Stranded on a deserted island..

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
If it was possible, what three people from history or the present would you have with you if stranded on a deserted island?
The 2 guys who were featured in a TV show entitled "Dual Survival", and that Canadian fellow who starred in the "Survivorman" show.

I'm not sure how interesting their company would be, but at least they could find food.

If it was possible, what three people from history or the present would you have with you if stranded on a deserted island?

Probably women like Ada Blackjack, Mary Kingsley, and Isobel Gunn. Over the course of years, I wouldn't trust a man in the bunch unless it was one like John Adams (not the president), or alternatively perhaps a somewhat old, amiable, and impotent historical figure with a knack for enduring harsh or wild conditions (Richard Proenneke?).

I believe Adams was the last original male survivor (by 1808), among those that had settled Pitcairn Island after the Bounty mutiny. And that's because he kept his baser desires in check. (Somehow the mutineers managed to make alcohol, or else there had been an extraordinarily large cache of liquor on the ship, to unload.)
If it was possible, what three people from history or the present would you have with you if stranded on a deserted island?
Are we to assume just for company (i.e. food and other needs for survival are not an issue), 'cos otherwise it'd be people who can survive and build boats out of whatever grows on the island. ;)
I always heard Voltaire was a great conversationalist. So Voltaire, Jerry Seinfeld, and I guess Thomas Edison to work on something to get us rescued.
Bach, Feynman and Dirac. I am also going to need a library, stationery, an Organ, piano and guitar.
Oh yes access to the internet would be sweet.

I assume food and water is no issue?
Assuming that is acceptable I will forward my reading list.

Are there women on the Island? If not I may need to drop Dirac and stick Susan Penhaligon in his place.
I really only picked him to keep Feynman happy anyway.
John Candy(My favourite comedian), Elvis Presley(Singing and interesting King) and Bear Grylls(He'd sort out the escape, and inspire us to eat ants for protein).