Some Aborigines 'Don't Understand Abuse'

Discussion in 'Ethics, Morality, & Justice' started by Willy, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. Oli Heute der Enteteich... Registered Senior Member

    Different societal constructs maybe?
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  3. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    Any number of factors contribute, but one that really stands out is that the affliction of Original Sin hasn't taken hold.
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  5. peta9 Registered Senior Member

    Well, I could say morality is a certain type of intelligence and so is empathy.
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  7. peta9 Registered Senior Member

    And knowing how human children are, it's horrible because everything about them is still a child besides thier ability to reproduce. They aren't even ready to rear them. It's so sad and heinous especially when they are paired up with sexual perverts or older men. Besides the physical it actually completely darkens, pollutes and muddies their psyche and spirit. The power imbalance makes them objects that are used and trash receptacles for the whims of the one who has control over this young person. Sick. There were a lot of inferior practices in the past or even today. Just because something happened or was practiced doesn't make it good.

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