The beseiged Ghetto Gaza set to get worse

Discussion in 'World Events' started by Brian Foley, Nov 23, 2007.

  1. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Hah! Were they denied access to food water and basic medical supplies? Had settlers stealing, pushing them off the land and stealing their livelihood? Were they put on a diet? Enclosed within walls and movements restricted? Forced to eat from the garbage?

    Did they live like this?
    Or like this?
    Or this?
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2007
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  3. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Sometimes, probably. That would have been some time before, of course.


    Yep. Diet maybe not though. Hard to say. But they did get to wear identifying clothing, step into the gutter when one of their "protectors" walked by, or rise from their seats when one wished to sit down, allow themselves to be beaten in public without striking back, allow their relatives to be stolen and forcibly converted, and generally behave as particularly reviled slaves. And what could be wrong with all that?

    Pretty much, yeah. Whenever the "pact" was considered to have been broken.
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  5. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Cite references for all above claims please.
    From what I have read about early Judaism, they preferred not to eat with or live among "unclean" gentiles.

    And discouraged social relations between Jews and non-Jews,M1
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2007
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  7. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Pact of Umar.

    "Sword of the Prophet", Serge Trifkovic.

    You're welcome. Are you finished reading the Protocols of Zion yet? Nice search, BTW: "vile" + "unclean" + "gentile". Congratulations: your core assumptions are starting to show through at last. It has not taken so much to buff away the dross.
  8. Mr.Spock Back from the dead Valued Senior Member

  9. Mr.Spock Back from the dead Valued Senior Member

    i doubt there was anything worth calling a hospital those days.

    an stop making the palestinians look like victims. victims dont train their children to hate and kill jews.
  10. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    Foley how do you explain the fact that it was Fatah that won the last election with a majority of Palestinian votes? in the Gaza and the West Bank, so how can corrupt Hammas be the legitimate government, if it lost the Election?
  11. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    What do you think of this?

    And this?

    Is there any basis for these studies and commentaries by Jews? Are they self hating anti-Semites for discussing these ?
  12. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Sam, you'll find a range of views in every nation and people on the earth. You use your sources like a drunk uses a lamppost - for support, rather than illumination.
  13. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I have actually asked Jews about this. Why don't you try it?

    It was considered ritually impure for them to live and sleep with non-Jews. They demanded separation or ensured it. Not everyone of course. There were always iconoclasts who did whatever they pleased, but most of them were closely knit and followed the norm.

    In fact, it was the branch of Judaism that developed in Islamic lands that was less segregated and more assimilated, probably due to the similarity in monotheism and the acceptance of Jews as a religious group that had a revelation from the same God.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  14. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Wow. This breaches even the far border of insanity I'd considered for you.

    I, also, know Jews. More than a dozen. Not one of them has ever mentioned this rule, not one adheres to it that I know of. I haven't slept or lived with them all, of course.

    (To live and sleep with as in live in the same house? That sounds more like marriage.)

    So were they so desirous of their separation that they enclosed themselves on an insignificantly tiny proportion of the land, backed into a tiny quarter when once they, too, had land and property outside the cramped Jerusalem quarter? They must have been really rigid about that separation issue, eh?
  15. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    I reviewed your sources. Here's what the original link you posted gave me:

    But not to fret yourself, Sam: I'm sure they were happy ghettos, with choreographed singing and dancing, like in West Side Story.

    The actual link about the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem is this:

    Wherein I found the following:

    He seems quite a happy fellow, this el-Tal lad. "Calculated destruction". Odd. I could have sworn I'd heard that phrase in relation to this general issue before. Anyway, I'm certain the deep and abiding respect that islamic jurisprudence teaches for other Abrahamic religions preserved the Jewish character of the neighbourhood since, after all, it was merely the Zionists who were considered the problem, and not Jews or Judaism per se.

    Or not.

    I know your keen interest in "right of return". I wonder what your ethics has to say about the expulsions and occupation.
  16. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    I agree that post Israel, the conditions of the Jews in the Middle East became deplorable, I have never argued against that. But I think you will find (if you review some more sources, since you now seem inclined to do so) that the segregation was due to internal community pressure in the Middle East before the formation of Israel.

