
Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by duendy, Nov 4, 2005.

  1. john smith Tongue in cheek Registered Senior Member


    Lou Natic, your were bullied as a kid werent you, because you definatly werent the bully.Your constant and consistant spouting of dire bull shit leads me to think that you were the victim of 'cruel' practical and mental jokes. The dutch courage you show on the net only exists, because you KNOW you will never meet the guy.Coward, only a coward would spout such drivel.
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  3. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    There's no such thing as a bully, there's victims and the rest. Losers who's lameness and inferiority make them stand out. And then normal children pick on these freaks due to a natural instinct for them to do just that, ideally to weed them out of the gene pool.
    This is evidenced repeatedly and consistently throughout the natural world.
    Just because you were bullied and you have feelings and they were hurt doesn't change the reality. It's totally unrelated. Ofcourse you didn't like it, you weren't supposed to like it.

    Why is it so hard for people to accept that the real world is cruel, that you have no innate rights at all and you are a highly disposable smudge of nothing.
    I can accept this, and I know I have to utilise what nature gave me, mind and body, to fight for my success as a living organism.
    Why do you think the world owes you comfort and security? If you get a prickle in your toe do you lie down scream and demand it be taken out?
    Realise the world is trying to kill you, and fight for your survival for as long as you can.
    Don't be surprised, shocked or appauled when life gets unpleasant.
    The fact unpleasantness is so foreign to you that it makes you double take and ask "OMG! what the hell is going on here? oh dear this is... oh god, this... this isn't nice, oh shit! what unspeakable dread, I'm not perfectly happy and comfortable at the moment!" indicates you are a highly domesticated pampered pussy, fit for a cage and not equipped to live a real life, which inherently involves hardnosed competition and setbacks and struggles and heaps of shit.

    Who's the coward? The one whining about real life, or the one telling you to deal with it and be thankfull for every breath you haven't struggled to earn?
    Pretty freaking straightforward answer so consider it a rhetorical question.
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  5. john smith Tongue in cheek Registered Senior Member

    Yer right, apart from the fact that neither the "one whinning about real life" or the one "telling you to deal with it" resembles myself, or you. you see you may think youv'e put yourself in the position of "telling you to deal with it and be thankful...blah blah blah" but your not, you, if anything represent the other dude, completly worked up about the shit deals life has dealt him, grow up. Also a question is only rhetorical if the person being apllied to it apllies to it,you failed to compose yourself again Dr.Find a job.
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  7. Muhlenberg Registered Senior Member

    The goal of those who screech about bullying is to create a society of girly-men.
  8. duendy Registered Senior Member

    can i ask you a question.....?
    by 'girly men' i am assuming you mean 'effeminate men'?

    do you think they should all be bullied to the death?
  9. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Well, their goals have mostly been successful in the USA!!!! We got more "girlie-men" in the USA than ticks on a old, lazy hound dog!

    And worse, now those same "girlie-men" are trying to take our guns away from us so we can't protect ourselves from criminals (or even worse, all those damned "girlie-men"!!!).

    I see in the news that France's "girlie-men" are planning to surrender to a few of the "bullys" who rioted and burned a few cars. They haven't reported on what the concessions are, but my guess is that France's "girlie-men" will simply bow down and give the "bullys" whatever they want ...completely free and without cost.

    Baron Max
  10. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Bullies are not strong, they are weak. They are far too destructive to themselves and their surroundings to be any sort of genetic strength to a species.
  11. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Just foolish, idealistic rhetoric, MetaKron, nothing more than that. Everyone knows that bullies are strong enough to beat the shit outta' other kids ....that might not mean "strong" to you, but to the kids that are beaten and bloody, it actually means something.

    Sorry, Meta, but just saying those words, idealistic and psycho-babble they might be, does NOT make them true.

