national anti-addiction 'vaccination' scheme

Discussion in 'Science & Society' started by Avatar, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Avatar smoking revolver Valued Senior Member


    on the subject of this... where next?
    how much rights do the governments have to alter our bodies, molecular structures, (sub)consciousness, choice
    as some folks on Slashdot already said, it reminds me much of the "Clockwork Orange" scenario.
    To my mind any form of control of human biology or (sub)consciousness is the greatest threat to freedom.
    next they might issue a mandatory vaccination on "innappropriate" music, films, art... etc...

    this being the case.. if this vaccination really becomes mandatory.. what can the population do to not go the sheep path?
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  3. Gifted World Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    Be armed. If alot of people oppose this, and they can actually tell the government to go shove it, they won't do it.
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