Putin's invasion of Ukraine

You ask the Russians, because they only lie about who they're going to invade, or which hospital they're going to shell, or which market full of civilians they're going to cluster bomb, right?

LOL, what about weapons of mass destruction or pulling babies out of humidicribs?
NATO was created for war.
Stop lying, please.
If you would have peace in Europe: You must disband NATO!
Is that an ultimatum? Are you thinking that Russia will continue to invade Europe/Ukraine as long as NATO exists??
Or are you just a day late to the April-fool's party?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also called the North Atlantic Alliance, is an intergovernmental military alliance ...
And Putin was created for peace.

Hail Hitler!

While Western powers impose sanctions on Russia, many countries in the Global South blame the US and NATO for the Ukraine war, including South Africa, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea, and Eritrea. China, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Mexico, Vietnam, and more remain neutral. These represent the majority of the world’s population.

NATO countries have armed and trained the neo-nazi armies in Ukraine

(the enemy of my enemy is my friend----for today---and to hell with tomorrow)
There is an old Serb saying that you never give a friend a knife, because tomorrow he may be an enemy and use it on you...
How many are those democracies?
as/re democracies

OK circa late '60s, while serving in the army, after that asshole son of a bitch LBJ drafted me to serve in McNamara's war:
It dawned on me that we were "keeping the world safe for democracy" by supporting every petty dictator in sight.
and, overthrowing democratically elected heads of state and replacing them with dictators.
And Putin was created for peace.

Hail Hitler!

Putin is a power broker
he has been barn raised to grapple the avenues of power of the existing Russian system and he does it extremely well.

unfortunately then the trump administration happened and all international relations got put to the sword or ignored.
and Russia was ignored and labelled as the enemy

for 2 years while the western world tried to manage covid Russia tightened its belt

all those intelligence chiefs were sleeping on the job

obviously foreign diplomacy & relations was needed but no one was doing anything
no one was engaging

but the stage had been partially set already with the arctic & south china sea.

USA pulling out from all over the world
millions of Muslims pouring through international borders with no checks or balances

while the middle east fell apart.

it was a question of when not if

Russia doesn't want another beslen school massacre
grain harvest issues in Russia their massive fires
food short falls
rouble value

soo many things pointing to it

but none of the west was looking at the problem from Russia s' point of view

USA pulling out of turkey
new terrorism routes being established into southern Russia border zones

USA looking like its falling apart in its own civil war

turkey shooting down a Russian plane defining its borders

china taking more land

there is a food shortage coming
they knew that

i knew that
i said that many many times
but only 1 person listened

i hope a treaty is signed
i expect donbas to be kept by russia
i hope ukraine agree to that so it brings a quick end to years of civil war and massive regional insecurity

looking at the extent of Russian oil & gas
it seems obvious now that the west was trying to covert up the fact that russia exports soo much oil & gas
& that western political business leaders have allowed their entire countrys to be reliant on oil & gas from someone they claim to be an enemy.

if russia decided to punish the western world it could turn off its oil & gas exports which would would throw the world financial markets into chaos & have energy shortages in many western countries.

meanwhile usa comments about going to war in iraq for oil leave you wondering where all the oil went.

the dirty little secret
the politicians were hoping the oil & gas would keep flowing out of russia
probably expecting russia to feel hostage to the income it generates.
but russia has called their bluff

the sanctions appear to be about to back fire if russia stops exporting gas and oil.

strategic insanity
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do you cheer when you see russians killed ?
knowing that they are probably conscripts forced to be there with very little training and no leadership
& no psychological support
its dog eat dog
I understand that Putin is crying foul because Ukrainian forces launched an attack on an oil facility in Russia. When you play with fire sometimes you get burned.
as/re democracies

OK circa late '60s, while serving in the army, after that asshole son of a bitch LBJ drafted me to serve in McNamara's war:
It dawned on me that we were "keeping the world safe for democracy" by supporting every petty dictator in sight.
and, overthrowing democratically elected heads of state and replacing them with dictators.
So, you like to see people die; the more the better!
I understand that Putin is crying foul because Ukrainian forces launched an attack on an oil facility in Russia. When you play with fire sometimes you get burned.
We don't know for sure who was responsible for those fires.

The Ukranians have denied responsibility to quite recently.

Seems very likely to have been them but it would have been a very difficult operation(with risks of escalation also)

There is the possibility of false flag but the Russians have already proved their stupidity well enough as it is.

Unless it was the Moslems.:eek:
We don't know for sure who was responsible for those fires.

my guess is the people responsible is the 2 helicopters that fired unguided missiles at it in a very successful strike

only question now is do they now have anti aircraft missiles covering the oil depot.
Do the white supremacist/ ultra right/ (nazi) armies have helicopters?
If so
Then perhaps it was one of them who invaded Russia?

Many in those groups want the current government in Ukraine to be replaced by a nationalist dictatorship.