Men never set their feet on the Moon

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You bullshit, many people volunteered to go to the MARS.
It is not possible nobody wants to go to the moon.

"wanting something"
"being capable of something"

are 2 completely different things

once Russia landed a rover on the moon, they knew they would be able to retrieve samples.
but is was a global race to be globally recognized as the leader of modern civilization
so USA needed to put people physically on the moon surface tom take the lead.

USA had all the best rocket scientists in the world
Russia did not
so USA had more reliable less risk

no other country had the resources or technology to land anything on the moon, least of which a human AND return them safe & alive.

there was no large enough profitable goal from continuing to spend MASSIVE resources on launching things or people to the moon.

"nobody wanted to because it was 100% loss & no gain once the USA had shown they were world #1"

You bullshit, many people volunteered to go to the MARS.

modern highly advanced cutting edge science technology
shows it is possible to safely live in a bubble for many years
some people superficially think this would be amazing
50 years ago going to mars would be a certain death by suicide eventually unless you decided to starve to death
with advanced modern technology
developed over the last 60 years
people could live for many years safely and in a better level of wealth than hundreds of millions in the world.
like people put into 5 star quarantine hotels, who complain about being locked up.

They filmed the landing earlier.
in 1969 there is no technology to broadcast video live from moon to earth.

who told you that ?
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The video of 1969 moon landing got many doubts, blank screen intermediately during broadcast, Stanley Kubrick filmed it in London.
It is really very simple. We sent men to the moon who after much searching reported there were no Big Macs available so no one wanted to go there. If you can provide evidence of a Starbucks we might be able to generate interest in a tour group.
The video of 1969 moon landing got many doubts, blank screen intermediately during broadcast
If Stanley Kubrick had been filming it, and the US government had been broadcasting it, then there wouldn't have been interference and blank screens!

This material has been widely canvassed on many other forums. This is essentially spam, not an honest inquiry. Please stop it.
Here's something I never saw addressed on the other Apollo threads.

Jet Wintzer, MOON HOAX NOW

At the 40:13 time mark the sound during the missions is analyzed. At the 48:47 time mark they show an anomaly in which the sound of a thrown object hitting the lander is picked up which is supposed to be impossible in a vacuum. I'd like to hear the pro-Apollo posters' analyses of that.
1. No on-board black box recorder?
2. No chance of tape having been doctored?
3. Who is Jet Wintzer, our new Don Quixote?
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At the 48:47 time mark they show an anomaly in which the sound of a thrown object hitting the lander is picked up which is supposed to be impossible in a vacuum.
Nope. Sound has no problem being transmitted through metal - say, through the hull of the LEM to the microphone mounted inside the LEM. In fact, metal conducts sound better than air.

Nope. Sound has no problem being transmitted through metal - say, through the hull of the LEM to the microphone mounted inside the LEM. In fact, metal conducts sound better than air.
I guess there's no way to verify whether there was a microphone inside the LEM.

Watch the video between the 47:40 and 48:30 time marks. The NASA site for kids says that there is no sound when the astronaut is hammering a pole. Yet, when we watch the footage, we can hear sound.
Here's something I never saw addressed on the other Apollo threads.
At the 40:13 time mark the sound during the missions is analyzed. At the 48:47 time mark they show an anomaly in which the sound of a thrown object hitting the lander is picked up which is supposed to be impossible in a vacuum. I'd like to hear the pro-Apollo posters' analyses of that.

You were given links to this on the political forum where you also put this years old junk!

Here's a question that I would be staggered if you gave an honest answer to! WHY would they use ANY sound during filming? Surely you people claim it was all dubbed on after filming?
There, now we've covered the glaring inconsistency between hoax nuts, the sound that we heard from the LM. The circuitry on the LM acts as a sound pickup - microphonics. Basically the impact vibration is picked up and amplified. There is also the fact that there are literally hundreds of noises like this dotted around the 50 odd hours of surface activity and it could simply be just a coincidence.

Either way, something like that wouldn't actually make much noise. So YOU explain the mechanism by which they would have picked up the sound. Surely you don't think they were dumb enough to use external microphones in a supposed vacuum?

Watch the video between the 47:40 and 48:30 time marks. The NASA site for kids says that there is no sound when the astronaut is hammering a pole. Yet, when we watch the footage, we can hear sound.

Vibrations through his arm/hammer, then through the suit microphone. Again, surely you aren't suggesting they would be colossally stupid to ever use an external microphone? So YOU explain the mechanism by which they would have picked up the sound.

