RAM: how much?

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uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
I'm getting a new laptop, most probably a Mac. On my current one, I have 1 GB of RAM, but I find its still slower than I want when I'm using multiple applications. What would be a good amount of RAM to aim for? I intend to use this laptop for at least another four years if possible. I also want to add a webcam for skype sessions. Any suggestions?
2.something...around 2GB RAM would satisfy you. Also that webcam...can you give a link to see it?
No idea about the webcam, but don't most new laptops come with in ready to go? For RAM, if you're going for 4 years you want 4 gigs. If you don't want to spend the cash for all 4 now, you can get it with 1 stick of 2gigs and then add another 2gig stick down the line.
Because she's going for 4 years. Look back 2-3 years ago where 1 gig was fine, these days 2 gigs is the standard. In 4 years it'll undoubtedly be at least 4. That's why I suggested she can also get 1x2 for now and then add another 2gb stick later.
Because she's going for 4 years. Look back 2-3 years ago where 1 gig was fine, these days 2 gigs is the standard. In 4 years it'll undoubtedly be at least 4.

yea...but its not like she will use graphics heavy programs...
These days just regular office apps can require a RAM boost. When certain members of our staff wanted to upgrade to the new Office, I had to make sure each machine had 2 gigs. Otherwise it was slow as hell.
S.A.M.: It's also important to ask, what do you primarily do with your laptop? That is, what kind of applications do you run most of the time?
yea well...she should just have a slot inside her laptop for another 2GIG...later if she needs it. But as for now, 2 GIG should be enough.
S.A.M.: It's also important to ask, what do you primarily do with your laptop?

I thought she uses it with office, like mostly powerpoint presentations on biochem medical stuff, word, and email internet. Thats about it. Maybe to watch movies.
I'm getting a new laptop, most probably a Mac. On my current one, I have 1 GB of RAM, but I find its still slower than I want when I'm using multiple applications. What would be a good amount of RAM to aim for? I intend to use this laptop for at least another four years if possible. I also want to add a webcam for skype sessions. Any suggestions?

get as much RAM as you can in a laptop...

due to the nature of a laptop RAM is most important on them, much more so than a desktop...

if you can get 4 gigs of RAM do it...
I like the idea of a 1x2 G RAM which I can upgrade if needed. I do everything on my laptop, work, play, write, communicate. Its the one thing I carry everywhere with me. I don't have a desktop, it would just gather dust. Primarily I use it to store, analyse and write about my work, so I have huge statistical and graphical programs.

I'm also considering getting some training in graphics using the Adobe Creative Suite, which I assume will require more space as well. I don't play any sophisticated games on it, no time for it now but who knows? It slowed down considerably after I downloaded the new Mac Office, which was a big downer. But the new Office is so awesome, I don't want to uninstall it. Hence the new computer.
Then definitely go for the 1x2 for now, and get another down the road (and of course if it's in your budget, just go for the 4 now). Another thing while you're shopping, since you'll be using Adobe CS get a quad core CPU. While the clock speed will be lower than an equivalently priced dual core, you'll really notice a difference when using intensive apps like Photoshop, and I'm pretty sure you'll notice a difference with your statistical and graphics programs too.

EDIT: Nevermind on the Quad, turn out Macbooks don't have them which I find bizarre considering they're oriented to design types.
Right now I use Powerpoint [you remember the presentation I was doing?] but I like playing around the computer and graphics is fun, I want to see if I can work on illustrations on the side. :p

Then definitely go for the 1x2 for now, and get another down the road (and of course if it's in your budget, just go for the 4 now). Another thing while you're shopping, since you'll be using Adobe CS get a quad core CPU. While the clock speed will be lower than an equivalently priced dual core, you'll really notice a difference when using intensive apps like Photoshop.

Will the quad core CPU come with a Mac OS ? What does the clock speed affect? Is Adobe CS the best, or are there other better creative options? I'm a beginner in graphics, just work with paint and powerpoint. Sorry if there are too many questions.:p
Right now I use Powerpoint [you remember the presentation I was doing?] but I like playing around the computer and graphics is fun, I want to see if I can work on illustrations on the side. :p

thats Photoshop...or dreamwever...if you are really good with presentations...
Will the quad core CPU come with a Mac OS ? What does the clock speed affect? Is Adobe CS the best, or are there other better creative options? I'm a beginner in graphics, just work with paint and powerpoint. Sorry if there are too many questions.:p

No worries on the questions, and see my edit on the Quad. Looks like you don't really have a choice with the Mac.
thats Photoshop...or dreamwever...if you are really good with presentations...

I'm a good presenter, but I've not paid much attention to graphics, I used to focus on matter, now I've come to realise that people want to see pictures not bullet points. :cool:

So I want to polish up those skills.
I'm a good presenter, but I've not paid much attention to graphics, I used to focus on matter, now I've come to realise that people want to see pictures not bullet points. :cool:

So I want to polish up those skills.

yeah...sounds also wake people up during the presentations. Otherwise when the lights go off and you are presenting your 8th slide on polymerases or binding proteins or etc...snoring could be heard here and there :p
Duh, I'm a moron and thinking too desktop-y. Quad CPUs aren't even out yet for laptops. They'll be out later this year though so if you can wait...
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