Non-Sense of Macro Evolutionary Faith

Not at all. Their approach is:

1. Dinosaurs are an unproven and unprovable assumption.
2. Dinosaur are a faith position.
3. No one on Earth knows if, how, when, or where dinosaurs existed.
4. Paleontology is a faith position.
5. Saurian life is an unproven and unprovable assumption.
6. Saurian life is a faith position.
7. Character Assassination is the standard response to anyone who disagrees with any of these faith positions. (as you demonstrated!)

You are thinking of Jurassic Park.

But you are funny! That's even crazier than their position. Granny had a dino!

Oh Rats!!! But wait a sec...

But we have fossils, and footprints alongside human footprints, and Dinosaur Tissue inside Dinosaur Bones, and many many Eye Witness Accounts.

And they also appear in numerous ancient art work depictions. And even in petroglyphs made by man.
But we have fossils, and footprints alongside human footprints,
That does not mean they lived at the same time.

and Dinosaur Tissue inside Dinosaur Bones,

and many many Eye Witness Accounts.
Of what, exactly? "I saw a thing and I say it's a dinosaur" is not an eyewitness account.

And they also appear in numerous ancient art work depictions.
Of course. If you came across bones and a colossal skull of an animal you've never seen before, wouldn't you conclude it came from a real animal?
They didn't have Paleobiology as a science back then, so they didn't know about evolution, extinction or the fact that the Earth is over 4.5 billion years old.

Ahaha - you got me again AS6 - getting me to dignify your ignorance of science with a serious response. Why do I fall for this?
That does not mean they lived at the same time.


Of what, exactly? "I saw a thing and I say it's a dinosaur" is not an eyewitness account.

Of course. If you came across bones and a colossal skull of an animal you've never seen before, wouldn't you conclude it came from a real animal?
They didn't have Paleobiologoy as a science back then, so they didn't knpw aboyt evolution, extinction or the fact that the Earth is over 4.5 billion years old.

If you have interest in the subject, even just for fun, I recommend the following book...

“Untold Secrets Of Planet Earth - Dire Dragons”
By Vance Nelson

...Probably better not, it might get you in trouble with your peers. They will likely try and destroy your life!

And, who knows?, you might even end up becoming a Scientific Heretic like me.
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Oh Rats!!! But wait a sec...

But we have fossils, and footprints alongside human footprints, and Dinosaur Tissue inside Dinosaur Bones, and many many Eye Witness Accounts.

And they also appear in numerous ancient art work depictions. And even in petroglyphs made by man.
Hey Seti, let me ask you a question...In all your 9 pages of preaching, have you been completely truthfull, open, forthright, and honest in all you have said, denied and conveyed?
Or do you accept that you have lied, deceived, exaggerated, been obtuse, and feigned ignorance when convenient, in your long running crusade?
I know the answer.
If you have interest in the subject, even just for fun, I recommend the following book...

“Untold Secrets Of Planet Earth - Dire Dragons”
By Vance Nelson

...Probably better not, it might get you in trouble with your peers. They will likely try and destroy your life!

And, who knows?, you might even end up becoming a Scientific Heretic like me.
Ahh the usual sarcasm and fecetiousness in the face of cold hard facts and science often used by God bothering religious fanatics!
If you have interest in the subject, even just for fun, I recommend the following book...

“Untold Secrets Of Planet Earth - Dire Dragons”
By Vance Nelson
Thanks but it's not really my fiction of choice.

Try reading Velikovksy's Worlds in Collision or von Daniken's Chariots of the Gods. You'll love them. They are famous for being hacks that take good science and mangle it into sensational "heretical" claims.

And, who knows?, you might even end up becoming a Scientific Heretic like me.
You're not a heretic. You just have trouble distinguishing science from non science.

These kinds of authors get rich off readers who don't have a background in skeptical analysis.
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If you have interest in the subject, even just for fun, I recommend the following book...

“Untold Secrets Of Planet Earth - Dire Dragons”
By Vance Nelson

...Probably better not, it might get you in trouble with your peers. They will likely try and destroy your life!

And, who knows?, you might even end up becoming a Scientific Heretic like me.

Here is one of Vance Nelson's goals for his ministry:

To counter-act the atheistic/evolutionary indoctrination that faces adults and children alike on a daily basis.

As we can see from his ministry website, Vance is well beyond crazy.
Hey Seti, let me ask you a question...In all your 9 pages of preaching, have you been completely truthfull, open, forthright, and honest in all you have said, denied and conveyed?
Or do you accept that you have lied, deceived, exaggerated, been obtuse, and feigned ignorance when convenient, in your long running crusade?
I know the answer.

Let me answer your question...

You say you know the answer.
Does it really matter what I say or think?
You already have your answer.

Character Assassinations are the favorite way to throw out other views here so you don’t ever have to actually consider them.

And it is a component of the Extreme Peer Pressure Apparatus that exists today.

You are participating in that Peer Pressure yourself.

You know, the Peer Pressure that doesn’t exist?
Character Assassinations are the favorite way to throw out other views here so you don’t ever have to actually consider them.
Isn't that what you are doing also? Think about it.
And it is a component of the Extreme Peer Pressure Apparatus that exists today.