    This is also what I have discovered has happened in India with the Jewish community, with different denominations of Jews making isolated communities. You won't find the Bani Israel outside Bombay, for instance, and most of them live in the Jewish community in Thane and in around their original location where they immigrated and settled 2000 years ago. Many of them moved to Israel, although they had some problems first with recognition as Jews and later with some racism against them, so that many returned and most opted to stay in India.

    They stayed in isolated ghettos even in India.

    ghetto: 1: a quarter of a city in which Jews were formerly required to live

    Compare that with the Parsis who arrived 1000 years ago and are spread all over the country and identify themselves as Indians, although they too, like the Jews do not intermarry outside their faith and follow exclusion policies.

    I noticed you did not say anything about the fact that the Sephardic Jews who lived among the Muslims were more assimilated.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  17. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Cramped Jerusalem quarter? You mean like New York? Jews have always gravitated to cities. How does that compare to the fact that there are about 4 million Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza while 4 million Israelis occupy the rest of the land?

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    ie those green portions contain approximately the same number of people as the white portions? Is that cramped do you think?

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    To live and sleep with as to live among and eat or sleep in the same location with. In any diaspora, Jews have always maintained a separate quarter, thorughout history, except for the Sephardic Jews who were influenced by Arab and Greek thought. Orthodox Judaism advocates segregation from all non-Jewish culture, except as a means of education and livelihood. Mixing with non-Jewish society is considered a necessary evil.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  18. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Interestingly, quite possibly, the congregation of Jews into separate communities may be due to their interpretation of Halakah (the way) or jewish laws.

    As well as to maintain ethnic exclusivity, perhaps due to their self image as a Chosen people in exile?

    This is probably why they faced no discrimination in India, where they became just another caste with their dietary laws and religious taboos, like all the other groups that already existed there and did not demand assimilation.

    Last edited: Nov 26, 2007
  19. Mr. G reality.sys Valued Senior Member

    At least, as you say, I have the excuse of sleeping while the real world is happening.

    You're awake and still dreaming. I'm sure an excuse is forthcoming.

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  20. Mr. G reality.sys Valued Senior Member

    I thought Palestinians live in Palestine. So you are thinking that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank are rightfully parts of Israel and that their residents have the legal right to vote in Israeli elections?

    So it's the Palestinians who are occupying Israel?

    Sigh. Okay, let's play your game.

    If the war is illegal, arrest its perpetrators and put them on trial. And give them the same respect under the legal system as any other terrorist.

    Go ahead; make your day.
  21. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member


    Interesting, the map of Jerusalem that you show clearly demonstrates the Moslem enforcing segregation of non-Moslems into their own quarters, and this pattern can be seen in all Arab communities, and it is easy to spot the dwellings of non-Moslems by the lower height of the door.

    Isn't convenient that you decide that the Jews want to maintain separate quarter, it fits well with the Dhimmi Laws, like all segregationist, the excuse that they are happier with their own kind, excuses the segregation and apartheid of Islam, seems like I heard that from the KKK, and Nazis, and now Moslems.
  22. Brian Foley REFUSE - RESIST Valued Senior Member

    There is no Palestinian State , Palestine ceased to exist in 1948 when Zionist forces over ran their indigenous homeland and established the counterfeit state of Israel .Its what South Africa did established 13 homelands put millions of Blacks on them made them non citizens thereby creating an instant majority .
    No not tonight , enough of your Bullshit , Israel , Turkey and Iraq were not democratic elections .
    Could you please address my answer , explain to me how Iraqs elections were free when the election took place under a military occupation where the occupying power banned major political parties .
  23. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member

    No the reason that there wasn't a Palestinian State was that the Arabs didn't want one, U.N. Resolution 181 established a Palestinian State, the Arabs wanted to divide the mandate between themselves, they didn't give a shit for a independent State of Palestine.

    United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 - Wikipedia, the ...
    The plan came to be called the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine or United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181. The plan was approved by the ...

    The Arabs never even tried to have a peaceful solution.

    Please specsify which major parties were banned?

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