Religion Defined

And everyone of these experiences are incredibly real, not just some visual imagery conjured up in my head
Here's a simple challenge for you then: I'll show you on Google Earth where I live and you "visit" sometime in the next couple of days using this absolutely-not-a-fantasy skill of yours and then answer 3 questions.
1) What colour is my guitar?
2) Who manufactured my piano?
3) What's the title of the very thick book laid (front cover upwards) on top of the small bookcase in my hallway?
Considering you have logged in at least three times (at least one of which you certainly spent time reading this thread) since I wrote the above and we've had no reply
A) should we take it that you won't accept the challenge?
B) could you please explain why? (I doubt it's because you've accepted that your nonsense is nonsense, but I do wonder what your excuse is).
Religion is about the control of Humanity .

From ancient times .

For very appropriate reasons. Same reason why society needs leaders, laws, rules and regulations. Individuals of a sick and corrupt society are not capable of governing their self, so we need our institutions to keep us under control. Basically society needs a baby sitter or it will destroy itself.
For very appropriate reasons. Same reason why society needs leaders, laws, rules and regulations.
Um, religion isn't the only (nor necessarily - or even demonstrably - the best) possible method of providing that.

Individuals of a sick and corrupt society are not capable of governing their self, so we need our institutions to keep us under control.
You've badly mangled this: if a society is sick & corrupt it's still (almost by definition) under control and governed.
Plus, of course, individuals in a sick and corrupt society may well be capable of governing themselves.

Basically society needs a baby sitter or it will destroy itself.
Again, religion isn't the only possible solution.

Still no response to post #83?
Hehe, why do I need to tell you what's in your house? You can't look and see for yourself?
Clearly you're having trouble with the concept of experiment.
Then again, your refusal to participate is an indication you realise that such an experiment would show that your "skills" don't exist.
That's something I suppose.
I do wonder if you realise what effect that refusal has on the already scanty credibility you had.
Clearly you're having trouble with the concept of experiment.
Then again, your refusal to participate is an indication you realise that such an experiment would show that your "skills" don't exist.
That's something I suppose.
I do wonder if you realise what effect that refusal has on the already scanty credibility you had.

Trust me, I'm not concerned about anyone's perspective of my credibility. Like I said before I have no interest in convincing anyone of anything. You are certainly free to believe whatever you choose. Also you are certainly free to attempt to damage my credibility as much as you can possibly try. However, I just thought you should know that as futile as it is, it could not ever possibly change what I have experienced and continue to experience. But feel free to carry on as much as you would like. I actually enjoy reading your responses. They are entertaining.
Trust me, I'm not concerned about anyone's perspective of my credibility. Like I said before I have no interest in convincing anyone of anything.
And yet you post your carp anyway...

Also you are certainly free to attempt to damage my credibility as much as you can possibly try.
Oh, I don't need to do anything towards that end.
You did note that I wrote "effect that refusal has on the already scanty credibility you had", didn't you?
Any damage done was done by you.

However, I just thought you should know that as futile as it is, it could not ever possibly change what I have experienced and continue to experience.
Imagined you experienced, not "experienced".
For very appropriate reasons. Same reason why society needs leaders, laws, rules and regulations. Individuals of a sick and corrupt society are not capable of governing their self, so we need our institutions to keep us under control. Basically society needs a baby sitter or it will destroy itself.


True religion controls people ; has for thousands of years ; except for some .

The baby sitter not need apply if Humanity knew the bigger picture of Humanity . And the History of religion .
Apparently she spent much of her life trying to regain her lost faith by making other people suffer.
I didn't pick Mother Teresa as an example of a good person. I don't think she was trying to "control humanity".