Republicans who buy into the Trump conspiracy rhetoric

Would Trump really have won the 2020 US Presidental election, if it were not for electoral fraud?

  • No doubt! Vote Trump 2024! Lock up Biden!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Yes. I'm angry that you presume to tell me that I'm not allowed to start a thread on sciforums, particularly when you feign disinterest in the topic, then become one of the most active posters in the thread.
What I said James.....
Seems like you're blogging James?
And why start another thread about a has been?
Really, to use an expression you often use, stop being so damn precious James, it's not a good look.
For every thread I start on this forum, you probably start about 20, so don't you dare try to tell me that I'm not allowed to post threads here. Get back in your box.
Dare, James? Not quite as childish as "scared" but gee, grow up will you.
Not a good look James, not a good look. :D

Obviously, you don't know much about US politics. In the Republican party, Trump is not an extremist. His follows don't regard him as an extremist. He is their hero.
He is an extremist for the reasons I noted, and particularly the latest shenanigans.
What you believe is your business.
I specifically mentioned the 2020 election, not those previous elections.
The current patterns of anomaly and suppression are common to every national election since Bush lost to Clinton in '90 (older patterns of suppression, mostly, were improved and elaborated by the Republican Party starting around then, and picked up momentum during and after the 2000 elections).
Interesting. I'm not aware of allegations of fraud in McConnell's recent re-election.
No formal allegations, legal attention, or major market and professionally supported investigative journalism, of course - just the obvious statistical and circumstantial stuff, in this case kind of extreme, picked up by bloggers and freelance essayists and such. I posted a link earlier - it's still the easiest to find (although it deals with machine vote alterations and similar only, merely one aspect of the many-sided problem :
- - - - In his six previous Senate elections, Elliott and Wolfe counties had never voted for McConnell. Even up to last year, Elliott County remained reliably Democratic in non-presidential races, voting for the party’s entire Democratic slate in both the 2015 and 2019 statewide elections. Yet in 2020, McConnell won 64% of the votes in Wolfe County and 66% of the votes in Elliott County. McGrath only got 21% of registered Democrats in Wolfe and 20% in Elliott.
-=. - -
- - In 119 of 120 counties, Amy McGrath got more votes than Joe Biden. In some counties, the votes were close. But in counties like Breathitt and Elliott, 1 out of 5 voters appear to have filled out their ballots with votes for both the female Democrat Amy McGrath and the Republican pussy-grabber Donald Trump.
- - -
In Kentucky, when looking at counties where the numbers leap out on behalf of Mitch McConnell, none used Dominion machines. Most used machines from Election Systems & Software (ES&S), a Dominion competitor.
- -
- - - Flipping more votes from Biden to Trump than McGrath votes to McConnell would explain her getting approximately 20% more votes than the Democratic presidential candidate.
- - -
McConnell had his biggest percentage of registered Democrats voting Republican in counties using ES&S machines. - - -

Lindsey Graham’s race in South Carolina was so tight that he infamously begged for money, yet he won with a comfortable 10% lead—tabulated on ES&S machines throughout the state. In Susan Collins’ Maine, where she never had a lead in a poll after July 2, almost every ballot was fed through ES&S machines. Kentucky, South Carolina, Maine, Texas, Iowa and Florida are all states that use ES&S machines.
Any orginization that sees it as normal for citizens to carry weapons, and military weapons at that, is as far from centrists and mainstream politics as one could imagine.
That is openly and obviously false, in the US.
Almost all?
A small and aberrant fringe of Republicans, mostly of media-hyped apologists getting paid to repeat lefty truisms from the turn of the century on TV, does not fully support Trump.
I actually thought it was closer to around half...Still, in the view of most civilised countries outside the US, Trump, their leader from the day he was elected, drew gasps and WTF's!
If Trump were Finnish, he might be an extremist. As a Republican Party politician he's mainstream, centrist, a Reagan clone.
What we know of Trump, what the contents of his daily tweets have been, what international actions he has taken on issues such as the WHO, the latest phone call debacle, says I believe otherwise.
I know more about Trump than you do (for example, that he has a couple of people on the payroll who are authorized to write tweets for him - and one of their tactics is to misspell words or commit grammatical errors) and that isn't even the point. What you apparently don't know about Republican Americans is the cause of your misconceptions about Trump's "extremism". He's just pandering to his voting base - which is more than a quarter of all American adults.
Moderator note: paddoboy has received a warning for trolling. Due to accumulated warnings, paddoboy will be taking a short break from sciforums.

Paddoboy is invited to review the guidelines on trolling in our site rules.
No formal allegations, legal attention, or major market and professionally supported investigative journalism, of course - just the obvious statistical and circumstantial stuff, in this case kind of extreme, picked up by bloggers and freelance essayists and such. I posted a link earlier - it's still the easiest to find (although it deals with machine vote alterations and similar only, merely one aspect of the many-sided problem :
Thanks. That sounds like it should be officially investigated. Why aren't the Democrats kicking up a fuss to get it done?
hanks. That sounds like it should be officially investigated. Why aren't the Democrats kicking up a fuss to get it done?
Some are trying.
Two circumstances:
American law enforcement is predominantly rightwing and corporate, defending capital and private property with a focus and zeal that warms the Marxist "told you so" unheroic heart ;
overtly political access to US news and information media is very expensive - the news media treats politics as a cash cow.

