Stop Global Warming: Ban Air Travel

Discussion in 'Earth Science' started by madanthonywayne, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. ashpwner Registered Senior Member

    does mean banning the air force? so sending military conflict back a hundred years or so?
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  3. draqon Banned Banned

    yeah US should ban their air force. lol :yay:
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  5. ashpwner Registered Senior Member

    lol dident you want to join it at one point?
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  7. draqon Banned Banned

    yeah, but not anymore. I decided to stay loyal to my origin.
  8. ashpwner Registered Senior Member

    lol and live in the u.s

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    lol nothing wrong with joing the u.s just cuase ya russian if that was what ya meant.
  9. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    Air travel can be altered, currently it's not that Air Travel needs to be banned but re-assessed. The reason that so much fuel is burnt on areoplanes is because they have to produce enough energy to reach the optimal speeds for lift in regards to their surface area and weight ratio.

    Changes in various things like the numbers of people 'Chicken cooped' upon a flight can drastically effect how much fuel needs to be available.

    For instance US Military Drones don't use fuel to my knowledge, but utilise batteries and solar paneling. This could potentially be used in aircraft design, you could create a hybrid system where fuel is used for Takeoff and can be used during flight a little should not enough power exist to maintain the crafts speed. Solar panelling would allow for the craft to be powered without necessarily using fuel.

    The problem is that the aircraft would have to be smaller with less passengers being able to fit aboard. This in turn is less profit to the companies that persistently squeeze as many passengers on-board as possible.

    Technically such small crafts with lesser fuel consumption would equal less revenue and probably greater costs from an increase in the number of crafts needing to be manned to deal with the same number of passengers as current craft.

    An alternative is to bring back Helium Airships (or Zeppelins) as they could be filled with gases to generate lift and powered by solar power to create the drive they need. The problem here however is where the gases come from in the first place and how they effect the atmosphere should their be a leak.
  10. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    so the CO2 levels were very low before man started raiseing cows to eat? A dinosaur's world was virtually CO2 free then?
  11. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    Dinosaurs have nothing to do with it.

    If humans consume animals it results in a much greater use of energy and much greater production of CO2 than if they eat only plants.

    Consequently, many hardline environmentalists are now saying that you aren't really an environmentalist unless you're a vegan.
  12. Orleander OH JOY!!!! Valued Senior Member

    so its not the animals we raise making the CO2, its the farm equipment used? You use the same equipment to rasie plants.

    mad tony, I don't understand. ???
  13. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

    The animals eat lots of plants, requiring farm equipment be run to raise them. The animals fart, belch, etc. The animals must be shipped, slaughtered, the meat refrigerated. Here are some links:
    PS I'm not giving up meat anymore than I'm giving up my SUV. But no one can tell me to give up my SUV with a straight face unless they'rre a vegan (except Al Gore. His hypocrasy knows no bounds).
  14. spidergoat pubic diorama Valued Senior Member

    We may not have to ban it, since when the price of oil exceeds the economic benefit of air travel, it will become obsolete.

    To confuse the issue further, airplane contrails block sunlight like clouds and reduce warming. When the planes stop flying, global warming will increase. I think when flights were cancelled after 9/11, there was an increase in average temperature in the US.
  15. cat2only Registered Senior Member


    Not really lets figure the KE in the GULFSTREAM!!

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