Sciatic pain


Valued Senior Member
Gave anyone experienced sciatic discomfort.
Sciatic nerve is a bundle of nerves from lumbar 4 , 5 and s1, s2, s3,
The bundle goes from vertebral column to your toes.
Gave anyone experienced sciatic discomfort.
Sciatic nerve is a bundle of nerves from lumbar 4 , 5 and s1, s2, s3,
The bundle goes from vertebral column to your toes.

Have any of you experienced pain in your hip, leg, or foot on the same side ?
Gave anyone experienced sciatic discomfort.
Sciatic nerve is a bundle of nerves from lumbar 4 , 5 and s1, s2, s3,
The bundle goes from vertebral column to your toes.
My Mrs undergoes periods of sciatic pain. Generally put down to the nerve being crushed to some extent between vertebrae and disks. Short remedy she takes Voltaren tablets...More permanent remedy, she has undergone stretching exersises which appears to have helped somewhat.

Personally even at my age, I do not suffer from any type of back pain. Lucky? I put it down actually to having it drummed into me when I was an Apprentice, to always lift any load kinetically. ie bending at the knees, not bending your back! and not using your back as analogous to a crane jib.
Yep. Get to the source of the pain. You don't have to treat the entire nerve path.
I have some evidence on myself. Main cause is at the nerves exiting from the vertebral column into the formation of the bundle called sciatic tube (sciatic nerve ) . There is a stretch that alleviate the pain of the path.
Get an inexpensive inversion table and hang like a bat for 15/20 min a day. It has helped my sciatica for 7 years.
Get an inexpensive inversion table and hang like a bat for 15/20 min a day. It has helped my sciatica for 7 years.

Do you mean to lay upside down ?

What kind discomfort you have ? your hip , your shinn by your ankle or by your toes ?
Yep. Get to the source of the pain. You don't have to treat the entire nerve path.

Well, experience tells me the pain manifests itself in different regions of the leg depends which nerve is pinched L4 L5, S1 S2 S3, I grant you the whole Sciatica is a bundle of more then 12 nerves
Well, experience tells me the pain manifests itself in different regions of the leg depends which nerve is pinched L4 L5, S1 S2 S3, I grant you the whole Sciatica is a bundle of more then 12 nerves
So get a nerve chart and educate yourself on the areas that need the 'caine.
Do some yoga (and there are specific exercises for sciatic pain as well). Stretching as well as strengthening the stomach muscles helps (to relieve some of the stress on the spine).