My new religion.

Well my new religion is Potentialism.

Instead of using the statement, "the unchanging, eternal, self-existent God," the "I am that I am," I use the statement, "the dynamical, eternal, self-existent Potential", the "I am that which may become Reality".

I find it remarkable that God refers to himself as "that", and not "who" or what" , but leaves it undefined.

At least I can defend my religion on scientific grounds, which, IMO, gives me an advantage over all other Theisms.
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Tell that to the termites, or the ants, or especially the honeybees, they practiced that commandment long before man came along.
Perhaps that's why they have managed to survive for hundreds of millions of years. But alas, they don't believe in anything. They just do it. Perhaps they have the wisdom of the angels?

Oh, dear, it just occurred to me that we always misunderstood the word angels and started believing in the wisdom of angles.
This would explain our misunderstanding of the concept of the Triad as meaning Triangles and the fractal nature of the Universe.

I'm not sure how you feel this false equivocation makes sense... after all, insects are not sapient.
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Please tell us more about this god who has given us everything we need

And who loves us

And will take us to heaven because we are the innocent and what is this thing you call justice?


I'm guessing you also blame guns for killing people, spoons for making people fat, and the toilet for smelling bad after you take a shit?
All three

But all three combined do not make me as dumb ass as a god apologist


So you ARE just here to troll... good to know.

In that case, my advice would be to quit while you are ahead. If you aren't going to even attempt to argue in good faith, then it would behoove you to simply not say anything.

Consider this a verbal warning.
So you ARE just here to troll... good to know.

In that case, my advice would be to quit while you are ahead. If you aren't going to even attempt to argue in good faith, then it would behoove you to simply not say anything.

Consider this a verbal warning.

I think if you read many of my other post I am not sure how you would concluded I troll

I am most certainly am not

The argument is about a new religion and so far it seems just the same as any other with love peace and happiness if you believe and the rest of us go to hell because we don't believe

No attempt is made to explain the workings of god in regard to the hell here on Earth apart from a vague reference to free will

I think if you read many of my other post I am not sure how you would concluded I troll

I am most certainly am not

The argument is about a new religion and so far it seems just the same as any other with love peace and happiness if you believe and the rest of us go to hell because we don't believe

No attempt is made to explain the workings of god in regard to the hell here on Earth apart from a vague reference to free will


You just admitted that you would blame an inanimate object for the actions committed by someone using it, and concluded by saying that such conclusions:

do not make me as dumb ass as a god apologist

That makes it pretty clear you aren't here to have any sort of rational discussion about religion.

You can disagree with something and still be rational about it.
You just admitted that you would blame an inanimate object for the actions committed by someone using it, and concluded by saying that such conclusions:

That makes it pretty clear you aren't here to have any sort of rational discussion about religion.

You can disagree with something and still be rational about it.

I find religion to be extremely irrational and my first thoughts about guns spoons and toilets was this person cannot be serious with such a irrational statement

Of course I don't blame them was going to be my initial response

But that would have been to easy

To give a reply which means something I replied in the manner I did

To me the reply I gave mirrors the irrational replies from god apologist

When the questions are asked about why does such and such happen on Earth the answer returned is a version of god moves in mysterious ways and the poor will be rewarded in heaven

Platitudes only for the mysterious ways of a loving god????

How about some love instead???

I find religion to be extremely irrational and my first thoughts about guns spoons and toilets was this person cannot be serious with such a irrational statement

Of course I don't blame them was going to be my initial response

But that would have been to easy

To give a reply which means something I replied in the manner I did

To me the reply I gave mirrors the irrational replies from god apologist

Translation - you were trolling because you don't feel a discussion in which religion is involved even deserves an honest response.

When the questions are asked about why does such and such happen on Earth the answer returned is a version of god moves in mysterious ways and the poor will be rewarded in heaven

Platitudes only for the mysterious ways of a loving god????

How about some love instead???


How about some love?
Muslims shield Christians when Al-Shabaab attacks bus in Kenya

Iraq's Muslims celebrate Christmas in solidarity with Christians

Images of solidarity as Christians join hands to protect Muslims as they pray during Cairo protests

Just three small examples... but there are plenty more. There is plenty of love. If you focus on the (admittedly loud) minority of "theists" that espouse hatred and greed, then of course you will question if God is loving.

Then again, I have a feeling you already know that... and that it is exactly the point.
Translation - you were trolling because you don't feel a discussion in which religion is involved even deserves an honest response.

