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What are the defining criteria for SENTIENCE?

Sentience is the attribute we ascribe to ourselves that many mistake for Life or Intelligence.

Can we determine a set of rules to differentiate intelligent, aware life from the many potential facsimiles?
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Sentientice is defined as the ability to understand and think about YOURSELF, ie your self awear.

How we test this is the harder question
Sentience is the ability to feel or perceive subjectively

I see this as the ability to look around you with the sences you have and recognise different objects most importantly to see yourself different then the rest of the universe to know that somehow your arm belong to something that is you but the lamp is something else (altough intereraction is possible)
What are the defining criteria for SENTIENCE?

Sentience is the attribute we ascribe to ourselves that many mistake for Life or Intelligence.

Can we determine a set of rules to differentiate intelligent, aware life from the many potential facsimiles?

Intelligence is a spectrum, a continuous variable - it's not a case of having it or not having it.

Sentience is all about being aware of self.
Helo, long time no see :D

I wanted to create a thread about this topic (sentience), but as I was afraid that similar thread is already existed, I search for it and here I am. I hope it is ok to revive this thread??

I'd like to know from where does sentience come from and where does it go if we die?

To write it simply, living things (except maybe plant?) have sentience, whereas non living things (such as rocks, water, etc) don't have sentience. If a living thing (for example, a human) committed a suicide, its sentience will disappear (will no longer rule its body). Where does it go?? Where it came from??

If similar topic is already existed, please refer me to the said thread, thank you.

p.s.: please don't reply by discussing whether plants have sentience or not :D I am happy enough to learn why human have sentience and rocks don't. After all, human and rocks are matters (at the end of the days, we all just consist of atoms etc).

p.p.s: maybe the term that I use is not the right term. Instead of sentience, maybe it should have been "free will". I just want to know where does it come from. I mean, if we -let say- create something that exactly resembles human (materials, compositions, etc are exactly the same with human), I'm sure it can't be alive / it will have no sentience. Looking forward to get some clue. Thanks ^^
Another thing is, I am not familiar anymore with the format of sciforums, I don't post here for very long time, though I do login sometimes to check if there is any private messages. Where's the "today's post" button, I am a bit lost?

Edit: oh, nevermind, please, I found it, although still not familiar with it.