Simple experiment. Right hand place index finger and cover right ear. Tap wrist with left index finger. Loud huh? Take finger out of ear and you can't hear it. Your film is ignorant bullshit.
FatFreddy said: At the 48:47 time mark they show an anomaly in which the sound of a thrown object hitting the lander is picked up which is supposed to be impossible in a vacuum.
And who made the recording and where was it made? Outside or inside the LEM?
So YOU explain the mechanism by which they would have picked up the sound.
They were in a studio and the sound travelled through the air.

How do you explain the difference between what happened during the spacewalk and what happened during the Apollo footage (40:07 time mark)?
They were in a studio and the sound travelled through the air.

How so very typical of you - you really have no honesty during debate. I just made a large post and you ignored it all and made a really, really dumb claim and cherry picked a single line. ANSWER ALL MY POST!

Are you suggesting that they were stupid enough to use outside bloody microphones!? Try again, this time honestly! How was the sound picked up? There is no sound needed to be picked up by external microphones so the idea they used them is painfully stupid.

How do you explain the difference between what happened during the spacewalk and what happened during the Apollo footage (40:07 time mark)?

I actually find this Wintzer bloke to be an appalling liar. He played a tiny segment of the hammering sequence during which he found the 2 sounds to be in synch with the hammer hits. BUT, if you play the whole sequence either side this lying charlatan fails to show the hammer strikes where there is no sound or the sound occurs out of synch! I would expect a slight sound possibly on bigger strikes but not all of them depending on arm position.

Again a simple resonance experiment. Right arm bent at elbow covering right ear. Tap forearm and wrist area gently you hear it, now tap your upper arm which should be horizontal. Virtually nothing.

Are you suggesting that they were stupid enough to use outside bloody microphones!?
I never said that and the guy who made the video never said that. According to the video the sound went through the air to the microphone inside the astronaut's space suit. What we see in the footage is consistent with that.

Here's a question that I would be staggered if you gave an honest answer to! WHY would they use ANY sound during filming? Surely you people claim it was all dubbed on after filming?
It kind of looks like they weren't careful enough in the planning of the fakery and didn't deal with the sound issue.

there are literally hundreds of noises like this dotted around the 50 odd hours of surface activity
Vibrations through his arm/hammer, then through the suit microphone.
Why does it happen in the Apollo footage and not in the space station footage?

He played a tiny segment of the hammering sequence during which he found the 2 sounds to be in synch with the hammer hits. BUT, if you play the whole sequence either side this lying charlatan fails to show the hammer strikes where there is no sound or the sound occurs out of synch!
In the vacuum on the moon there wouldn't be any cases of sound. There wouldn't be a mix of sound and no sound.

How do you know that video at the bottom of post #55 isn't doctored?

And who made the recording and where was it made? Outside or inside the LEM?

According to the video the system NASA used for the astronauts to communicate with each other picked up the sound of the work they were doing because the sound travelled through the air in the studio and was picked up by the microphones inside their suits.
According to the video the system NASA used for the astronauts to communicate with each other picked up the sound of the work they were doing because the sound travelled through the air in the studio and was picked up by the microphones inside their suits
No, that is the conspiracy version.
Let's start with the actual moon scene. Was there a person inside the LEM who was recording the various communications? Did the LEM itself have a black box that recorded the state of the LEM itself?
Only if you can rule out all possible versions of the actually recorded moon landing, can you begin to entertain some kind of make-believe staged studio event.

A sound in a recording is not nearly enough evidence to debunk an event that had thousands of participants all around the world. Try to confirm their story before you try to confirm a story by some wannabe hero who claimed to have uncovered a grand scheme to defraud science and the public. Stay in reality as much as you can......:D
Note that some of the scenes are simulations by broadcasting studios because of the absence of cameras on the lunar surface at that time.

Listen to the breathing that sounds like an object hitting a wall. This is due to the popping of a breath that hits the microphone. This might happen when someone throws an object away and exhales.
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You didn't address this.
Why does it happen in the Apollo footage and not in the space station footage?
What you say happens in the Apollo footage should also happen in the space station footage, shouldn't it? Watch the video at the 41:40 time mark.
You didn't address this.

What you say happens in the Apollo footage should also happen in the space station footage, shouldn't it? Watch the video at the 41:40 time mark.
And what happened to the video in post #55 , no sound. So which is the original?

And who put Wintzer's video together? It's not the original which I just posted in post #58 and it is clearly doctored in several places.

So, who are you gonna trust?
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