How about some love?
Muslims shield Christians when Al-Shabaab attacks bus in Kenya

Iraq's Muslims celebrate Christmas in solidarity with Christians

Images of solidarity as Christians join hands to protect Muslims as they pray during Cairo protests

Just three small examples... but there are plenty more. There is plenty of love. If you focus on the (admittedly loud) minority of "theists" that espouse hatred and greed, then of course you will question if God is loving.

Then again, I have a feeling you already know that... and that it is exactly the point.

All posts should have a honest response

Mine was honestly sarcastic which I thought would have been obvious as the question about guns spoons and toilets was plain silly

I have tried within another thread to reason with someone who I thought might be a troll in what turned out to be a forlorn hope of finding out what they had to offer

The offer turned out to be two words

God is

As far as I know the thread is still going as I don't go there much as it reminds me I broke my own post guidelines not to exceed 3 PINGS

Also I have not read your three small examples simply because they would reduce any discussion down to PINGPONG if I went to find 3 examples in reply

Just as a couple of logical discussion points which I have not had a chance to follow up but may do soon

1 it appears to be a sin in the Catholic church to be superstitious

2 seen scrolling along the bottom of a news program last night it appears the bread for communion cannot be gluten free

Will follow up to find out the answer soon

Stay tuned

All posts should have a honest response

Mine was honestly sarcastic which I thought would have been obvious as the question about guns spoons and toilets was plain silly

I have tried within another thread to reason with someone who I thought might be a troll in what turned out to be a forlorn hope of finding out what they had to offer

The offer turned out to be two words

God is

As far as I know the thread is still going as I don't go there much as it reminds me I broke my own post guidelines not to exceed 3 PINGS

Also I have not read your three small examples simply because they would reduce any discussion down to PINGPONG if I went to find 3 examples in reply

Just as a couple of logical discussion points which I have not had a chance to follow up but may do soon

1 it appears to be a sin in the Catholic church to be superstitious

2 seen scrolling along the bottom of a news program last night it appears the bread for communion cannot be gluten free

Will follow up to find out the answer soon

Stay tuned


The crux of the issue is, you are attempting to lay blame on God for things Man has done.
I'm not sure how you feel this false equivocation makes sense... after all, insects are not sapient.
Are you asserting that insects are not created by god and just a by-product of natural evolution?

They were here long before hominids appeared and they will be here long after all hominids have disappeared.

Now which species seems to be favored by God? Metaphorically they still live in Eden, whereas God warned that eating the fruit of knowledge would surely cause our demise. Is that not a correct interpretation of the written scripture?

Insects don't believe in anything, yet they have survived hundreds of millions of years in spite of the most cataclysmic conditions, invented horticulture, husbandry, flight, communication, but they did all this within the constraints of the earth's biosphere, whereas man (made in god's image) seems to be very busy destroying the earth's biosphere and therefore its own species. I find a certain irony in that prospect.

Do you think God will save us from ourselves, because we believe in Him? :?
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Are you asserting that insects are not created by god and just a by-product of natural evolution?

They were here long before hominids appeared and they will be here long after all hominids have disappeared.

Now which species seems to be favored by God? Metaphorically they still live in Eden, whereas God warned that eating the fruit of knowledge would surely cause our demise. Is that not a correct interpretation of the written scripture?

Insects don't believe in anything, yet they have survived hundreds of millions of years in spite of the most cataclysmic conditions, invented horticulture, husbandry, flight, communication, but they did all this within the constraints of the earth's biosphere, whereas man (made in god's image) seems to be very busy destroying the earth's biosphere and therefore its own species. I find a certain irony in that prospect.

Do you think God will save us from ourselves, because we believe in Him? :?

I have to ask... how does any of that have anything to do with insects being Sapient?

You understand what Sapience is, yes?

You also understand what instinct is... yes?
The crux of the issue is, you are attempting to lay blame on God for things Man has done.

More trying to understand WHAT is required by god who to me seems to send very mixed messages

Starting with Adam and Eve

Here you go nice little paradise for you

But don't eat from the tree of knowledge

Two questions spring to mind

If Eve had not eaten from the tree of knowledge would we still be dumb asses residing in paradise?

Why didn't all knowing God know Adam and Eve were defective in that they would be disobedient?

And YES humans are responsible for all the evil bad stuff in the world and

NO I don't blame any of it on god

In exactly the same way I say humans are RESPONSIBLE

for all the best good stuff in the world and

I don't give any CREDIT to god for any of that

There is no god to blame or credit for ANY human activity

ANY human activity is within the sole domain of human thought and action

There is no hell to go to if you are bad and

certainly no back door to heaven by begging for forgiveness after doing bad things

I get on with my life without having to be concerned if I am engaged in breaking any arbitrary rules of religion which are said to have been handed down by some super-duper almighty Authority

I have to ask... how does any of that have anything to do with insects being Sapient?

