Outpost 2

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We're setting you adrift idiot
Registered Senior Member
Anyone have this game? It came out in '97 I believe, and since then the player base has been steadily declining. We are now down to about 20-30 people total out of the 1000 or so we started with.

Surprisingly, the game has not died completely, and WON/Sierra has even kept a server open for us. If anyone has this game, please, feel free to drop by online and keep it from dying. It's one of the greatest RTS games ever, not because of the graphics (which are obviously out of date by now) but because of the gameplay.

Sadly, the website has been shut down long ago. The best website for it right now would probably be newop2maps.cjb.net which is a site one of the clans made. But I want to make my own site, because believe it or not we are still getting newbies in the game, and we need a place for them to go to learn the basics of the game.

No, I don't have Starcraft. However, I have all the Command and Conquers, and the gameplay in them pales in comparison to OP2 (except maybe the original, I thought that was quite good).
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