Propaganda is everywhere!

Ya know this whole anthrax thing is really gaining momento. They just said that 2 people died dfrom it and that they both worked at a post office and that another 2 people have got it and all that stuff. Not to mention mostly everybody else has got anthrax. My only question though is when does it hit my old kentucky home?
Thank you shrike...

I thought this topic is just petered out too....but Coffee may revived it.

I still think, the Anthrax situation is of domestic origin. Someone is mad at some specific person and trying to cover his tracks by sending the letters to a few other ones. I also think that the batch that was sent, contaminated the sorting machine which spewed out the stuff everywhere.

Because it came from Trenton, New Jersey area, they should do a search as to who had access to a bio lab. I also suggested to a newyork times forum that they should use gamma radiation system to neutralize the bugs in the mail. UV radiation will not work inside a packet.

The sooner, the government declares it is a domestic origin, the sooner we will get back to work.
Dear people of Sci forums, the Anthrax letters are not only in the USA.
Don't you look the News on tv?
It is in Europe too, here in the Netherlands there are 2 letters, in Norway there was a letter, in Switzerland I even heard, were 2 letters.
All letters with a powder in it, all tested on Anthrax, all false...
So what do I think then?
A few stupid persons has mailed these letters, to be on tv, to do important, I don't know.
It is ridiculous. I think too that it is from within the USA that the letters were send. Terrible people.
Please, look at the News from Europe, there it happens also. I bet you have only the bombings at Afghanistan on tv.
Talk to you later.
We've got our hands full, at least in the news for now bansh.
I did see a brief statement that said that someone in Europe got anthrax.
You see?
A brief statement that it is in Europe also.
Nice country you have there, that America, is America the only country that matters?
It sure starts to look like that.
It is not important to tell what is happening over sea's, because it is not in America itself, so why should you bother about us, Europeans?
You, Americans, start a war, with bombing and all, but what happens couldn't care you Americans less. Or however you say it in english.
I hate this. Why do you all agree on that? Don't we matter, because we live in Europe? Shall we come all live in the USA then? Maybe then you people care about us, over sea's...
You Americans are always screaming freedom here and freedom there, but when Europe is attacked or whatever, you can't care less. Typical...
I shall not say what I really want to say. Be happy I do not...
Ooooh, that makes me angry

Say it and be done with it Banshee, you'll only regret your silence later.

the more people in the world the more money they spend

a nice quote from shrike, i think.But perhaps it should be rewritten

the more people in the world the less money to go around

simple economics-Supply and DEmand
THe more more money people need, the less they are supplied with by governments

the more people in the world the more poor people in the world but with the same ratio of rich:poor
That was true in agarian to industrial society. In a knowledge society that rule will not hold true.

As robots expand our physical and mental abilities, we will get more output than what we physically put in - therefore all will get rich, theoretically ofcourse....
Originally posted by kmguru

I still think, the Anthrax situation is of domestic origin. Someone is mad at some specific person and trying to cover his tracks by sending the letters to a few other ones. I also think that the batch that was sent, contaminated the sorting machine which spewed out the stuff everywhere.
You're probably right, but it could be someone unhinged by 9-11, or they thought it was time to set whatever plans they already had in motion. A friend of mine said that 9-11, "was a good day to kill someone in New York, no one will find you out", unfortunatly he may be right. We have enough crazies to go around.:( :(
The Anthrax Puppy- coming your way.

All over the world right now they're taking advantage of the whole Taliban Terrorism situation. The public statement of the Taliban is
"We did not do this. We do not know what Anthrax is.Hahahahahaha!":eek:
And dont think I inserted that laughter either.
The U.S. Anthrax was probabaly ( in my overconfident opinion ) the work of a "Biological Unabomber". In a hell of a lot of other places batches of white powder are being sent about to cause mass Anthrax scares. Rumours say November the 11th is going to be a very bad day for western Europe, the British Isles in particular ( I know whereof I speak :( ). Be afraid. Nasty.

