Telepathy - read someone's mind

Discussion in 'Pseudoscience Archive' started by Vinko, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    kwhilborn, statisitical analysis and probabilities are essential to a vast number of studies in science, in probably every discipline. Your ignorance of the fact and your refusal to acknowledge it would earn you a ban on any serious science forum. Fortunately you are posting here where lunacy and self deception are rewarded with the opportunity to make a continued fool of yourself in public.
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2011
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  3. Crunchy Cat F-in' *meow* baby!!! Valued Senior Member

    Still waiting.
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  5. juliet2011 Registered Member

    to tell the truth, i do not believe this, to some extent, it just reflects you hollow of soul.
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  7. Bebelina Valued Senior Member

    The problem with proving telepathy is that when they are performing laboratory tests the atmosphere become strained and prevents the mind from following its instincts. The mind must be free and then it happens naturally. Telepathy between two people in it's natural state is easy and not so strange at all. But then, in everyday life, you don't go documenting every time it happens and if you would, people would call the mental institution and have you locked away. That's how the system works. We are not supposed to admit it. But shhh! You didn't hear it from me. I have never read anybodys mind ever. I don't believe it's possible. It's a fictional idea that is fun to play with.

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  8. phlogistician Banned Banned

    No, the problem with telepathy is that when all false impressions are recorded, and selective memory of positives no longer possible, the statistics do not look in it's favour.
  9. Bebelina Valued Senior Member

    Whixh brings up another question, is favourable statistics evidence of "reality"?

    What if it's in a features nature to occur at random and/or seldom?
  10. birch Valued Senior Member

    oh god, there is so much stupidity on both sides of this issue. labratorry experiments on telepathy don't even understand it, they are taking it so literally.

    telepathy or reading someone's mind or whatever you want to call it has to do with how well you know someone or how well you read people or certain people. that said, in cases where people are very close to eachother, there may be some link where they percieve things from their partner or other but it tends to be unconscious or spontaneous. it's not an act of will just like you pick up on things when you are interacting with someone or live with them. it's not like you can tell yourself 'okay no i will read their mind'. lol

    that is why these experiments will fail, of course, because it is not understanding the context of how it occurs naturally between people. claims that people can literally read anyone's mind is bogus of course.
  11. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    Or even never.
  12. TaWriter Registered Senior Member

    My personal telepathic experience

    I have something to share with you all. But before I begin, Dwy I DO NOT HAVE PROOF, OR EVIDENCE THAT THIS OCCURRED, SO AT LEAST I CAN SAVE YOU OF THAT POST TO ME.
    It was approximately 10:30pm. My Dad, my Husband and myself were seated around my kitchen table. We quite often got together, and shot the s**t. It was a normal evening, we hadn't consumed any liquor, or smoked anything mind altering.
    As we sat and shot the breeze, my Dad's head zipped up and he was looking at me as if I had just shocked him, and believe me, shocking my Dad, who is a 6 foot tall 250lb Finlander, and a road builder who worked in the logging industry-is kind of hard to do. I had to ask him as now I was really curious, I remember thinking what is going on? He said to me, "You just heard what I said to you?"
    I answered "Uh, yeah, of course I did, Dad, what do you mean anyways?" His response to me sent chills down my spine. He replied with "I didn't say that out loud, I was just thinking about asking you that." I looked at my husband and asked him, "You heard him too didn't you?" He of course said that no he had not heard my Dad say anything, and he was looking at me like I had suddenly grown warts on my nose, and my Father was still. Me of course to*make light of the situation, just joked around and said something to the effect of "You guys better watch out!! I can read your minds you know!"
    We all laughed and the moment ended.
    There is one thing I would like to add, and that is that this is not the only situation I have been in where un-explainable things have occurred. But instead of trying to pick it to pieces, I have just accepted that there are many different things going on that we just do not understand fully yet.
    It is a scientific wonderland. I can't wait to hear everything explained as it's discovered.
  13. scheherazade Northern Horse Whisperer Valued Senior Member

    The phenomenon referred to as telepathy is exceeding difficult to test.

    This process occurs between humans and animals as well and I suspect that it is related to bioelectromagnetism.

    There may be more than one subset of conditions required for telepathy to occur and it may require a high degree of sensitivity between the communicating parties.

    Working with horses, I have encountered in some a degree of acuity and intuition that borders on the phenomenal.

    I like dogs also and when I observe a dog walking away from me with admiration, the dog will almost invariably cease moving forward and look around until it makes eye contact with me, much to the annoyance of it's 'alpha dog' owner. If the dog were walking towards me, this would not be that unusual, merely observant of body language. Since it occurs when I am out of visual range, one wonders what else may be going on here....:bugeye:
  14. VicHed Registered Senior Member

    I am going to give evidence fot telepathy in few weeks time.
  15. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

    I consider that unlikely, but go ahead, it may be interesting.
  16. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    I know of Buddhist monks who are able to read people's minds. They say it is not worth it - because people generally have a mess in their heads.
  17. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    You say you like dogs. Dogs like to be liked. So they look to find you.
    I don't find that strange at all.
  18. Dywyddyr Penguinaciously duckalicious. Valued Senior Member

    They claim to be able to do something while at the same time providing an excuse for not demonstrating that they can actually do so.
  19. wynn ˙ Valued Senior Member

    Oh well. One can see the devil anywhere if one sets out to do so.

    But if other people's minds are anything like my own - no, thank you, I do not wish to have telepathic abilities.

    Would you like to be able to read the mind of a schizophrenic? Or of someone experiencing an epileptic seizure? Of Silvio Berlusconi?

    (Other than that - about the Buddhist monks - I heard about that from people whose minds were, apparently, read.)
  20. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    Are you aware of this through your powers of clairvoyance?
  21. Bebelina Valued Senior Member

    Yes, what if telepathy never occured? Haha...

    It's not like we're talking about flying pigs exactly. Telepathy has been documented and investigated for a very long time. I don't think people would take the time and effort to invest so much energy in something that doesn't exist. Sure, people are generally very dumb, but we have to give them some credit for their efforts of intellectual doings.
  22. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    Yeah, well huge amounts of energy were also historically invested in the Voodoo curse theory of disease, and uhm... how's that been workin' out?
  23. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Don't be absurd. The best seers use goat entrails.

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