Political cartoons


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member

- Sunday, January 26, 2003. The Seattle Times


- Friday, January 24, 2003. The Arizona Republic

Tiassa :cool:
Post 'em?

Not that they have to be about the war ... post 'em if you got 'em?

Tiassa :cool:
bush has a nice toy collection in the first cartoon, he used to play with lego untill his daddy took it away from him cuase he put the small pieces in his mouth

Originally posted by A Canadian
bush has a nice toy collection in the first cartoon, he used to play with lego untill his daddy took it away from him cuase he put the small pieces in his mouth


He's not allowed to chew on pretzels anymore either :(
i think they let him have pretzels, to stop him from sucking salt off his thumbs :p

"bush made a boomboom"