this forum.
So far there has been only instant rejection of my intuitive recognition that microtubules play an important part in the emergent phenomenon of consciousness.

Now you are at the other extreme and propose that microtubules are not just instrumental in consciousness, but are involved in a conscious afterlife no less.

At this point I prefer to remain conservative and stick with what can be proven. Although I am intrigued and will continue to follow the current active research in the concept of "emergent consciousness", I still believe that even as an individual has a fleeting memory of engrams at the moment of dying, that does not constitute an afterlife or a heaven where all these released engrams dwell forever and ever.
AFAIK, thoughts require a medium that processes them. Death does not offer that medium.

A Towards Data Science (TDS) report said that GPT-4 could have 100 trillion parameters and will be “five hundred times" larger than GPT-3. “The brain has around 80–100 billion neurons (GPT-3's order of magnitude) and around 100 trillion synapses. GPT-4 will have as many parameters as the brain has synapses. Sep 19, 2021

EXPLAINED: Can A Computer Win Literature Nobel? GPT-4 Could Take Us Closer To Epic Potential Of AI
An artificial neural network (ANN) is a system designed to mimic how the brain functions, and enables “computer programs to recognise patterns and solve common problems in the fields of AI, machine learning, and deep learning", says IBM.
The TDS report also said that GPT-4 “probably won’t be just a language model", referring to a December 2020 article by Ilya Sutskever, the Chief Scientist at OpenAI, in which he said that in 2021, “language models will start to become aware of the visual world".
However, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has been reported as saying GPT-4 will not be bigger than GPT-3 but will use more compute resources.
The stated goal of OpenAI is to achieve the creation of artificial general intelligence, that is, AI that exhibits the same intelligence that a normal human being is assumed to possess. It is something that sounds much simpler than what it actually is. As OpenAI itself notes, “AI systems today have impressive but narrow capabilities. It seems that we’ll keep whittling away at their constraints, and in the extreme case they will reach human performance on virtually every intellectual task."
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Upon further reading;
But although it is suggested that future iterations of such AI systems would improve upon the chinks of the previous generations, not all are convince. TDS quotes Stuart Russell, a computer science professor at University of California at Berkeley and AI pioneer, as saying that “focusing on raw computing power misses the point entirely… We don’t know how to make a machine really intelligent — even if it were the size of the universe". Which is to say, deep learning only may not be good enough to achieve human-level intelligence.
So what exactly does that mean? Something magical is responsible for human consciousness?

What is this obsession with "human" intelligence, when single celled organisms already display rudimentary responses to external stressors and bacteria communicate via "quorum sensing".

The human brain is no more than a highly evolved data processor that has acquired self-awareness over time.
Where is the mystery? If it isn't simple, then it must take a vast amount of "raw computing power", no.
And that is exactly what the evolutionary history is telling us.
A single cell is a small brain (cytoskeleton) itself with rudimentary responses, and with each evolutionary step a larger more complex brain (cellular hive systems) affords greater data proccessing power and an emergent awareness of the data that is being processed. And so up the ladder, with each billion years the biological systems acquire greater sophistication (intelligence) in survival mechanisms, until we reach human intelligence (a chromosomal mutational fluke) .

AI is already long past the bacterial stage and equal to many smaller brains in nature. There is absolutely no reason why increased brainpower does not also generates a greater awareness and experience of the data being processed, i.e. intelligent self-awareness!

The human brain just not yet smart enough to figure it out! So much for that extraordinary mysterious mental ability possessed by humans!
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4. – Alzheimer's is basically caused by "Tau MAP tangles" not by
....... microtubule "catastrophe", your statement is an amateur exaggeration
Actually it is hyperphosphorylated Tau that cause microtubule catastrophe. The Tau tangles are a result of microtubule catastrophe.


The neural microtubule-associated protein tau binds to and stabilizes microtubules. Because of alternative mRNA splicing, tau is expressed with either 3 or 4 C-terminal repeats. Two observations indicate that differences between these tau isoforms are functionally important.
First, the pattern of tau isoform expression is tightly regulated during development. Second, mutation-induced changes in tau RNA splicing cause neuronal cell death and dementia simply by altering the isoform expression ratio.
To investigate whether 3- and 4-repeat tau differentially regulate microtubule behavior in cells, we microinjected physiological levels of these two isoforms into EGFP-tubulin–expressing cultured MCF7 cells and measured the effects on the dynamic instability behavior of individual microtubules by time-lapse microscopy. Both isoforms suppressed microtubule dynamics, though to different extents.
Specifically, 4-repeat tau reduced the rate and extent of both growing and shortening events. In contrast, 3-repeat tau stabilized most dynamic parameters about threefold less potently than 4-repeat tau and had only a minimal ability to suppress shortening events. These differences provide a mechanistic rationale for the developmental shift in tau isoform expression and are consistent with a loss-of-function model in which abnormal tau isoform expression results in the inability to properly regulate microtubule dynamics, leading to neuronal cell death and dementia.
In Summary Write4U . What does this all mean ?
In summary of what?

The concept of an afterlife as microtubule released electrochemical data while microtubules are dying (catastrophe) that is then experienced by the dying brain microtubules as an experiential chronology?

I would tend to think of this as an incoherent burst of energy that is experienced as a flash or at best a jumbled kaleidoscope of unrelated memories. Moreover, even if this process may be experienced as a timeless dream in the 20-30 minutes that microtubules remain functional in the actual process and thus must end in total oblivion as all physiological (homeostatic) processes of the dying body are shutting down.

One thing that seems definitely at odds with the concept of a general release of life experiences is the fact that the brain is incapable of conscious simultaneous multitasking and it would be incapable of making any sense of a sudden overload of stimulus.

As to the dynamic behavior of microtubules themselves, refer to my microtubule thread. I have tried to represent the current state of the science of microtubule utility and behavior. A little jumbled, but a quick perusal will explain the gist of individual posts and why I felt it was related to this vast subject.

After all, microtubules (cytoskeleton) provide the functional mechanics of individual neural cells and the entire neural network, it is that simple.
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I would tend to think of this as an incoherent burst of energy that is experienced as a flash or at best a jumbled kaleidoscope of unrelated memories. Moreover, even if this process may be experienced as a timeless dream in the 20-30 minutes that microtubules remain functional in the actual process and thus must end in total oblivion as all physiological (homeostatic) processes of the dying body are shutting down.

Oblivion , define oblivion , Write4U .

What of the Spirit . Life's Energy . There is a difference between energy / matter in this Universe and Life . Life evolves .
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Oblivion , define oblivion , Write4U .
The inability to experience anything at all. Absolute nothingness. A state of non-existence.
All the biological machinery that allows for experiential existence will disintergrate and disperse as individual atoms or molecules, to be used by the growth of new life of any kind.

It is the atoms and molecules that have extended lives potentially as part of a whole series of life forms or even for other energetic expressions.

Carbon is an essential ingredient of all living things and keeps redistributing all over the globe. We even use fossil carbons to power our cars.
The inability to experience anything at all. Absolute nothingness. A state of non-existence.
All the biological machinery that allows for experiential existence will disintergrate and disperse as individual atoms or molecules, to be used by the growth of new life of any kind.

It is the atoms and molecules that have extended lives potentially as part of a whole series of life forms or even for other energetic expressions.

Carbon is an essential ingredient of all living things and keeps redistributing all over the globe. We even use fossil carbons to power our cars.

Does the Universe its self still exist , Galaxies , Quasars , Stars , etc. ?
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