My new religion.

Write4U said:
Yes, I understand all of that. And your point is.....?
But apparently you did not understand the points I made, did you?

[quote[ Kittamaru said,
To be blunt - no, I am not sure what point you are attempting to make anymore. It seems to me you are simply looking for any excuse to lay blame on others...[/quote] Then I would suggest you read my posts more carefully and objectively, you may be able to follow the grammatical
structure more clearly.
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Then I would suggest you read my posts more carefully and objectively.

You said:
Tell that to the termites, or the ants, or especially the honeybees, they practiced that commandment long before man came along.
Perhaps that's why they have managed to survive for hundreds of millions of years. But alas, they don't believe in anything. They just do it. Perhaps they have the wisdom of the angels?

Oh, dear, it just occurred to me that we always misunderstood the word angels and started believing in the wisdom of angles.
This would explain our misunderstanding of the concept of the Triad as meaning Triangles and the fractal nature of the Universe.

What, exactly, are you claiming here? You start off talking about insects (non sapient species that act on instinctive measures and are incapable of feeling things such as compassion or any emotions whatsoever) and claim that they "practiced a commandment" long before man came along (a literal impossibility, as they are incapable of even comprehending what the commandment would be).

You then claim we "always misunderstood" the word angels, then started believing in angles... then go into "the fractal nature of the universe"

What does any of that have to do with being told to love one another as yourself?

Again, to be clear - you are claiming that creatures INCAPABLE of feeling love, are in fact "loving one another as themselves", and that is what makes them successful in nature.

If that is what you are attempting to claim, then I can only say "Wut?" in response.

If that is not what you are attempting to claim, then quit waffling around and say what you mean to say.
Again, to be clear - you are claiming that creatures INCAPABLE of feeling love, are in fact "loving one another as themselves", and that is what makes them successful in nature.
No I did not, but the fact remains that they are one of the two most successful species on earth, man because he can shape his environment, and the insect that can adapt to every change man creates.
There insect's legacy is well established in term of millions of years of successful existence. Can man claim the same for all its intellectual powers? In a few hundred years of our applied technology we have placed most life on earth in jeopardy (except for the insects). You call that good stewardship? Or do you want to call it "dominion" which leads to suicide, also called the man-made Sixth Great Extinction.?

In metaphorical terms, we are not made in the image of God but in the image of the Devil.
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rather, it was a symbolic gesture

I understand the symbolism

So where did the recipe for the only type of bread which can be used come from?

And in keeping with the mysterious ways nobody knows how transubstantiation works

I'm am truly grateful I don't have to free myself from any Gordian knot before I make any decisions

No I did not, but the fact remains that they are one of the two most successful species on earth, man because he can shape his environment, and the insect that can adapt to every change man creates.
There insect's legacy is well established in term of millions of years of successful existence. Can man claim the same for all its intellectual powers? In a few hundred years of our applied technology we have placed most life on earth in jeopardy (except for the insects). You call that good stewardship? Or do you want to call it "dominion" which leads to suicide, also called the man-made Sixth Great Extinction.?

In metaphorical terms, we are not made in the image of God but in the image of the Devil.

In other words, you are blaming God for mankind misusing our intellect?
I understand the symbolism

So where did the recipe for the only type of bread which can be used come from?

Same place as most convoluted BS that people think comes with a spiritual journey - the men "in charge" of translating the religion (remember, for a while it was controlled by a small percentage of the population that was literate, and had a massive stake in controlling what the masses thought was true)
In other words, you are blaming God for mankind misusing our intellect?
No, I am an atheist and believe evolution, natural selection, and competition are responsible for the excesses caused by human greed. Man is misusing his intellect, in spite of any scriptural wisdoms. As previously mentioned I equate the concept of a universal god with universal potential.

My posit is that man's intellect has outgrown his wisdom. Just because a person can do something, does not mean it would be wise to actually do it.

As Carlin said, "some people build their houses next to an active volcano, and then wonder why they have lava flowing through their living room".

The practice of storing supplies for lean times was already practiced by the ants and other insects and many other later species such as squirrels. But their genetic make-up and physical restraints never made them collect more than what was needed. Man, with his technology is able to take much more than is needed and in effect has become an invasive species with disregard of the environmental impacts of his activities.

OTOH, certain ground dwelling birds do adorn their outside gardens with little trinkets in order to attract females. If the female , after inspecting the garden decides to enter the home , it is a sign that she approves and will make herself available for mating. Grand displays of power , agilities, or beauty is found all throughout natural courtship, but never to the detriment of the environment.

That's an exclusive human activity, because of their extra ordinary mental abilities and the potential for
excessive behaviors. IMO, this is mostly due to our false assumption that "more is better" which is in scripture properly identified as "greed" and the practice of greed is a sin, i.e. immoral, in secular terms.

This why Buddha (born a royal prince) philosophy advocates for moderation in all things. After trying asceticism to see if he could conquer suffering and nearly dying, the man acquired the wisdom for such a profound and fundamental survival strategy. Moderation in all things.

