Porn found with Bin Ladin

Discussion in 'World Events' started by joepistole, May 14, 2011.

  1. universaldistress Extravagantly Introverted ... Valued Senior Member

    This is BS. When did US bomb a target like this in recent times? A target of this nature is protected by international law. There is no justifying the attack on the twin towers.

    How is the twin towers a military target? Banks/financial centres are NOT military targets. Military installations are military targets.
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  3. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    NEWS: By the way, they did find a stash of herbal viagra in Usama's bedroom. Ugh..!
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  5. universaldistress Extravagantly Introverted ... Valued Senior Member

    Next thing to emerge will be a strap-on.
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  7. iceaura Valued Senior Member

    Same way a peasant hut in a rice field is a military target, for supporting the enemy - as in the Plain of Jars.

    Much more than a grade school or hospital , as in Hiroshima.
    And even after the firebombing of Tokyo. So it wasn't the bombing or killing that did it - it was the knowledge of the existence of the bomb.

    A formality - Truman knew we had the bomb, that we had figured it out and it would work, months before that, and started rejecting overtures from Japanese negotiators as soon as he knew.

    He made no attempt to get the Japanese to witness the bomb tests, or supply them with photos etc. So they had no idea of what was coming.
    Carefully keeping secret the bomb, and preparing standard invasion, so they would not surrender early.
    The second bomb was dropped in a hurry - within 72 hours, shifted to a secondary target rather than delayed even another day or two, giving the Japanese as little time as possible to figure out what had happened. Even with no warning, and total obliteration so far from central command, and such an unprecedented event, the Japanese had good physicists and capable leadership that might have reacted in time. After Nagasaki, it was OK to wait.
  8. ElectricFetus Sanity going, going, gone Valued Senior Member

    Now that would be a good topic for the history forum, why not talking about the legitimacy of the atomic bombings there.
  9. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

    Its not Bells but its more comfy-cozy than dealing with the messy nuts and bolts of what's going on in the US in general. So its like 'let's talk about Osama's dick...'

    Kind of like focusing energy on 'Dancing with the Stars' or Arnold and Maria's divorce or something.

    Hey at least it keeps them off the streets right? Don't want them really demanding anything of social importance. Hell it might actually amount to change

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  10. S.A.M. uniquely dreadful Valued Senior Member

    Haha yes, I was just thinking, this is like the President getting impeached not for killing millions of people but for being caught with his dick in a woman's mouth

  11. Mrs.Lucysnow Valued Senior Member

  12. parmalee peripatetic artisan Valued Senior Member

    Sadly, skewed priorities seem to be a lesser problem--or rather, a less prior problem--as I see it, the real problem does seem to be ossification of brain matter, which in turn impairs the ability to even form priorities in the first place.

    Well, so much for that word salad--I'll spell it out more clearly:

    We actually have people (within this thread, as well as within the four dozen or so other OBL threads of late--and I'm sure that he would be overjoyed by all this attention and our fascination with his masturbatory material!) perplexed by the notion that the World Trade Center was a strategic target. For fuck's sake: it's called the freakin' World Trade Center! So, you know, when you're all about damning globalization and imperialism (which I kinda thought "liberals" were supposed to be about too, but ...), a place called the World Trade Center kinda sounds like a primo choice--no? (As other folks busy themselves dealing with WTO conferences.)

    And yet these same people can somehow get their heads around the notion that hospitals, schools, orphanages, etc. are somehow "strategic targets"--you know, 'cuz there might be some fella peripherally associated with a "terrorist organization" (perhaps he donated five bucks to Earth First! at some point in his life) hiding amongst 'em.

    If that ain't a sign of being clinically brain dead, I don't know what is ...
  13. madanthonywayne Morning in America Registered Senior Member

  14. CptBork Valued Senior Member

    So now the details are finally starting to become clear:

    Navy SEALs: "You have five seconds to come out with your hands up in the air!"
    Bin Laden: "F*** off, I'm batin'!"
    *Bang bang*
  15. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    why is this surprising. the more you repress sexuality the more people are going to turn to porn. look at the US the states that have the most porn consumption tend to be the ones with all the religious nuts.
  16. TheVisitor The Journey is the Reward Registered Senior Member

    Reading through theses posts...
    No one here seems to question the timing of the report.

    "Arlington Road" and "Enemy of the State" mention how targets are labeled cop killers or serial rapists to make them easier to locate and apprehend.
    The public becomes an asset through this type of manipulation creating a "mob" mentality.
    Hook, line and sinker.
    Last edited: May 16, 2011
  17. WillNever Valued Senior Member

    ^muslim in disguise.
  18. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    Total paranoid BS.

    Those were movies.

    Give an example, IN REAL LIFE, where someone was labeled a cop killer or serial rapist just to make them easier to locate and apprehend.

  19. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    Rah rah rah *chest beat* rah rah
  20. Stryder Keeper of "good" ideas. Valued Senior Member

    This is news because nobody is asking any questions that might cause "a conflict of interests", so by all means enjoy the pop-media, sheeple!.
  21. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    Anyone who refers to the poeple as Sheeple, in essence saying that they are privlege to superior knowledge and intellect, has already shown that the opposite is true.
  22. pjdude1219 The biscuit has risen Valued Senior Member

    who me?
  23. adoucette Caca Occurs Valued Senior Member

    The master of assertion but void of facts strikes again.

    No ice, no one KNEW the bomb would work until July 16th when the first Atomic bomb that was ever detonated was set off at Trinity.

    And no, we were not going to let the Japanese witness the bomb test since we didn't know what was going to happen.

    But, prior to setting off the bomb we gave them plenty of time to surrender, and then we gave them more time after the first bomb.


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