The 2nd Coming... Islam Style

Discussion in 'Religion Archives' started by nds1, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Zakariya04 and it was Valued Senior Member

    IAC, and NDS

    I hope all is going well and thank you for your comments

    I have read that Allah means God in Arabic, apparently Christians in the middleEast Call God Allah.

    I am a muslims as you guys are a ware and i refer to Allah as God, i am not Arabic, so i dont use the Word Allah all the time. I often call God, God, becuase i speak English and am british etc.

    Whatever but its all to do with a monothestic God rather than worshipping loads of different Gods, the same as all other Abrahmic religion

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  3. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    Zak, Allah cannot be the God of the Bible, for many reasons, one of which is that the Christian God was never 1 of 360 pre-Islamic Arab gods, get it?
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  5. Zakariya04 and it was Valued Senior Member


    ghow was Allah 1 of 360 gopds, pls explain and source if you would.

    The Quran talks extensively about Abrah, Jesus, Moses and so on and so forth(PBUT). Muslims beleive that Jesus is the Messaih so how can this make us bad

    Christains Are like brothers to MUslims and it shoudl be the other way round too. Jesus was a muslim becuase he submits to the WIll of God.

    why are you being so stubboprn on this, why dont you wan t to accept that Muslims and Christians are very close, and when it comes to the End Days etc, they will all be following Jesus, that is if their beliefs are strong.

    What is you problem with Muslims. I have absolutely no problem with Christians in fact i admire anyone in england who can call themselves a christian and actually practice the religion. I am not talkign about knobs who use christainity no, but genuine christians.

    If you are a Good and true christian you will be more of a muslim than a lot of muslims.

    take it ez
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  7. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    Allah is not the God of the Bible, he was the Moon god of the Arabs before Muhammed came along and said Allah is the God of the Bible.

    The pre-Islamic Moon god of the Arabs is not the God of the Bible.
  8. nds1 Registered Senior Member

    Muslims don't belive Jesus was the Son of God, and the sole savior of all of mankind. There's a slight difference.
  9. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    The Arabs rejected their pantheon of gods, and retained the name, just like the Hebrews did with Yaweh.
  10. IceAgeCivilizations Banned Banned

    What was the alleged pre Yaweh pantheon of gods?
  11. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    "Yahweh appears to have been originally a sky god - a god of thunder and lightning. He was associated with mountains and was called by the enemies of Israel 'a god of the hills'. His manifestation was often as fire, as at Mount Sinai and in the burning bush."
    - Great Events of Bible Times

    "Originally, these four consonants [in YHWH] represented the four members of the Heavenly Family: Y represented El the Father; H was Asherah the Mother; W corresponded to He the Son; and H was the Daughter Anath."
    - Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of the Holy Grail, p. 18

    "For many, Yahweh was no more than the Israelite war god, useful in time of battle but a fairly lowly figure when viewed against the full pantheon of the gods. The names given to notable Israelites down the ages whose a strong respect for Baal, and even the most ardent Yahwist would not pretend that the Jews of this period believed in only one god."
    - Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus

    Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan. (Briefly Noted).(Book Review)

    Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan. By John Day
    (Sheffield Academic, $73).

    This book thoroughly examines the biblical and in-scriptional evidence dealing with Yahweh and El, Asherah, Baal, Astarte, Anat, and the astral and underworld deities. He concludes, against Frank Cross, that El and Yahweh were originally separate deities but that Yahweh was eventually credited with many characteristics of El. The golden calves of 1 Kings 12 are held to be images of the deity rather than pedestals on which the deity was enthroned. The Kuntillet 'Ajrud and Qirbet el-Qom inscriptions refer to Asherah's cult symbol rather than the goddess herself, but in some syncretistic circles Asherah was indeed Yahweh's consort. Molech, to whom children were sacrificed in the Old Testament, was the name of a deity and not the name of a kind of sacrifice (contrary to Eissfeldt). The worship of other deities was quite frequent in preexilic times, but there was a monolatrous party already in those times and absolute monotheism wa s first given explicit expression by Second Isaiah. Josiah's reformation played a significant role in the decline of the Canaanite deities in Israel. D. judiciously weighs competing notions about Canaanite deities contained in the nearly thirty pages of bibliography with which the book ends.

    Denver Journal
    An Online Review of Current Biblical and Theological Studies.
    Day, John Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan. Journal for the Society of the Old Testament Supplement Series 265. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press., 2000. 282 pp. Hardback, 」46.00; $73.00. ISBN 1850759863.

