Tax cuts and Americans

Discussion in 'Business & Economics' started by S.A.M., Oct 15, 2008.

  1. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    So why have the last eight years of tax cuts not helped?
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  3. amethyst08 Registered Senior Member

    It has helped in a way that it has been surging economic growth and creates 5 million new jobs since 2003 (see here for 10 myths about the Bush Tax Cuts), but at the same time military spending has increased ever since (I guess, because of the war).
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  5. ashura the Old Right Registered Senior Member

    Because tax cuts don't operate in a vacuum. They can't completely counteract the effects of increased government spending in entitlements, wars, pork, nor can they counteract the bubble created by the Fed.

    Much of that growth was due to the housing bubble. I'll dig up the numbers for you tonight when I get home but a shocking number of the new jobs created were related to housing.
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  7. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    On what though? Income? Isn't that levied whether you want it or not? I can't tell the IRS that I think they're asking too much and that I think they should sod off. Sales tax? That's state, innit?
  8. ashura the Old Right Registered Senior Member

    I think his premise, that tax cuts can increase tax revenues, is correct even though his reasoning isn't. Tax evaders are going to evade taxes regardless of the rate. The correct reasoning behind his premise would be that tax cuts allow businesses and individuals to accumulate more capital and spur growth and job creation, which in turn results in increased tax revenues. But as I said before, tax cuts don't operate in a vacuum so they're not a guaranteed way to increase revenue.
  9. GeoffP Caput gerat lupinum Valued Senior Member

    Fairly said.
  10. TimeTraveler Immortalist Registered Senior Member

    Raise taxes on Wallstreet CEO's by 500%.
    Create a carbon tax and raise taxes on oil, coal etc.
    Remove the income tax, and tax crime, pollution and failure.

    Use taxes to train corporations into proper behavior using basic animal training techniques.
    Corporations are dogs, you reward and punish and you'll train them.
  11. Carcano Valued Senior Member

    The elections not about 'anyone'...or even about 'everyone'.

    Everyone is described by a bell curve.

    Democracies cater to the top half of the curve...the majority.

    The majority never votes for anything but happy talk.

    The people who 'think' on the lower right side of the curve can scream all they want.

    They simply dont matter.
  12. Mr. Hamtastic whackawhackado! Registered Senior Member

    Carcano: amen. Joe the plumber is probably the first thinking dude with real-life woes that the candidates faced. Neither candidate does much for those without enough cash to take the day off and go to a rally. Obama offers gobs of higher taxes, apparently ignorant of what it means when the boss has less money. He employs less people. Then there's McCain. No real change, except a new payroll tax on the little guy in the name of healthcare. Ick. We have to choose between who is going to fuck up less.
  13. Pronatalist Registered Senior Member

    It's the high taxes and high gasoline prices, strangling and jeapardizing our economy.

    I am so mystified, why more Americans aren't more outraged, and refusing to go much of anywhere not essential, in their cars. But what happens when people can't afford to drive their cars? Stores go out of business, and we lose even more jobs.

    Debt is also a huge problem, both rampant government debt and consumer debt. People, businesses, government, becomes so overcommitted, having made promises that at some point they can't keep, they fail to repay, people lose their money and investments that aren't repaid, causing a chain reaction of economic disaster. The higher the overall debt ratios, the more vunerable to economic chaos we become. And greedy unaccountable corporations have sometimes led the charge of spreading economic instability, incurring too much debt to grow too fast, resulting in massive layoffs at the first hint that the economy might be going a bit soft.

    Tax cuts and drilling for oil, are the obvious "quick fixes" and longer term partial solutions. Get Big Brother government off our backs, as government rarely does anything well, especially as they try to take over more and more, and are so busy minding everybody's business but their own. As people benefit less and less from the work they do, they become unwilling or unable to do the work. Economic opportunities dry up, as a tax-heavy burdensome government sucks the life out of the economy and the people. Bad leadership is likely to blame for quite much of the poverty in the world.

    And it happens because people forget to honor God in their dealings, and become complacent and apathetic towards their civic duties, like voting responsibly and jury duty. And of course, reducing their own personal debts.
  14. Pronatalist Registered Senior Member

    Uh, what "tax cuts?" Did the unjust personal income taxes and property taxes, just go away?

    Whatever "tax cuts" we had, were more superficial or "tokens" than substancial. At least I didn't see enough change in reducing my tax burdens. And it's not just that. Some of this mortgage debt fallout we are seeing now, goes back to irresponsible greedy changes made by the Clinton administration, pushing ARMs and "interest only" mortgages. Warnings of people inquiring what would happen when the economy goes soft, were largely unheeded.

    And this Presidential candidate talk of using either a scalpel or a hatchet, to cut out-of-control government spending—Don't people see, that had we used a scalpel long ago, we wouldn't be having to use a hatchet now. But just wait around for the coming economic earthquake, and even a hatchet won't be big enough to trim away all the pork and fat and corporate welfare. There simply won't be the money available from anywhere. Then even "essentials" won't be funded. How many months will our trash sit by the street, waiting to be picked up, attracting nasty rodents?

    Our economy is like a vehicle pulling an improperly balanced trailer, that wildly lurches from side to side. If I saw that upon the freeway, I would not long want to stay anywhere near that vehicle, and if I had a cellphone, likely would call the cops to pull that moron driver over before he hurts somebody. Any good driver would have to slow down, pull over, and fix the problem. Do the hard work of unpacking the trailer and balancing it properly. But we just speed full speed ahead, idiotic "undecided" voters lurching from Party to Party, not bothering to find out who's more to blame. How long can we keep driving along, not even watching the rearview mirrors, the tortured trailer lurching wildly from side to side, until we have a nasty wreck?

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