We need look only ate the multimillion dollar houses of worship built by televangelists, to see how corrupt even religious people have become, in spite of their daily ritualistic practices.

Apparently they don't walk the talk, bible in hand or not.
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No, I am an atheist and believe evolution, natural selection, and competition are responsible for the excesses caused by human greed. Man is misusing his intellect, in spite of any scriptural wisdoms. As previously mentioned I equate the concept of a universal god with universal potential.

My posit is that man's intellect has outgrown his wisdom. Just because a person can do something, does not mean it would be wise to actually do it.

As Carlin said, "some people build their houses next to an active volcano, and then wonder why they have lava flowing through their living room".

The practice of storing supplies for lean times was already practiced by the ants and other insects and many other later species such as squirrels. But their genetic make-up and physical restraints never made them collect more than what was needed. Man, with his technology is able to take much more than is needed and in effect has become an invasive species with disregard of the environmental impacts of his activities.

OTOH, certain ground dwelling birds do adorn their outside gardens with little trinkets in order to attract females. If the female , after inspecting the garden decides to enter the home , it is a sign that she approves and will make herself available for mating. Grand displays of power , agilities, or beauty is found all throughout natural courtship, but never to the detriment of the environment.

That's an exclusive human activity, because of their extra ordinary mental abilities and the potential for
excessive behaviors. IMO, this is mostly due to our false assumption that "more is better" which is in scripture properly identified as "greed" and the practice of greed is a sin, i.e. immoral, in secular terms.

This why Buddha (born a royal prince) philosophy advocates for moderation in all things. After trying asceticism to see if he could conquer suffering and nearly dying, the man acquired the wisdom for such a profound and fundamental survival strategy.

Then forgive me, but please explain... how does anything of this have to do with God, at all? This feels like a complete non sequitur...
Then forgive me, but please explain... how does anything of this have to do with God, at all? This feels like a complete non sequitur...
It doesn't, I did not introduce the word God. The OP states, "My new religion."

Well I gave you my version. It is you who insists on using the word God and frankly I find it duplicitous of you (another moral tresspass) to accuse me of obfuscating the OP thread.
It doesn't, I did not introduce the word God. The OP states, "My new religion."

Well I gave you my version. It is you who insists on using the word God and frankly I find it duplicitous of you (another moral tresspass) to accuse me of obfuscating the OP thread.

Uh huh... should I assume you are lying now, or later?

Hi all. It's been several years since I checked in, but I haven't forgotten y'all. My life has evolved over the years. I started on here in my mid 20's as a Christian. I dropped my belief a few years after, and maintained atheism for almost two decades. I'm now the ripe age of 41 and "am blessed."

I've learned to be strong on my own and prosper due to unseen forces. My life is pretty much uneventful without much grief. I have no complaints, and am happy and at peace.

If I were to believe in God (capital G, Christianity), it would take answers to these questions:
1. Why is the belief in Jesus required to make it into heaven? There are scriptures that condemn those that don't to death. Why can't someone live a penitent, apologetic, and altruistic life and be considered. After all, believing is easy when shown. But, loving someone is what is hard. Love is all that matters in this life.
2. I was brought up in skepticism in my generation. I was taught by society to not believe in anything without reason. So, where is my freedom of belief if I have no choice but to believe reasonable things? Again, to be condemned by this is unjust.
3. Love is a two way street. Love is bigger than one act like dying on a cross. How does God love us?
4. God was not silent in the past (according to scripture) in ways that matter to satisfying 3.
5. Where is justice for the innocent? A single excuse (for God's purpose and our betterment) is not enough due to 1,2, and 3.

My god is love in all its forms and intents. That is my religion. Sometimes I feel like a Christian, but I don't believe in God, unless God is love. But if God is an entity and love, then the bible is fucked up.

It would appear that God was mentioned quite a bit in the original post... with the entire premise being either God is Love, or God is Fucked Up...

So, yeah. Write4U, perhaps you should take a step back from your smug self absurdness and quite trying to be an ass?
So, yeah. Write4U, perhaps you should take a step back from your smug self absurdness and quite trying to be an ass?
Ah, here it is, the ad hominem instead of rational discussion.

p.s. Quit is not spelled "quite". If you are going to use ad hominem, at least don't make an ass of yourself, doing it.
p.p.s. English is my second language, perhaps you should read a little more. I gave you a good link.
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Ah, here it is, the ad hominem instead of rational discussion.

p.s. Quit is not spelled "quite". If you are going to use ad hominem, at least don't make an ass of yourself, doing it.
p.p.s. English is my second language, perhaps you should read a little more. I gave you a good link.

And yet, you were the first to start attacking the person by accusing me of being duplicitous out of one side of your mouth whilst lying out of the other.

Or your God = my Universal Potential, did you forget? tsk, tsk..

You call me out on mistakenly adding a letter to quit... meanwhile, your sentences don't even make sense. Go figure.