    Day provides a useful guide for understanding many of the major deities mentioned in the Old Testament, including El, Asherah, Baal, Astarte, Anat, the Queen of Heaven, the sun, the moon, Lucifer, Mot, Resheph, Molech, the Rephaim, and Yahweh. With a heavy emphasis on the written sources and especially the Ugaritic texts, Day presents a considered and well reasoned series of arguments that address some of the major issues in the interpretation of the texts and provide a coherent and reasonable understanding of these deities and their associations with other figures. The book is a pleasure to read as it provides well reasoned and carefully documented discussion.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  12. SnakeLord Valued Senior Member

    You can even see there's a few of them in the OT with the "man has now become like one of us", "Let us go us down and confuse man" etc.
  13. Medicine*Woman Jesus: Mythstory--Not History! Valued Senior Member

    M*W: There's not much difference in the root words of "Al" and "El," and "Allah" and "Eloh." "im" means plural.
  14. Zakariya04 and it was Valued Senior Member

    Dear IAC, and others

    thank you for your comments.
    I am a bit disappointed by your lack of flexibility on these issues and your stubboness. Here iam trying to say that Muslms and christians are very similar and here you are saying their not. Why dont you guys like unity at all.

    Being a Muslim myself i have to follow the teaching sof Jesus, as Jesus was a muslim himself. And Jesus taught to have compassion and take friends when they reach out to you. Or have i missed something??

    And dont give me this moon God Nonsense.

    Spider thank you for clearing that up for us.
    Take it ez
  15. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    Jesus was not a Muslim or a Christian, as they weren't invented until years after his death.
  16. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    I totally agree!

    IAC, what is so hard for you to see? Muslims and Xians are as two peas in a pod. That is quite plain for anyone to see.

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2007
  17. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Actually Jesus was an allegory. Why do we insist that Iesous be real when we can easily discount Orpheus, Osiris, Minoian, Dionysus, Isis, Attis, Mithraism, Hercules etc...


    And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerve in the brain of Jupiter.
    Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823
  18. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I agree with Thomas Jefferson, but there was Jesus the man, and Jesus the myth.
  19. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    I've never see evidence for Jesus the man. Also Gnostic Xians, who made up 50% of the Xians in the 1st - 3rd century did not believe there was Jesus the man. Why should we?

    No evidence
    + Xian thought he was a not "real"
    = Allegory

    Also much of the numerology locked up in the Bible can only be decoded from this perspective.

    Not that is matters so much, but I don't believe a Jesus lived. Perhaps a great teacher for whom the dead sea scrolls wrote about - but that wasn't the Jesus Allegory. The Jesus Allegory is ultimately based on Isis - so if there was a Jesus then He was whomever Isis was, which again was probably no one.

    What do you think?
  20. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    I have never seen concrete evidence for him either, but like Jefferson, I see the perspective of a unique character in the gospels, both Orthodox and Gnostic.

    I don't think much of numerology at all.
  21. Michael 歌舞伎 Valued Senior Member

    Numerology was very very important back then. Every single number in the Bible is signficiant. Every name in the Bible is realted to a number. These number are always connected to one another geometrically.

    My point is, the overwhelming amount of numerology in the Bible points to the great influence Gnostic Xians had over early Xian tradition - over, per say, that of "literalistic" Xians - who are now considered orthodox. Xianity itself was a Jewish attempt to reconcile Greek/Egyptian theology with Jewish theology.

    So with this mind it is easy to see that the Gnostic view of Jesus as the reasonable and as their belief was that Jesus was an allegory - well we should take it that he was.

    Not that it really matters. The events in the Bible that are attributed to Jesus did not occur. So if there were a Jesus, again, he may as well have been Isis and born 2500+ years earlier - for all that it matters. Is there anything "new" philosophically in the Bible? Not really at all. It's pretty much a Jewish rewrite of the prevalent Greek and Roman thoughts on fairness and equality occurring within the Roman empire at the time.

    Sop again, there's no need to postulate an actual Jesus character anymore than to postulate an actual Hercules. The evidence for both is exactly the same - zero.

  22. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    There is no one Gnostic view, and the bible could not be a coded message, since it is a compilation from diverse sources, the source texts themselves being rewritten many times.

    There are entirely new philosophies in the words attributed to Jesus, revolutionary in fact. Too bad Christians tried to put a lid on it.
  23. Adstar Valued Senior Member

    The Islamic madi mimics the Christian prophecies of the anti-christ. Many believe the anti-christ will rule for 7 years but also that he will be supported by one called the false prophet. I personally believe that the anti-christ will not be a muslim but will be from europe and will destroy islam and its future leader. The Anti-christ needs to win a battle of Armageddon to deceive the world into thinking he is the returned Messiah, he needs a willing victim. I believe islam will be the victim.

    All Praise The Ancient Of Days

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