Ps3 vs Xbox 360

Which of these game counsoles is the Best?

  • Xbox 360

    Votes: 17 58.6%
  • Playstation 3

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 2 6.9%

  • Total voters
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of course it can...ps3 has no good games and is way too expensive considering it failed to deliver on its graphical superiority to 360
How about HD dvds? I like the ps3 because of its Blue-ray capabilities, but I think now I have 3 good reasons to turn over to the Xbox 360: Halo 1, Halo 2, and Halo 3!
From a gamer...:

Ps3 huh? We all know Ps2 was the greatest system ever created... right? Anyway... it had the best games. The best delivery. It was the greatest system.

Xbox? The x box blowed.

The ps3 has superior graphic capability to the x box 360. It also has a blue-ray player or whatever. It is the better system on these terms alone. The xbox360 has good graphics also, but not AS good. Both systems play the previous systems games.

So when you consider these facts, you would say that it depends upon the future and ones outlook towards the systems. ... If you are looking to buy one of these systems, you will undoubtedly think about these things.

The Ps3 is a great system and surely will create better games, it is a matter of the future. I like the Xbox360 as I own one and like the current games that it has.

That is about all I can say.
Xbox 360

PS2 was no where near as good as Xbox, and the same is true for the PS3.

I own a 360, and I don't regret buying it either.
From a gamer...:

Ps3 huh? We all know Ps2 was the greatest system ever created... right? Anyway... it had the best games. The best delivery. It was the greatest system.

Xbox? The x box blowed.

The ps3 has superior graphic capability to the x box 360. It also has a blue-ray player or whatever. It is the better system on these terms alone. The xbox360 has good graphics also, but not AS good. Both systems play the previous systems games.

Then why is the current best looking game for 360? and why is Ps3 losing licesne exclusivity to 360?
Answer, because the ps3 suffered from poor marketing and too high a cost, noone wants to pay $600 (now $500) for a ps3 when they can get a 360 or 360 elite for $349 or $469, Why pay more when all the same games will be on a cheaper system with the same graphical abilities
Then why is the current best looking game for 360? and why is Ps3 losing licesne exclusivity to 360?
Answer, because the ps3 suffered from poor marketing and too high a cost, noone wants to pay $600 (now $500) for a ps3 when they can get a 360 or 360 elite for $349 or $469, Why pay more when all the same games will be on a cheaper system with the same graphical abilities

Current best looking game is probably oblivion for the ps3, or (although there is slight difference, the graphics are improved), I don't know which best game you're talking about but in terms of games, ps3 is going to have better graphics for games. Better ability to play better games.

Definately, if ps3 loses it's interest due to the above (which I would not be sure about myself...), then 360 obviously is the better system. That doesn't mean it is though, unless you can prove the point that the ps3 is going to plummit. I don't personally, believe that it will.

And. The Wii (wee) is an incredible system for the family. I feel (although am not positive) that it is losing it's interest. Great system, less graphic ability, very fun games and made by nintendo.

That's my take on the current 3 next-gen systems.
Xbox 360. I have the normal Xbox which is I feel I need to be loyal towards Xbox...
I heard Wii is great. You should get that, seriously, get it, exercise and fun at the same time!!! :D
The boyfriend is an avid gamer and says that the 360 is top dog.

Go Microsoft!

Personally, I like Wii Bowling... and 'dats about it.


It seems like the current consoles to buy are between the 360 and the Wii mostly due to their current lineups of games and that the Wii is appealing to non-gamers, but after some time, based on it's horsepower and the fact that it will gain a larger lineup of games, the PS3 will be the one to own.
hmm i dout it cuase lets face it most people who have consoles are teens to earlyh adults and who buys them the consoles there parents so no i dout the ps3 is gona win it just to dam expensive
If price is the only concern, then one is limited in their choices, aren't they?

But, if you're actually comparing the units, then the PS3 will eventually win out.
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