    Baron Max
  12. Huwy Secular Humanist Registered Senior Member

    Bullies may be insecure, but that doesn't mean they pose no threat, or do no damage, to the people they choose to pick on
  13. Huwy Secular Humanist Registered Senior Member

    Lou Natic, are you making an argument for eugenics?
  14. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Fuck you.
  15. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    I absolutely hated and loathed school. It is no Darwinian field for "survival of the fittest" when cliques get together and decide, using brains that are barely suited for autonomous functions and bowel control, to destroy those who have higher IQs and might make them have to think or actually do something for a living. It is just chicken-shit. The worst thing that some of the smarter people have done is to buy into the idea that this is some way to improve the species.
  16. Dr Lou Natic Unnecessary Surgeon Registered Senior Member

    Put a good word in for me down at the "Willow Glenn home for the mentally handicapped" canteen won't you?
    I know you've been doing a real swell job of "moppin' sick off the tiles" john, but they could still use an extra hand I'm sure.
    What's the going rate? A cheese sandwich and a nametag right?

    Bullies happen to be alot smarter than you metakron. In fact, it could be argued that getting smart and doing overly well at school was fatally stupid on your behalf.
    The "bullies" (which I'm sure were in reality every non-loser at the school who noticed that you existed) were smart enough to socialise and form bonds with other students of varying degrees of worth (some big strong kids, some cool kids etc etc), they worked hard and used their wits and natural gifts to get themselves out of harms way. Just because you failed doesn't give you the right to dismiss the significance of this. They were alert and on the ball and living on the edge of the competition.
    You failed and wore your pants too high and did whatever else to give them a reason to pick you off the herd. If you don't know what you did this just further illustrates how inadequate you are as a homosapien.
    Being good at puzzles or whatever doesn't mean you are an adequate example of a human being. The homo-sapien is a complicated animal, it doesn't just need a "high IQ", that isn't good enough. You need to be able to compete with your peers on all levels, accentuating your good points and skillfully masking your weaknesses. You need to be able to deal with stress(like being picked on) better than you evidently can.
    You might have dominated every lan party you've ever been too, it doesn't matter, you're too specialised in one nerdy area and not what this species is looking for.
    Thats why your generation of this species tried to kill you.
    No other reason is as significant as the fact you aren't an ideal specimen. They tested you with prodding(every kid will get a taste), and your responses were sub-par, so they made your life hell, and they would have killed you if left to their own devices.
    Such is the beauty of life on earth. Glorious, isn't it? Aren't you gratefull you were allowed to grow old enough to appreciate it?
    Celebrate, know that you are a thief with your middle finger defiantly flipping mother nature the bird.
    Mock her by kissing the ground you shouldn't be walking on.
    And give me your lunch money.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2005
  17. MetaKron Registered Senior Member

    Lou, you really need to kill yourself.
  18. EmptyForceOfChi Banned Banned


    i couldent have said it better myself, (i tried and failed).

  19. duendy Registered Senior Member

    the friends of my enemies are my enemies
  20. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Well spoken, Dr. Lou Natic ...I salute you. It's so sad that so many won't read your post and think about it seriously. What you've said/implied is something that most just can't seem to comprehend (or don't want to!).

    Baron Max
  21. duendy Registered Senior Member

    here's me comprehending what you think icant.........errrrrrrm


    there. done!...took about 0second
  22. Baron Max Registered Senior Member

    Yeah, Duendy .....about 0 seconds is about all the time you can hold a thought!

    Baron Max
  23. john smith Tongue in cheek Registered Senior Member

    No one said any differently, so whats your point? We all know this already, maybe some people here need to take a look at the 'self defence' thread, then Huwy, bullies wouldnt pose a threat.

    Bullies also target the weak, and when they get the reaction they want they will just keep going, a well know fact. So dont give them the reaction, i was attacked by 4 skin heads, prowling around the street i live on, i was walking the dog, they came at me and i thought 'oh fuck, shold i run?', but then i thought that means theyve won, even if its only inside my head, so i went fucking crazy when the first guy threatened me, i took him with a punch to the throat, and kept going on the one guy, the rest fled like bitching sheep!!!!

    Ive never been attacked since.You show them whos boss.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2005

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