Neurological control understanding .

I don't derive meaning from any of those words but tell me more.
Thanks you very much.
Neurological sexual dynamics and neurotica are a part of the neurological rewards process . A process that gives humans that feel good factor . Over time though , probably in about our fifties , the rewards process requires different rewards such as comfort .
Neurological sexual dynamics and neurotica are a part of the neurological rewards process . A process that gives humans that feel good factor . Over time though , probably in about our fifties , the rewards process requires different rewards such as comfort .
Yeah, it puts the lotion on its skin.
Often though , although people spend their days thinking , talking to their own thoughts in thought
So, people in general have conversations with their thoughts? That's rather creepy. It's always been an observation from my perspective.
Neurological sexual dynamics and neurotica are a part of the neurological rewards process . A process that gives humans that feel good factor . Over time though , probably in about our fifties , the rewards process requires different rewards such as comfort .
Not really. But if you can have both, all that much better.
So, people in general have conversations with their thoughts? That's rather creepy. It's always been an observation from my perspective.
Its not creepy , It can become a mental issue such as schizophrenia .

Where neuro simultaneity occurs in ones own mind as opposed to difference reference frames .

Our minds functionality is not much different than the information on a CD except we can process the information .
Thinking within the box and outside the box is a whole .
No it isn't. Thinking outside the box is a whole other thing and you can't do it effectively until you understand the box.
Isn't that which we seek , knowledge ?
The way to seek knowledge is by asking the people who have knowledge, not by making it up for yourself.
No; per MT, it's involuntary. That's why so many people eat their keys, their kids, their laptops, their dogs . . .
Of course, why didn't I think of puts the lotion on its skin. Things suddenly make sense...
Doesn't make much sense to me. That just reminds me of The Silence of the Lambs.

What is this thread about?
Seems a bit harsh! I don't really get it either. I assume he is alluding to the 'Looney tunes' aspects of these posts.

i am alluding to 4 basic things
1 from a topical position, yes sarcasm while contrasting with the innate nature of psychopathy
2 the lack of emotional content and interaction by the thread author
3 the nature of the 3rd person being used by the thread author which implies a heavy sense of lack of empathy or comprehension of the interactive feelings and emotions of human interaction
4 the lack of connection to the interactive nature of communication, being of an outside sense & the reality of how that relates to the real world human personality model(sociopaths & psychopaths)

'Looney tunes' aspects of these posts.
involuntary reaction
is having a mental health issue(some define this as a crisis depending on the severity, where as some define it as a transitory process of realisational development)
or is a Troll trawling for emotionally vulnerable people to prey on.

where one draws the line between helping a real person in need or enabling a predator(i cant tell which[yet, though i am not soo interested to find out given the statistical chance of them being far more likely to be a predator, equally so with those who may be deemed needing of help, only so far may they be pushed until they feel they are being bullied & you become equal to the problem by trying to be the solution])... is a tricky thing