It is readily apparent that you aren't here to actually discuss religion - you just want to stroke your own sense of superiority... why is it, I wonder, that you feel the need to do this? Must be some empty, hollow hole eating at you from the inside...

Or it could be something far less sinister, and far more painful... but who knows.

Come back when you want to be honest, mmkay?
And yet, you were the first to start attacking the person by accusing me of being duplicitous
You were at that time. And I have no agenda, so why should I lie to justify my belief, I am not the one who is proslytizing.

You have the right to believe in anything, just don't step on my right to do the same, by accusing me of lying. I believe scripture calls that "bearing false witness" (the moral sins just keep piling up).

p.s. I find that little attachment disgusting and a great example of "gluttony" (you do test one's patience).

I am glad to see you lost 40 lbs. Is that picture before or after?
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You were at that time. And I have no agenda, so why should I lie to justify my belief, I am not the one who is proslytizing.

You have the right to believe in anything, just don't step on my right to do the same, by accusing me of lying. I believe scripture calls that "bearing false witness" (the moral sins just keep piling up).

p.s. I find that little attachment disgusting and a great example of "obesity" (you do test one's patience).

How was I being duplicitous... kindly prove that, since what you said was just proven FALSE (that God was not mentioned) - you were the one lying about God not being mentioned.

*shakes head* Yes, you DO test one's patience... shame that you find obesity disgusting... another moral failing on your part I guess (vanity and deception, oh my, you are on a roll here!)
How was I being duplicitous... kindly prove that, since what you said was just proven FALSE (that God was not mentioned) - you were the one lying about God not being mentioned.
I said I did not introduce the word God. You are misquoting my post which is against the forum rules. As staff member you should adhere to that rule, IMO.

*shakes head* Yes, you DO test one's patience... shame that you find obesity disgusting... another moral failing on your part I guess (vanity and deception, oh my, you are on a roll here!)
and yet again a misquote
W4U said,
I find that little attachment disgusting and a great example of "gluttony"
That compound sentence consists of two separate statements divided by the word "and", i.e. the picture itself (and what it represents) is disgusting and the man is clearly obese.
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Write4U said:
Yes, I understand all of that. And your point is.....?
But apparently you did not understand the points I made, did you?
Kittamaru said,
To be blunt - no, I am not sure what point you are attempting to make anymore. It seems to me you are simply looking for any excuse to lay blame on others...
Yes, unlike scripture which assigns sinfulness from birth.
Psalms 51:5 - Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Now who lays blame on who's doorstep? I know for a fact that I was conceived in an act of love, not sin. And as father to two children I know my children were conceived by acts of love and they were born innocent of sin.

But I believe this guy had it right:
Ezekiel 28:15 - Thou [wast] perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
At least it is not a prejudicial statement.

btw, all this can be found in the Skeptical Annotated Bible
I said I did not introduce the word God. You are misquoting my post which is against the forum rules. As staff member you should adhere to that rule, IMO.
Kindly link a screenshot where I misquoted you...

and yet again a misquote That compound sentence consists of two separate statements divided by the word "and", i.e. the picture itself (and what it represents) is disgusting and the man is clearly obese.

You are right, your grasp of the English language would appear to be lacking.

Yes, unlike scripture which assigns sinfulness from birth. Now who lays blame on who's doorstep? I know for a fact that I was conceived in an act of love, not sin. And as father to two children I know my children were conceived by acts of love and they were born innocent of sin.

But I believe this guy had it right: At least it is not a prejudicial statement.

btw, all this can be found in the Skeptical Annotated Bible

Once again, you demonstrate your lack of comprehension. It is not a claim that the act of creating a child is sin, and has in fact been argued two ways (depending on how you translate the original text). The first states that it is making reference to Original Sin - that which we are all tainted with due to the actions of Adam and Eve.

The second can be found here:
“In sin” – in the last part of the verse seems clearly to refer to the condition of David’s mother. The Greek Septuagint uses plural forms of both the word for “iniquity” and “sin” thus literally “in iniquities” and “in sins”. That could not be referring to Adam’s single act of disobedience in the garden.3This is not to suggest that David’s birth came from an adulterous relationship on his mother’s part, but simply the fact that even his own mother (a universal symbol of purity) was subject to sin.

Ergo, he was born of someone who was sinful.

Now, if you are quite done with your duplicitous quote mining...
How was I being duplicitous... kindly prove that, since what you said was just proven FALSE (that God was not mentioned) - you were the one lying about God not being mentioned.
The word God had been mentioned at least 39 times before I entered the conversation, see post # 18.
I counted them.

Therefore I did not introduce the word God into the conversation.
W4U said,
Yes, I understand all of that. And your point is.....?

But apparently you did not understand the points I made, did you?
To be blunt - no, I am not sure what point you are attempting to make anymore. It seems to me you are simply looking for any excuse to lay blame on others...
Show me where I laid blame on anyone.