Pi (to 31 decimal places) in the Vedas?

Discussion in 'Eastern Philosophy' started by VitalOne, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. VitalOne Banned Banned

    The shloka (verse):
    gopi bhagya madhuvrata

    srngiso dadhi sandhiga

    khala jivita khatava

    gala hala rasandara

    which is translated as "O Lord anointed with the yogurt of the milkmaids' worship (Krishna), O savior of the fallen, O master of Shiva, please protect me" supposedly contains the value of pi/10 to 31 decimal places.

    Using a the standard numerical Sanskrit values, one can reach pi/10 to 31 decimal places (0.31415926535897932384626433832792), but how is this possible? The chances of this being a complete random coincidence is 1/10^32 (basically impossible). Most calculators can't even calculate pi to that precision. I'm a bit puzzled by all of this, but what do you all think?

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  3. Rick Valued Senior Member

    i havent checked the links,i"ll just do that.
    But dont be surprised.Do you know that Vedas had calculated the Velocity of Light Accurately?Google for more.

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  5. kula (Memes enclosed) within Registered Senior Member

    The only explanation I can think of (and ive used this for hebrew as well) if the universe is 'mechanical' then all prodcts of it would also be mathematical patterns. Earlier languages might be more mathematical as, with animals, the complexity of 'meaning' would not have been a value of the commincated sounds/symbols.

    Other than that long shot, I find it truly amazing how much 'knowledge' ancient cultures utilised. Thanks for telling us about this, Ive checked the links but I am going to do some more digging.

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