Of course it was that


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Every once in a while ....

So, my particular operating shell has a curious bug-maybe-feature; part of me wonders if a notifier is hanging for unfinished protocol, or something. If the system slows down suddenly and unexpectedly, and you've run through a reasonable checklist, you might eventually come to running your System Monitor, and maybe you will notice the Updater is pitching fits. It has become so common that I've moved the Updater way up the checklist. It was the first thing I tried, today.

Meanwhile, as a blogger I happened to watch my host and software update with obscene HTML5, which behaves as if running through a compiler; one thing I just can't figure out is the market-mandatory slowdown of user interfaces over the last couple years, as if we should expect everything to run a third to half a second behind our click at best. Along the way in this transition, websites have experienced some rather quite annoying bugs, including browser-collapsing overflows because someone forgot to close a loop or some other data cascade. Most days we can only speculate, since asking people in the industry only gets a lecture on features in response.

And there are days it is impossible to tell the difference between which crisis presents itself.

Rule of thumb: Save your work before you refill your coffee cup.

My blog post is shot, for now, but, hell, at least it exists. Sure, it took four minutes to save, but at least it saved; it's easy enough to say I've lost my rhythm, for the moment.

And it is noteworthy that closing the browser didn't help; the text editor appeared to be collapsing until it wasn't. Which, in turn, was a significant clue: Either there is a serious problem of unknown origin and description arriving via, say, WordPress and bad code in live-updating realtime, which I probably wouldn't know how to investigate, anyway, or maybe, you know, my Updater is doing that thing. There are, after all, four blocks of a non-mandatory upgrade people are still deciding whether or not to bother with.

But no.

I wonder if the problem is in the shell overlay, or the shell itself. I have a system notifier tray I don't like using, so I turn off any number of notifications. If someone, somewhere, didn't properly close some block of code, yes, I can imagine the notifier cascading to overflow rather quite quickly. Not that I would be right, either.


It was an update. A single file. Library data. So small I couldn't open the droplist fast enough to see how big it was. It took longer for the system to run the relic error notice that no longer applies to anything real than it did to download the update data. (Ironically, the relic error notice is an unrelated overflow issue resulting from a computer trying to compare an unknown value, probably one, in relation to zero.)

It's also true the way my browser collapsed, my first thought was the latest change in the unseen parts of websites I use.

Which is the really fun irony.

It was a curl update.

Of course it was.
Burned out files don't handle as much information as a run handle file that will input all the information to one script and then lock out everything as if there is no more information needed from one entry point into a GUI as if there is a actual differential a new device or a locked out screen from moving files from information point to another changing the files not the files stored and then brought back up. Updates usually fix this without debugging which doesn't doo anything for a foo like stopping a calculated prompt FOR A search engine or a Search query for searching for particular fixeds in this bug or in this out of box bug that will fix it.