Should we pull out of Iraq?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Atom, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. EmptyForceOfChi Banned Banned

    "Should we pull out of Iraq?"

    thats like asking if you should pull out before you cum. on one hand you can opt to stay inside until the end, and possibly creating something beautiful,

    or you can opt to pull out at the last moment and hope nothing you dont want will come of it.

    (dont steal that by the way i just made it up)

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  3. Buffalo Roam Registered Senior Member


    Out standing!!!
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  5. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Wow, the soldiers will be happy to know they are just the ejaculate of some right wingers jerking off to fantasies! Certainly explains why they end up getting flushed down the toilet.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2007
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  7. radicand Registered Senior Member


    I respect your privacy, so if you don't mind would you care to share what republicans you have voted for? If not, that is okay. Just wondering.
  8. radicand Registered Senior Member

    The typical leftist statement was meant to be in general, but while you are at it. I can think of some things that you are trying to justify, but they are not here in this thread. It is in reference to the impeachment bill you posted. I take your posting of it is an act of support? I will gladly carry this on in that thread.

    Returning to this thread, can provide solid proof of what the will of the American people is on Iraq? See I do not think you can. You may use polls, but they can be countered too easily not to mention the potential for extreme bias in them. You may provide web links. Again, they can be countered. I' m thinking this will you speak of is represented in How did that Ned Lamont thing work out?

    BTW- Are you a Bernie Saunders, or is it Sanders, independent or a Joe Lieberman independent? In fact, this would be more telling than what republicans you have voted for. But if you don't mind, answer both.

    Whatever you are is cool. But don't go trying to justify your positions as though it is totally objective. I just want to know where you stand.
  9. ashpwner Registered Senior Member

    baron i meant along the lines of these terorists dont wear uniforms there for they cant tell who there fighting
  10. hypewaders Save Changes Registered Senior Member

    radicand: "would you care to share what republicans you have voted for?"

    Not so long ago, I voted for Rick Lazio when he opposed Hillary Clinton for the US Senate. Early in political life, I considered myself a Republican, and wouldn't think twice about voting Republican. Now I'm most prone to voting for a Democrat or Republican as a desperate measure or last resort- Like when nobody else is on a ballot for an office, or when I'm adding my vote to an extremely close race between a bum and a menace (in which case I'll lean toward the bum). That weakness may have been part of the secret of Dubya's success (but no, I have never voted for a Republican Presidential candidate).

    "Are you a Bernie Saunders, or is it Sanders, independent or a Joe Lieberman independent?"

    I'm an Issues Independent. I abhor Lieberman's zionism. I liked Sanders' opposition to the invasion of Iraq. I pay attention to candidates' platforms and records, and I vote for/support those candidates likely to do the best for our country.

    "in reference to the impeachment bill you posted. I take your posting of it is an act of support?"

    Absolutely. If there are not personal consequences for misleading and discrediting the nation, and if there is to be no deterrent and no boundaries for even more obscene abuses of power, then we're headed for the accelerated devolution of our Republic into autocracy. History and our first leading patriots warned us of this never-ending danger that is bound up in human nature. The Constitution should be a snarling and biting watchdog to anyone giving the slightest appearance of meddling nefariously with power and influence at the top of our government. Let the Constitution have teeth and a long leash: First Aid can come after high trespassers are bitten. Clinton never needed any. We should always err on the side of the Republic, and not on that of emergent monarchy or oligarchy.

    "can [you] provide solid proof of what the will of the American people is on Iraq?"

    Damnit: You've already ruled out polls, Moveon, and Ned LaMont. I guess I'm screwed. How about Thomas Paine? Surely Americans have absorbed some Common Sense from heritage and experience- That is, the ability to sense when we're being swindled by despot wanna-bes. We may be woefully slow to react as a population on any given foreign-policy issue, but it has become plain to most people everywhere now that invading Iraq was a colossal mistake and a sham. There has not been any action this unpopular since Vietnam. Common sense is a sensitive detector of abuses of authority, even while remaining sensitive to appearances, and even while there is shame to go around. Common sense tells us that compounding a national mistake -even a shameful one- isn't wise; will hurt us all eventually. Americans may not always exercise it, but we do have common sense in equal abundance to any other nation. Americans are not enthused about Iraq any more- vocal and visible opposition is rising steadily, finding its feet; Americans are learning to advance the debate and to sidestep the many propaganda landmines (Support the Troops etc.) that have been obstructing that debate.

    "don't go trying to justify your positions as though it is totally objective."

    Don't go getting confused. I'll explain this to you simply: If you don't see quotes around what I post, then you are reading my personal subjective opinion. I don't understand why, but from time to time certain people around here want to be reminded of this. "I think..." , "IMO ..." , and other such prefaces to things we write in an opinion venue are superfluous bows and curtsies, unnecessary accommodations to people who are forgetful or lacking in understanding of what discussion is fora.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2007

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