You understand what Sapience is, yes?

You also understand what instinct is... yes?
Yes, I understand all of that. And your point is.....?

But apparently you did not understand the points I made, did you?
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The crux of the issue is, you are attempting to lay blame on God for things Man has done.

As per my

I get on with my life without having to be concerned if I am engaged in breaking any arbitrary rules of religion which are said to have been handed down by some super-duper almighty Authority

Vatican outlaws gluten-free bread for Holy Communion

In a letter issued last month, Sarah also reminded bishops that hosts should be made by people "distinguished by their integrity" -- and that adding fruit or sugar is a "grave abuse"

Heavens above adding fruit or sugar is a grave abuse

I admit ignorance of much of the bible but I am curious if it contains a recipe section which gives guidence for the making of
Communion bread?

What would you need to add for it to amount to a catastrophe?

Rainbow sprinkles?


I get on with my life without having to be concerned if I am engaged in breaking any arbitrary rules of religion which are said to have been handed down by some super-duper almighty Authority

Cardinal Robert Sarah of the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

What a awe inspiring title

Wonder what size office he has?

or even pronouncements from such lofty heights as the

Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments



Yes, I understand all of that. And your point is.....?

But apparently you did not understand the points I made, did you?

To be blunt - no, I am not sure what point you are attempting to make anymore. It seems to me you are simply looking for any excuse to lay blame on others...

As per my

Vatican outlaws gluten-free bread for Holy Communion

In a letter issued last month, Sarah also reminded bishops that hosts should be made by people "distinguished by their integrity" -- and that adding fruit or sugar is a "grave abuse"

Heavens above adding fruit or sugar is a grave abuse

I admit ignorance of much of the bible but I am curious if it contains a recipe section which gives guidence for the making of
Communion bread?

What would you need to add for it to amount to a catastrophe?

Rainbow sprinkles?


Cardinal Robert Sarah of the Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

What a awe inspiring title

Wonder what size office he has?

or even pronouncements from such lofty heights as the

Vatican's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments



Nifty... you have proven my point well (that Man takes what was given and twists it to their own ways)

One of the stranger aspects of Catholic Communion is the idea that the "breaking of bread and drinking of the cup" is, quite literally, consuming the body and blood of christ.

Transubstantiation (in Latin, transsubstantiatio, in Greek μετουσίωσις metousiosis) is, according to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the change of substance by which the bread and wine offered in the sacrifice of the sacrament of the Eucharist during the Mass, become, in reality, the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

The Catholic Church teaches that the substance, or essence, of the Eucharistic offering is changed into both the body and blood of Christ.[1] Belief in this doctrine was made obligatory by the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215, and was later challenged by various 15th century reformers—John Wycliffe in particular.[2]

The manner in which the change occurs, the Catholic Church teaches, is a mystery: "The signs of bread and wine become, in a way surpassing understanding, the Body and Blood of Christ."[3]:1333 The precise terminology to be used to refer to the nature of the Eucharist, and its theological implications, has a contentious history especially in the Protestant Reformation.[4]

In the Greek Orthodox Church, the doctrine has been discussed under the term of metousiosis, coined as a direct loan-translation of transsubstantiatio in the 17th century. In Eastern Orthodoxy in general, the Sacred Mystery(Sacrament) of the Eucharist is more commonly discussed using alternative terms such as "trans-elementation" (μεταστοιχείωσις, metastoicheiosis), "re-ordination" (μεταρρύθμισις, metarrhythmisis), or simply "change" (μεταβολή,

It is an... interesting... idea, to say the least. It would seem that in following with that train of thought, this banning of gluten free bread is caused by the thought that it is not "true Eucharist", and thus cannot undergo transubstantiation, which would render the Holy Communion moot.


My own thoughts on the matter - the "body and blood" of Christ is not a literal meaning in the Communion -
1 Corinthians 11:23-25
23For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: that the Lord Jesus, on the night He was betrayed, took bread, 24andwhen He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body,which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”” 25In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

Christ was not saying to LITERALLY eat his flesh and drink his blood - rather, it was a symbolic gesture, saying that he was giving up his very life for us. Methodists follow the idea that, "in Holy Communion, Jesus Christ is present with his worshipping people and gives himself to them as their Lord and Saviour.

*shrugs* Again, comes down to mankind deciding to interpret things differently.