And of course the left, which hasn't been a functional part of the Democratic Party since Wellstone was killed in a plane crash, has been making as much noise as it can without money or access to "respectable" (large audience, lawyers on retainer) media. The Democratic establishment - having jettisoned the left, libertarian, and most of the liberal, decades ago - would have to reverse itself in public at the behest of disreputable bloggers, fringe pundits, ingrates it has been mocking and slandering for decades, at the same time as it pretzels itself attempting to pander to the "moderate Republican" voters its refugee NeverTrump and Bothsides and SawtheLight floor sweepings loudly proclaim exist in the millions - and after finally getting a few seats at the serious moolah table.

Take Matt Taibbi's career arc, for example. The smart money is on his ending up de facto partnered with Greenwald and cashing in the last of his credibility analyzing the recent "polarization" of American politics by extremists on both sides (the Dems named and discussed individually, the Reps anonymous and never mentioned without mentioning the Dems) for Fox or CNN. And it's hard to blame him - it's not just the money and ease of life he can have for the ask, but the safety and security. There is no leftwingnut welfare to tide one's family over a loss of reputation or failure of enterprise. If attacked as Acorn was, or Rather, or that southern State governor who's still in jail, Taibbi might have to pay for his own lawyer and ride out years of unemployment. Lefties and liberals who gain reputation and audience via effective denigrations of rightwing authoritarian politics become targets of the planet's most effective slander and abuse operation, which will often co-opt one's former allies and supporters - James O'Keefe videos, the Dan Rather punking, Franken's and Keillor's banishments, were warnings as much as they were operations - while even a carefully calibrated and vaguely allusive defense of a "bothsides" meme on TV (a meme anyone personally targeted by a co-opted faction of the ostensibly Dem or tenured Left punditry might have genuine sympathy for) can earn a sufficiently effective and skilled media-smith guaranteed book sales and a desk at some congenial "independent" think tank.

Taibbi's got kids, and good reason to mistrust his Demside compadres.

Dem Party management has painted itself into a corner and doesn't want to rock the boat, so to speak. As a valuable rightwing authoritarian influence on the "other side", it might even be legally compromised and vulnerable to a serious investigation of these various voting frauds and manipulations itself (Sanders's fate in the primaries has never been really explained)
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Thanks. That sounds like it should be officially investigated. Why aren't the Democrats kicking up a fuss to get it done?
cause the centrist wing that runs the party is a bunch of pussys who are afraid to rock the boat
so what do we do now that trumps supporters have stormed the capital and have fired bullets into the house chambers. can we final fucking admit that its not both sides
so what do we do now that trumps supporters have stormed the capital and have fired bullets into the house chambers. can we final fucking admit that its not both sides
I would suggest that Americans start by taking a hard look at the right-wing media.

While the motives of white supremacists and the like are obvious, some of those people storming the capital looked a lot like regular families to me. To get decent people to do something like that requires a programme of indoctrination and misinformation stretching over years, to instill a particular set of false beliefs. And, of course, that's exactly what one segment of the American media has provided, over years.
Freedom of the press does not include posting lies as truth. The Fifth Estate has been thoroughly corrupted.
A very dangerous trend.
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I would suggest that Americans start by taking a hard look at the right-wing media.

While the motives of white supremacists and the like are obvious, some of those people storming the capital looked a lot like regular families to me. To get decent people to do something like that requires a programme of indoctrination and misinformation stretching over years, to instill a particular set of false beliefs. And, of course, that's exactly what one segment of the American media has provided, over years.
that will never happen. the right wing in this country never has to take responsibilty for anything they do
To the OP , because they are uneducated and have no room for discussion , with others that disagree . Therefore become Absolutist . Therefore less tolerant to others who disagree . That is communism .
that will never happen. the right wing in this country never has to take responsibilty for anything they do
We are seeing that already. Trump supporters are blaming:

-Antifa directly; they were "false flag actors" who were really Antifa that did all the rioting
-Antifa and BLM for creating a "climate of violence"
-Obama for "dividing the country"

Etc etc. What a bunch of entitled, priviledged weasels.
We are seeing that already. Trump supporters are blaming:

-Antifa directly; they were "false flag actors" who were really Antifa that did all the rioting
-Antifa and BLM for creating a "climate of violence"
-Obama for "dividing the country"

So, one of the big jokes on Twitter, yesterday and today, has been about how divided Parler is, with one half blaming antifa while the other half post pictures and video from their adventures at the U.S. Capitol.
We are seeing that already. Trump supporters are blaming:

-Antifa directly; they were "false flag actors" who were really Antifa that did all the rioting
-Antifa and BLM for creating a "climate of violence"
-Obama for "dividing the country"

Etc etc. What a bunch of entitled, priviledged weasels.
i don't think people get how dangerous this is. and unsuccessful coups are usually followed by more. if they are successful you have the most powerful country in the world militarily ruled by an authortarian who would install a party state that firmly believes it has the right to invade other countries at will. we should all be very very scared. we could be seeing the death of the american republic and that should scare everyone.