You are participating in that Peer Pressure yourself.

You know, the Peer Pressure that doesn’t exist?
You come to a science forum preaching nonsense and anti science propaganda and then whinge about peer pressure?
If I started preaching about the certainty of Abiogenesis in the back of your favourite church, I'm sure I would face the same peer pressure.
You say you know the answer.
Does it really matter what I say or think?
Well, it would matter a lot more if you got the least bit educated on the subject. (And "books you like" doesn't count as education.)

You wouldn't take a ten-year-old's idea of gravity to-heart, would you?

Character Assassinations are the favorite way to throw out other views here so you don’t ever have to actually consider them.
These are not character assassinations. These are based on your words, that you wrote, here.
They are terribly ignorant.
We don't care about your character, only facts. And you don't have them.
Science is not opinion-based.
Isn't that what you are doing also? Think about it.

You come to a science forum preaching nonsense and anti science propaganda and then whinge about peer pressure?
If I started preaching about the certainty of Abiogenesis in the back of your favourite church, I'm sure I would face the same peer pressure.

Yes you certainly would, you would experience Peer Pressure in a church, probably any church on Earth.

It is one of the things I detest about church, just as you would, and do.
Yes you certainly would, you would experience Peer Pressure in a church, probably any church on Earth.

It is one of the things I detest about church, just as you would, and do.
The difference being that what you are experiencing in opposition to your preaching, is peer pressure as supported by validated science, and the certainty of Darwinism and evolution.
Character Assassinations are the favorite way to throw out other views here so you don’t ever have to actually consider them.

So, if someone consistently dismisses facts, evidence and science in favor of their faith on a science forum, you're saying that's a valid view we should be considering rather than calling it out for what it is?

Perhaps, you're here to recruit under the impression that some of us might start considering your views of intellectual dishonesty, misrepresentation and ignorance as an ideal way of "thinking" and will soon convert to live a life of magic, myth and superstition?

Because, if you think you're actually here for science related content and expect to put forth a view on evolution, you're failing miserably and doing nothing more than assassinating our intelligence with some of the lamest anti-evolution propaganda on the web.

So, if the Discovery Institute have their hooks in and this is the view you wish us to consider here, how can you expect we take you seriously?
... the Extreme Peer Pressure Apparatus that exists today.

I found nothing on that topic, please provide the citations backing up your claim explaining what that is exactly and where it exists today?
So you guys are actually telling me that a 5000 year old petroglyph depicting ancient people hunting a dinosaur with spears in their hands, is not evidence that ancient people hunted dinosaurs?

And you actually want me to believe you?

Oh my Science! Sorry for swearing, no I’m not!

Come on guys, open your minds just a tiny bit to things outside your faith.

You can do it. I have faith in you!

Go here and really look at the Petroglyphs in the first video down from the top.

Close your heart and mind to the hokey Christian stuff, be brave, disregarding everything but the Petroglyphs themselves.

And decide for yourselves.

And then make up some stupid reason to throw it out the window, like “Oh that was a cat, 9 of them were trying to take down”.

I will await your closed minds once again.
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So you guys are actually telling me that a 5000 year old petroglyph depicting ancient people hunting a dinosaur with spears in their hands, is not evidence that ancient people hunted dinosaurs?

No one knows what the animal was, it is you and Vance making the claim it is a dinosaur.

I will await your closed minds once again.

Our closed minds or your wild imagination?
So you guys are actually telling me that a 5000 year old petroglyph depicting ancient people hunting a dinosaur with spears in their hands, is not evidence that ancient people hunted dinosaurs?
Nope. I am telling you that such a petroglyph does not exist. From Smithsonian Magazine:

"Young earth creationists have a habit of twisting natural history to fit within the narrow confines of their interpretation of Genesis, and they insist that humans once co-existed with sauropods, tyrannosaurs, ceratopsians and other dinosaurs within the last 6,000 years or so.

To support their fantastical claims, some creationists cite what they believe to be various sculptures, carvings and other artistic representations of dinosaurs made by ancient cultures around the world. Most of these have been discredited as forgeries and misinterpreted objects, but creationists continue to use them as evidence for their peculiar view of earth history. Among the most oft-cited is a petroglyph of what appears to be an Apatosaurus-like sauropod on Kachina Bridge in Utah's Natural Bridges National Monument. According to the fundamentalist-apologist group Answers in Genesis, "The petroglyph of a sauropod dinosaur clearly has important implications—indicating that dinosaurs were indeed known to men after the Flood until they eventually died out and became (apparently) extinct." The assumption is that the petroglyph was intentionally carved by humans to represent a single animal that people had actually seen walking around the landscape in the recent past. A paper just published by paleontologists Phil Senter and Sally Cole demolishes this argument."
Go here and really look at the Petroglyphs in the first video down from the top.
Side question - why is it that, with creationists, flat-Earthers, anti-vaxxers, 9/11 truthers and the like, they can never explain what they mean - you always have to watch a video? Is it because adherents to those beliefs are accustomed to spending their life in front of a TV, and so can not consume information in any format other than a video?
SA6 is right on one matter:

Here is a pic of several giant (descendants of) dinosaurs that co-existed alongside humans: