so... double-special relativity?


Registered Senior Member
who's heard of this? what are your opinions?

Its another sort of special relativity that holds the planck lenth as the shortest something can get due to length contraction. thus, something could exceed the speed of light outright under certain conditions. or something like that.

Yeah I've heard of it but I'm not smart enough to have an opinion. There is a disscusion on it in the November issue of Scientific American page 27.
There is a very good discussion of this subject in New Scientist #2381 - 8 Feb 03.

Personnally, I consider the DSR has merit, especially in being able to address all current phenomena explained by Einstein's relativity plus providing opportunities to explain inflationary theory. dark matter and the presence of High Energy cosmic rays in excess of the GZK limit.

I feel sure there is much yet to be done, but the basic premise of Amelino-Camelia is highly attractive.