But on the other hand, Anthrax has been hanging around India, S.America , Africa, and a few sewerless hell holes in the Mediterranean for years. Ho-Hum life goes on , but only for the living.:( :( :( :(
Well Bandit, you are a real clever boy aren't you?
You have a big mouth, but I want to know how you would handle if you were in the war with bombs flying around your ears and your family being killed before your eyes.
And what do you want to do with me?
If I say what?
What then? You come to hit me? Man, I am afraid now.
You Americans should look further then your nose is long.
There is more in the world then just the USA, what do you think.
It is terrible what happened at Sept. 11th, but no one can go back in time and make it better for the ones who are hurt and dead.
This terrorist deed was not only for the USA a horrible 'thing', but also for the rest of the world. And now it is everywhere.
If it is coming from real terrorists or some young people who want to do 'brave', it is real horrible what people do to one another. And it just began...
As time pass, it looks more like the Anthrax situation is of domestic origin - It might be designed in the sameway you stop a forest fire...
Originally posted by Banshee

You Americans should look further then your nose is long.
There is more in the world then just the USA, what do you think.
Yes I know, but most people only think of themselves & their loved ones, & to us, the rest of the world used to be so, so far away!!

It is terrible what happened at Sept. 11th, but no one can go back in time and make it better for the ones who are hurt and dead.
No words, can discribe this......

This terrorist deed was not only for the USA a horrible 'thing', but also for the rest of the world. And now it is everywhere.
Could be, unfortunetly.

If it is coming from real terrorists or some young people who want to do 'brave', it is real horrible what people do to one another.
Unfortunetly, misguided or wronged, people usually lash out in anger!!

And it just began...
God save us all!!
Has anyone seen any propaganda lately?

I saw an article in the New York times that looked like it severly screwed up an interpretation of a muslim. They made the guy look evil and say that all americans sucked-basically.
Originally posted by shrike
Has anyone seen any propaganda lately?

I saw an article in the New York times that looked like it severly screwed up an interpretation of a muslim. They made the guy look evil and say that all americans sucked-basically.

Ask any muslim, even a recent convert, what they think of Israel & American supprt for it? That's were the hatred starts, you should see more answers to your questions after that.
Trying not to ruffle feathers...seriously

I saw propaganda just this morning, CNN i think
"All Americans citezins are soldiers, all Americans are involved in this war"
Well, i think thats how it went. To my ears it sonds like scaring up paranoia and xenophobia. I mean, there are people who take everything Bush says to heart, cos hes President.:eek:

Ill take the time to say this again. I have nothing against Americans, live and let live I say, if they'll do the same.:)
The fact is that i cant stand George Bush. I know there are certain things he has to do and say, I know he has a dedicated team of advisors and spin-doctors putting their take on the current crisis, among other things, but hes the public face of an incompetent sytem that just gets my goat:mad:

Anyway, the propaganda above may invoke the same sort of "Reds under the bed" atmosphere that existed dyears ago. I mean, was it planned that way, or was it just a poor choice of words

And Banshee, what'd I say to get you so hot under the collar ? Ive looked over that post, and I cant see anything that should made anyone blow their tops. And Im not American either. Guess again.
I like my anonymity. Just look at those remarks you made about "those Ameicans who cant see past their noses". I wonder what you would say about my people ?
I saw some more propaganda everyone-CNN Headline News giving all the great reasons why the FBI and CIA are so great when we know the CIA is closer to the KGB than what we'd like them to be while the FBI, is, in my opinion a whole lot better. Did you hear the CIA is now allowed to start assassinating people again? It's totally crazy letting them do that because they only seem to be able to assassinate our own presidents (JFK)! They tried about twenty times to kill Castro, how hard could it be?

Any more....propaganda? I'm really interested in what other news organizations from around the world have been saying and were saying, so our pals from australia, sweden, and britain should come over and have a chat.
Propaganda on every news program, special "ultra new and improved" pro war shows on all the time here in britan (im sick to death of seeing it).
Yesterday it was the american b52's dropping daisy shreders in afganistan, now im sure you all saw the same propaganda as me so you know the devistation these weapons create, yet they boast about there killing capabilitys.
Hell why not just nuke them?
At least it will be quick and relitivley painless in comparrison to being slowly starved to death, or being mangeled be daisy shredder shrapnel, and all for what revenge?
Isnt revenge a deadly sin?
But its not about revenge, its not even about september the 11th, its about caspian sea oil, the harsh reality of the situation is thousands, possibly millions of the worlds poorest people will starve to death so Mr Bush and Mr Blair can have that oil they value so highly.
The time is comming when people of that nature will take a back seat, its time we stopped fighting over petty squabbles and started acting like grown ups, if we dont this path only leads to self anhialation.